When You Finally Wake Up To Life

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It all made sense when broken down like this.

themystic's Avatar
It all made sense when broken down like this.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
SC these bunch of Hillbillies on here cant handle you. Your intellect is far superior to these Trump tropes on here. I appreciate you being the torch bearer for Truth

Disclaimer: Trump supporters Heres what Truth ISNT

Hotrod511's Avatar
stupid; brainless.
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themystic's Avatar
stupid; brainless.
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Originally Posted by Hotrod511
You will be all right Pajama Boy. Btw- you are going to Hell

PS: Tell Mom Ill be late tonight
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Mystic I appreciate the support. The powers that be are trying to silence me because I operate with higher understanding and they dont feel it's fair since I'm basically Ivy League educated and people that hate me arent. I guess they dont think it's an intellectually fair fight. Lol
themystic's Avatar
Mystic I appreciate the support. The powers that be are trying to silence me because I operate with higher understanding and they dont feel it's fair since I'm basically Ivy League educated and people that hate me arent. I guess they dont think it's an intellectually fair fight. Lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Your superior education is very apparent. These right wing loons cant compete with you. These hillbillies still think Mexico is paying for a wall thats already being built by Trump. LMAO
  • oeb11
  • 03-12-2019, 03:10 PM
SC - If you are referring to JC - who likely was a dark -skinned individual - That is fine with me. There are many way to honor God - and whoever respects his fellow persons' way (assuming that Way is peaceful) is fine with me. Humans have fought more wars over religion than anything else.

Wish we could all learn the word "Share".

Give Us a take on this post by YR, Please.

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Cuba’s pissed because Trump ate all the KFC and stuck him with the tab.

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A Leftist who hates Christianity..who would have guessed
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I cant be labeled. Like Chris Rock said...I have some things I'm liberal about and some things I'm conservative about. For example When it comes to Crime I'm conservative when it comes to Prostitution I'm Liberal. ;-)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
SC - If you are referring to JC - who likely was a dark -skinned individual - That is fine with me. There are many way to honor God - and whoever respects his fellow persons' way (assuming that Way is peaceful) is fine with me. Humans have fought more wars over religion than anything else.

Wish we could all learn the word "Share".

Give Us a take on this post by YR, Please.

Join Date: Jan 3, 2010
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Cuba’s pissed because Trump ate all the KFC and stuck him with the tab.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized %1%2. Originally Posted by oeb11
I have no quarrel with YR...he does good work.
themystic's Avatar
A Leftist who hates Christianity..who would have guessed Originally Posted by Dondo7
Hey Dondo. Trump is going to hell
lustylad's Avatar
...I'm basically Ivy League educated and people that hate me arent (sic). Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Yeah SC, that's soooo evident from your (intellectually impaired) postings here.

Of all the things to be concerned about in this world, your pygmy "intellect" is at the bottom of the fucking list!!

What does "basically Ivy League educated" mean? You once strolled across an Ivy League campus?

Complete and utter bs... but funny as hell!!

Please SC... show us your degree from East Podunk Community College!!

Left, right, center.

Politics aside, I just think it’s sad that a lot of people in the world still believe in centuries old fairy tales.
lustylad's Avatar
Politics aside, I just think it’s sad that a lot of people in the world still believe in centuries old fairy tales. Originally Posted by redpartyhat
Hey, some fairy tales are full of wisdom!

Little Red Hen vs. Blue-State Lawmakers

For economic lessons, read children’s fairy tales and ignore socialist ones.

By George Melloan
March 11, 2019 6:56 p.m. ET

‘The sky is falling!” warned Chicken Little. The Little Red Hen was made of sturdier stuff. You could make a case that she invented supply-side economics, which is based on the premise that you gotta work if you wanna eat—in more formal terms, that production necessarily precedes consumption.

The Little Red Hen found a grain of wheat and somehow managed to grow a crop, asking her fellow creatures if they’d like to help with the planting, the cultivation, the harvest, the grinding of the flour and the baking of the bread. They were always too busy watching television or texting each other. But when they sniffed the delightful aroma of the freshly baked bread, they came out to the kitchen to get a slice. The Little Red Hen told them to get lost: “I made it all myself and, by heavens, I’ll eat it all myself.” When they yelled, “You didn’t build that!” she told them to get a life. A freshman congresswoman cried that everyone should have bread even if they didn’t “feel like” working. The Little Red Hen told her to butt out.

The moral: Hard-working people aren’t tolerant of slackers.

Then there was the Vermont senator who was deeply dissatisfied with a goose that was laying golden eggs but didn’t care about social justice. He thought that if he could learn the goose’s secret, he and his fellow senators could pass a law that would replicate the process. So one dark night he killed the goose and examined its innards. They looked pretty much like goose innards. That ended the golden egg output and his community was all the poorer for it.

The moral: Some pols just can’t fathom wealth creation.

Finally, a swarm of presidential wannabes embraced something called modern monetary theory, which holds that Medicare for All is easily affordable because the Federal Reserve can print money to cover the cost. The origin of this belief is thought to be the story of Rumpelstiltskin, who rescued a miller’s daughter after her father foolishly promised the king she could spin straw into gold. Rumpelstiltskin spun the gold for her, at a price. But keep in mind, this was a fairy tale.

The moral: In the real world, the Federal Reserve seldom works miracles.

Aesop wrote 150 fables 2,600 years ago from his perch in Delphi. They were supplemented down through the ages by the likes of the Grimm Brothers and James Thurber, who wrote “Fables for Our Time” in 1940. Ancient fables are part of our literature today. Disney has turned some into popular movies.

The moral: They still ring true. If I have failed to properly adapt them to our modern circumstances, may the ancients forgive me.
Some fairy tales are full of wisdom. Originally Posted by lustylad
I’m not denying that.
I love the quote “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
And I do like your examples, I might use em elsewhere.

I’m referring more specifically to “ancient prophecies” aka fairy tales.