Has there ever been an instance where White Knighting has gotten you laid or even gotten you preferential treatment?

Do providers even respect a White Knight versus one who shoots from the hip and talks straight regardless of whose toes get stepped on?

The question is not not at all directed at anyone in particular.

I'm just curious because every time I see a WK rise up like Don Quixote I usually just shake my head wondering what they expect to get out it.
txAustin202's Avatar
Why don't you define white knighting? Is pointing out fabrications considered being a WK?
Why don't you define white knighting? Is pointing out fabrications considered being a WK? Originally Posted by txAustin202
I wasn't referring to your spat with Homer/Whisper. I wasn't even referring to you in particular.

I'm pretty sure by now everyone on the board knows WK behavior when they see it although many will describe it differently.

My question is however one defines White Knighting, has it EVER resulted in a free or discounted session? Does it even impress the ladies being defended?

I ask this because no ladies I've come across in the civie world or in the hobby respect an ass kisser even when it's their own ass being kissed.
txAustin202's Avatar
Still pretty hard to answer this question without a clear definition. Someone might be responding because he deems it wrong and not even be thinking about gaining favors but the "ho" bashers will always consider it being a WK.
Still pretty hard to answer this question without a clear definition. Someone might be responding because he deems it wrong and not even be thinking about gaining favors but the "ho" bashers will always consider it being a WK. Originally Posted by txAustin202
Yes some shit you post and do is considered white nighting. Not all but some. Examples of white nighting are. A lady get's a bad review and guys are like- sorry dude that happened but a white night comes in and starts bashing the reviewer and blaming it on them. Another example is a coed thread or alert about a NSNC from a lady and the WK comes in to defend the lady and again blame in on the dude.

I'm sure for some guys it works out depending on their relationship with chicks. For instance 202 openly talks about a lady he see's on the reg so him WK'ing her probably goes a lot farther then say him WK'ing for a chick he's only seen once or never at all. I think most of these ladies are charging everyone so it doesn't matter. I've posted up for ladies myself if I know them and the situation but I'm generally not on either. I would like to hear the ladies side of if they grant special favors. Most of the ladies I've talked to don't even have respect for the WK's, or they treat them like their gay best friend. Over on the leaks site I've read some funny shit posted in the PR that answers some of this.
I wasn't referring to your spat with Homer/Whisper. I wasn't even referring to you in particular.

I'm pretty sure by now everyone on the board knows WK behavior when they see it although many will describe it differently.

My question is however one defines White Knighting, has it EVER resulted in a free or discounted session? Does it even impress the ladies being defended?

I ask this because no ladies I've come across in the civie world or in the hobby respect an ass kisser even when it's their own ass being kissed. Originally Posted by Codybeast
I'm trying to figure out how you think you are going to get an honest answer to this question from either side.
txAustin202's Avatar
Why don't you give an example of where I was a WK Homer. State some facts for once. I would stand up for another guy if people were bashing him for no reason. Yeah I've received multiple big favors even though I've never asked for one. Was it because I was kissing ass? No. It was simply from being a good guy.
I have been guilty of WK over my years and yes it helped me out, but I doubt I got any freebies from it...
Why don't you give an example of where I was a WK Homer. State some facts for once. I would stand up for another guy if people were bashing him for no reason. Yeah I've received multiple big favors even though I've never asked for one. Was it because I was kissing ass? No. It was simply from being a good guy. Originally Posted by txAustin202
Do you realize you posted three times and not once have you even come close to answering anything. There are 6 posts and three of them are you asking for clarification. I got a question for you

Do you ever get tired of being the dumbest person in the room? Do you get tired of being around people in a crowded room and being the only one without a clue? ( or do your social skills prevent you from interacting with normal folks) The only time I've met you, you sat in your chair with a big poutty look on your face and didn't interact with the group at all. Were you not raised to be social or did you just not develop any social skills growing up. Is this why you work out so much every day?
I would imagine the majority of the ladies don't care which side you're on, as long as you continue to give them business.

Special favors? Not likely in most cases, but I'm sure it happens now and then. However, I don't think that is the motivation most of the time.

Sometimes the guys genuinely care about whatever lady they are defending beyond the "hobby relationship". Not the best road to go down, but it is a well-traveled one.

Other guys are simply trying to validate themselves through their "better" experience. "Hey look at me, I must be a better customer than you. She must like me more than you. She didn't do that to me", etc... Self-validation is pretty common around here. Just read the reviews. We have some real Casanovas around these parts.
txAustin202's Avatar
Seriously who's the dumb one? At least I can count. I asked for clarification on the first two and answered in the third. And of course you still can't provide any facts. Just talking out of your ass like usual.
Seriously who's the dumb one? At least I can count. I asked for clarification on the first two and answered in the third. And of course you still can't provide any facts. Just talking out of your ass like usual. Originally Posted by txAustin202
You asked me a question in the third one. It's good to see you're still acting like infantile. Na ah, that's not what I said. I see it know, you're an emotional adolescent. I get it but I can't speak infantile here, it's just too damn creepy.

Ok, if you want me to bring it all up again. I am speaking of back before your banning with Tori. In certain threads Tori's TCB and NCNS's came up. You were an avid defender of her but I don't remember you really being over the top which is why I wouldn't put you in the WK department as much as just overly obsessed. The way you handled Tori and Katie with me and the list I would consider not WK'ing just fact finding or fact dismissing.

How is that, now can you stick to the complete post or as usual are you going to find fault with one thing and post about that because you don't want us all to know that you really can't logically discuss topics and instead can only post short "let me pick at this" post's.
Still pretty hard to answer this question without a clear definition. Someone might be responding because he deems it wrong and not even be thinking about gaining favors but the "ho" bashers will always consider it being a WK. Originally Posted by txAustin202
Why don't you define white knighting? Is pointing out fabrications considered being a WK? Originally Posted by txAustin202
Why don't you give an example of where I was a WK Homer. State some facts for once. I would stand up for another guy if people were bashing him for no reason. Yeah I've received multiple big favors even though I've never asked for one. Was it because I was kissing ass? No. It was simply from being a good guy. Originally Posted by txAustin202

Three post's, wow I can count too. All asking for clarification or questions. At least you did talk on topic at the bottom of the last one.
txAustin202's Avatar
You are so full of it. I never once defended any TCB or NCNS issues. I believe everyone needs to own up to their mistakes. Put a link to it. I also never once defended Katie. You somehow thought I was talking about her. I even had to say that the person I was talking about wasn't in the thread. Also remember who started this nonsense with the "3 asshats" comment.
I have been guilty of WK over my years and yes it helped me out, but I doubt I got any freebies from it... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Truth be told I bet at one point we've all been a WK for some lady, maybe because we like them (not like like, but like in provider or friend way) or because we want to see them or because we know the situation or blindly believe we do. I kinda white nighted for Beth the other day in The Nights alert on her. I wasn't looking for anything as I rarely see providers anymore (mostly just at socials).