How much notice is average prior to a session?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Living rather far out of town as I do in the deep, dark, spooky woods with the herd of wild chihuahuas, I have to plan my schedule and trips into Houston more than most providers, not a problem as long as I have adequate notice. Last minute appointments are pretty much impossible for me, which I know does hurt my, um, profit margin. I wonder - what IS the average margin a lady receives in advance of profitable insertion?

Gentlemen, how much notice do you usually give, and separately, what's the maximum/minimum you think a lady should require? Ladies, ideally how much would you prefer? Gentlemen, if you can't get in touch with a provider quickly, does that forever rule the lady out as far as you're concerned? No, I don't mean by email or phone, but literally how fast you can get in the sack with her. Thanks!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I typically make appointments several days ahead of time. Occasionally I call to get a session same day.

If a lady was not available when I call I wouldn't think anything about it.

Most of us old timers liked Escape etc where no preplanning was required.

A lot of guys say they can't plan in advance...maybe so...but 2-3 hours notice seems pretty prompt to me.
I like to schedule 24 hours in advance, and on the day of the appointment confirm 1-2 hours before.
boardman's Avatar
Most of us old timers liked Escape etc where no preplanning was required.
Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Those were the days.
I prefer same day. When I get the urge I really want it quenched then not in a couple of days.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-03-2010, 09:57 AM
If I want a morning appointment I will set it up the day before. If I want to see a BP girl I give them just a hour or two. If I just get super horny I will see who is available for a quick meet, but I call on my regulars for that.
Combustion's Avatar
I call about an hour in advance usually. I used to plan a day or two in advance (usually morning appointments), but I got burned with ncns too many times and just go 11a-1p. And no that wouldn't count her out forever but it would make me not call again on a short notice visit.
blowpop's Avatar
I tend to schedule at the last minute when I find I've got a gap in my schedule.
I would prefer a guy to schedule a day in advance, but I understand that is not always possible, So I am available for last minute, as long as my schedule allows. I am generally easy to get in touch with since I often check my emails, PMs and Voice mail.
Depends. Sometimes I like to premeditate these things and sometimes I like to shoot from the hip. I respect that some ladies want more notice and keep that in mind when making my decisions on who to call.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Depends on how horny I am lol.
jemery's Avatar
Because I need to plan my visits with cover stories I am usual a week or so out with my appointments - not all providers will book that far out - but I have usually been able to see the ones I want to see.
With me it varies for who I'm seeing. If I'm seeing a provider off this board I'll usually make the appointment a day or two ahead. If I'm seeing a BP chick, especially one I've seen before it's usually just an hour or so before I want to meet.

But even with that short of a notice I usually ask if they have time to see me within the hour or later. I'm at least polite enough to ask about their schedule.
xtrem's Avatar
  • xtrem
  • 12-03-2010, 07:22 PM
I tend arrange the day before, unless I see some candy I like then its off to the racers..Ivy chick would fit into the latter!!
  • anita
  • 12-03-2010, 10:53 PM
I accomodate immediate appointment if I met the guy before,if he has some ok's on p411 or if he wrote 5 or more reviews. For others immediate appointments may not be granted as the screening process lenght is not up to me, but up to references;if they reply fast or not.
macksback's Avatar
With my ATF about ten minutes.