I was asked this question and its in my mind...

If there were 3 people you could have a dinner with who would they be, and why? They could be famous, alive, passed away, etc... Just bringing up some maybe fun conversation.

w900l's Avatar
  • w900l
  • 01-14-2010, 09:11 PM
Elvis Presly, Tom Jones(the singer), and Hugh Hefner we would be covered up with good-looking sexy women, oh and you could be there also Karina. I would be drooling so bad I wouldn't be able to eat dinner and couldn't stand up because of the...... well you know.
ODN25's Avatar
  • ODN25
  • 01-14-2010, 09:15 PM
Winston Churchill, Benjamin Franklin and Nostradamus I would hope that would be a great conversation.
George Washington, Leonardo DiVinci and my Grandfather
Elvis Presly, Tom Jones(the singer), and Hugh Hefner we would be covered up with good-looking sexy women, oh and you could be there also Karina. I would be drooling so bad I wouldn't be able to eat dinner and couldn't stand up because of the...... well you know. Originally Posted by w900l
Dont stand, you'd knock things over like in the movie, "road trip"

PoppyToyota's Avatar
Nicole Preston - Because she is leaving and I'm going to miss her.
Lauren Summerhill - Because I would like to meet the woman behind the mask.
Natasha Fame - Because that accent is sexy as hell!!
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Discounting fictional people? (also ignoring a language barrier and hygiene issues of their times)

Joshua Abraham Norton, Emperor of these United States and Protector of Mexico. Quite possibly my favorite historical figure, and too much crazy awesome (or awesome crazy, or both) to summarize here with any justice.

Miyamoto Musashi in his later years. Philosophy, fighting, and art. Think he would be a good contrast. Plus I've gotta confess I'm a bit of a Japanophile.

Grace Kelly in her prime. Have to have a beautiful lady in the group, and she seems like she'd be able to hold her own in the mix. Could also discuss Hitchcock, co-stars, and a bit of old school Hollywood.
Karina, you look so delicious, I would want you for Dinner, ...er I mean as a date for Dinner
Tbone - why? are you rare, medium or well done- just asking?

Sphunter why? Im nosy, im trying to figure where exactly does that poke in his avatar of his end. Im sure they have the funniest hobby stories ever.

George Bush and George Bush Sr., i got alot of questions, it would be a very long dinner. They are related- can they count as one. Lol
rikz944's Avatar
Mark Twain - a master humorist
Jimmy Buffet - I bet he has a story or two
Holly Hunter - She still rocks. I might get my hand slapped, but I'm reachin for it under the table.
Winston Churchill, Benjamin Franklin and Nostradamus I would hope that would be a great conversation. Originally Posted by ODN25
?? Nostradamus wouldnt understand what the other 2 were talking about... even if you taught him English first
East Clintwood - tough guy with brains and style

Monica Blewinski - under table desert for all to share

Jacques Custeau - determination, brains and style

I would also like to invite Tiger Woods, but we are eating real food, not just tomato soup, plus there are no straws on the table.
otrdriver's Avatar
Dwight Eisenhouer, Ronald Reagan, Ben Franklin

want to know how we can get out of this mess we are in!
HH the 14th Dalai Lama, My paternal Grandfather and Queen Boudica.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Julia Child...I'm old enough to recall her PBS TV shows.
In addition to being entertaining, she could whip up a mean boeuf bourguignon.

Julius Caesar...He may have been the first great geopolitician. First rate author, great general, and he knew you can't trust skinny people (yon Cassius).

Sarah Palin...It doesn't start with a "Juli", but the only other name that comes to mind is Julius La Rosa (the mediocre singer.) Sarah would would rival Nostradamus and his nonsense in bringing that ever so scintillating conversation category..."the beauty pagent answer" to the fore!

...and Nostradamus I would hope that would be a great conversation. Originally Posted by ODN25
If that were to happen someone would have already interpreted it from one of his inane quatrains.