My first NC/NS ever: Gee, thanks, Julia Suzette

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Her Houston provider ad popped up yesterday morning, followed a few minutes later by an email. We had previously been set for a date in early October, but she canceled on a timely basis, citing an excuse along the lines of "Uncle Claude forgot to shut the cattle gap so I was late at the airport from chasing them escaped calves". No big deal, just an unexpected opportunity for me to check out Classy Kimberly. Surprised by joy, I was deprived of nothing by her failure to arrive in Houston. Kimberly is a treasure.

Later in October Julia Suzette emailed me about a planned makeup sortie to Houston, but this was during Dayana's visit and I had 2-hours scheduled with her on consecutive nights during her stay...Thank goodness I resisted Julia's entreaties to see her one of those nights rather than Dayana; that would have been my all-time stupidest decision because she allegedly started illing and NS/NC'd Snorkle and other fine fellows. I bought the illing part, and conveniently ignored her lack of even a courtesy call to those stranded mongers. I wonder whether Snorkle et al were scheduled for one or multi-hours.

Which brings us to her yesterday's email: "Third time's the charm", or something similar, it began....hopes she hadn't burnt bridges by her serial clusterfucks got expressed...Despite being drained by a strenuous weekend with an old friend in another city, then driving back to Houston to get re-drained on Sunday night, I agreed to book a 1-hour session just because her pics are hot and because she claims to provide a compelling menu. Five e-mails were exchanged, each way. I sniffed a tell in her third email when she confirmed the time, but questioned the duration..."7 this evening it is...just one hour?" My hairs stood on end when I saw that pointed question.

Regardless, I trundled over to the lobby of her hotel and S.O.P. called at 5 minutes answer. Called again on the answer. And again at 5 minutes past the answer, at which point I hauled ass. Called a couple of additional times en route back to Hqs, no answer, nor did she call or email.

Well, hell, I tried to keep reminding myself of my inordinately good luck in never having experienced a "joy" like that during my entire 5+ years of this "hobby" nonsense...sure, a time or two little Ashley and I had miscommunications when we had to meet at the pizza joint in BFE...but I never left the house until I was certain the trip would not be wasted and nothing in little Ashley's behavior with me rose to the level of cold-blooded contempt shown by this "classic" NC/NS.

I had assessed Julia Suzette to be of good character. I erred. Right or wrong, the lesson I took from this episode is this: boys, when you book an hour with Julia Suzette, you must never forget you are flying on standby.

Thus ends the sad saga of unkie donny and julia suzette.

But my lucky streak continues:

Back at hqs, stuffed to the gills with V, circling confused like a bewildered dog finding a place to lay down, and contemplating slamming the car door on Little Elvis to facilitate laying down, I fired up my computer in order to post about my Joys(not) With Julia....but I got sidetracked by pics of this pretty girl...Barbie708. I never met her, had swerved away because of rumors of management and the cbj curse, but had lately heard reassuring things about her and called. Left a vm. She called back immediately, I explained the circumstances, fired her my P411, and 20 minutes later was at her inkall.

Well, I had forgotten about the cbj part and boogered a bit when she wrapped Elvis before kissing him...but, so what...other than that, which in and of itself is not a big deal to me, I was very extremely happy at how the night turned out for me. I gotta tell you, boys, Barbie708 is an under-rated treasure...she's marching directly into my starting rotation.

Viva Barbie 708!

Julia WHO?
proper's Avatar
Uncle Donnie - Thanks for the detailed account. I had been eyeing miss NC/NS myself but i am so done with that. BTW i am jealous of your rotation
you were Julia's lose and Barbie's treasure....lucky Barbie!
Wayward's Avatar
Now that was funny.

While NSNC threADs tend to be informative and annoying all at the same time, this one was a jewel. Thanks for looking on the bright side of something we have all been though, wait except for you.... Now the universe is back in balance.
Nice post Lukbak. I really do not know what the deal is with Julia. I have had one appointment cancelled and many emails ignored. My requests were for a 2 hour session but they are for SF, her hometown which she services much less than Dallas.
im starting to wonder what will happen tomorrow with my appt. the thing is i emailed her when she 1st came in town in october and never heard back from her. the other day i received an email from her telling me she was back in town and to see if i wanted to schedule an appt. we emailed back and forth and im "supposed" to see her tomorrow. we shall see.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Bro, sorry for your misfortune and happy for your good luck.

I have exchanged emails with Julia and also wanted to see her - sad about her TCB skills.

Hopefully she will say something in her own defense.
......You have been fucked! ......


Thanks for sharing though....
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
you were Julia's lose and Barbie's treasure....lucky Barbie! Originally Posted by babydollsnow
You're too kind, Snow. Thanks. Very glad to see you back and frisky.

As of this moment, nary a peep out of Miss Julia. If there's evidence she even was/is in Houston, in the flesh, I am unaware of it.
carkido45's Avatar
If you hobby long enough NC/NS happen.
If you hobby long enough you know what to do hit the computer and contacts.
I live by the words "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" if you NC/NS me once, I won't give you a second chance.
Captain Gus's Avatar
Thanks for the warning on this lady;
I hope her business suffers for what she is doing;
  • h2h
  • 11-16-2010, 08:28 PM
Sorry for your bad experience Don!!! I had an NC/NS happen to me with Brendolyn once and I exactly know how you feel. According to this review, she is (or was) in Houston.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Thanks, fellas...really it ain't no thang, not like some horrible shit befell contraire, if Julia had shown up I probably would never have gotten around to meeting the lovely and cool Barbie708...what a sweetheart! Topsy turvy world, I had bought into Julia's classiness...and got schooled in classlessness...and the girl I had doubted, Barbie, was plainly and simply an immediate old friend...gonna host her soonest. I wouldn't have had it turn out any other way. In the words of Blind Willie Johnson, Praise God, I'm Satisfied.

Naw, no need to hope for her business to fail over this...the sole purpose has been to add potentially useful info so that future potential johns can better make an informed decision on whether or not to choose her. There's very little credible information out there on her, and there are 200+/- girls available on P411....she might want to thank her lucky stars every time she gets a nibble that some mutt chose her and not the other couple hundred. If it serves as a tiny spur to help her up her game, then that's of course good for her.

Any anger I had, which wasn't all that much, was over wasting a perfectly good $20 viagra....and our little sister of mercy, Barbie, squeezed every last drop of that good stuff out, without wasting a single molecule.

Hey, it's all Forrest Gump stuff....and I lucked out big time on the treat from that famous box of chocolates.
She cancelled my appt yesterday and NC/NS me today after rescheduling. I was kind of expecting the NC/NC due to previous experience.