The Real World for Providers...Honest Insight Requested

So I have a question. Does your profession change your real life and are relationships even possible

I know its odd. But I am curious on some viewpoints on it
Heres a few big questions:

1. Is a relationship with a provider possible if a man is secure enough?
2. Do most providers live a secluded life because of the business?
3. How do you deal with being alone in the real world as a provider?
  • jwood
  • 07-13-2015, 08:02 PM
I have seen many ladies that are married and that's just the ones that have volunteered the information. Now whether their happily married, don't know about that. But it's very possible.
I had to tell my SO about phoenixxx.. Our monies started to combine and there was a obvious ass increase in the cash flow & deposits that my salary ( from working at the office) couldnt explain..... He asked and I told the truth. And that opened up a space for random low blows for a while. He's out on the rig & thinks I'm just at home ya know LOL ugh

Living a double .. Triple ... Life that you cannot be open about is HARD as hell !! Being a woman .... A provider mother ...student and future wife trying to STAY SANE dealing with some of the not so nice men that you occasionally come across in this business. dont get me wrong. I LOVE IT
And it's nothing wrong with what you're doing OWN IT but it IS something wrong with the way you will be thought of and treated from that moment that they find out even though they might not express judgement.

OH and don't mess up and let a hater find out who you are & what you do. That's a whole other ballgame.

In my opinion either keep it to yourself....or come out with it asap if asked by someone you feel deserves the truth. and then you will be at peace being exactly who you are... A badass MF at least that's how I feel on the clock
An addendum to thr PM I sent earlier...
I make the assumption that everyone will eventually find out. That may not be the case, but I'd rather be prepared for the worst.... So I evaluate each relationship I have... kids, family, friends, romantic, etc and consider the likely outcomes if they A. Hear it from me B. Hear it from someone else or C. Stumble across my profile or some telltale info on their own. Me telling them isn't always the best option surprisingly, and in those cases, I keep my discretion up and leave it to fate. Otherwise, I am prepared to have as many awkward conversations as necessary to defend my chosen profession and try to keep some trust and balance in my life... There are many people I love and care for in this world, but in the end I am the one who HAS to live with myself and the consequences of my decisions, not them... In the times I've scraped bottom in life, no one was there to pick me back up but me. And I have. So I hope for understanding and acceptance, but I am also always aware that may not be the case...
BTW, so far I have not lost a single friend or loved one by telling them. The general consensus has been one of respect and support. That, too, has been a bit of a (pleasant) surprise...
All my best friends back home, and all my family knows. I just think of this as a job, not what defines me as a person. I also (ironically) HATE lying, especially to people I love. So telling the truth is just easier for me. I haven't lost any friends since 2009 my start in biz..... My Mom and me have had a laugh over funny domination stories or interested chracter stories many times LOL. I really love being open with everyone. When I might have anxiety or of had a potentially crummy day I can vent to any of them, and thats nice.
It is very hard. Know a couple of providers that are open with their husbands but I think in the long run it still causes problems.
It is also hard for clients as I have tried to date civi ladies while being in the hobby and for me the hobby ruins this as the ladies I have dated just don't measure up to the hobby ladies in play time.
Plus they ladies I date want more out of the relationship than I can give.
It may be just me which I do understand but have had lots of experience with both for several years.
Congrats to those that can make it work and have the best of both worlds.
Good thread, thanks for starting it.
I appreciate all the insight so far. It really helps my thoughts to see where others are. I've always been an honest person. Every relationship I've had since I've been in the hobby I was honest from day 1. It seems to have not been the best choice as every one of those relationships failed. So I'm left here pondering honesty hooking and relationships lol
bridgette, don't be too hard on yourself. most relationships don't last, including marriage. keep trying, and keep being truthful. you will find one that works.
bridgette, don't be too hard on yourself. most relationships don't last, including marriage. keep trying, and keep being truthful. you will find one that works. Originally Posted by old-n-new

Thanks even though now I feel like I'm taking SO applications on a hooker board haha
Ask yourself if you'd quit if you can find a dude to support you after knowing what you do for a living...if the answers NO after taking money out of the equation, then you prolly aren't ready for a relationship like that. Dudes are territorial, they don't like to share, unless they are preditorial and spending YOUR money.
pumpkineater's Avatar
Ask yourself if you'd quit if you can find a dude to support you after knowing what you do for a living...if the answers NO after taking money out of the equation, then you prolly aren't ready for a relationship like that. Dudes are territorial, they don't like to share, unless they are preditorial and spending YOUR money. Originally Posted by Thinkinwithmydick

BA....If I was younger, not married, and had a bigger.... err uh bank account I'd submit a SO application. Lol
Yes, a relationship is possible, but it takes a special kind of man.

And you need to be an understanding, special kind of woman.
Dear Bridgette:
This is a time for self examination. With that said, I am sure since you have started in the business you have been more guarded with certain types of information with people you know causally and only your real close friends know that you are a participant in the industry of commercial companionship. Now the question is having a legitimate relationship while having the occupation that you are currently in. The type of person that you need is someone who believes that your heart is his although you are physically giving yourself for a temporary time to another. Once he is secure with that and he doesn't believe that is cheating that is a good start to begin with in your relationship because you have established a baseline of honesty. Also you should go on Maggie Mcneill's site and ask some questions. She is an active sex worker and can also give you some insight on how it is to be married and active in the business.