Sex Workers Around The Country Are Rallying Behind Democratic Socialists

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This is an amazing transformation sweeping across this great nation of ours. It will affect the hobby and it's happening all across the country.

JULIA SALAZAR, Acandidate for the New York state Senate, is doing what few Democratic politicians have done before: taking sex workers’ rights seriously. The 27-year-old democratic socialist, who is shaping her policy by consulting the sex work community, is one of the first candidates to definitively supportthose workers, including by proposing concrete steps toward decriminalization.

Salazar, who ischallenging eight-term incumbent Democratic state Sen. Martin Dilan, has centered her campaign around affordable housing and other policy positions championed by the insurgent left. But her plan to defend sex workers’ rights has energized a community that has been understandably skeptical of electoral politics.
It's only because they are young and not old enough to know better.
Don't think this belongs in the political forum? I do
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It's only because they are young and not old enough to know better.
Don't think this belongs in the political forum? I do Originally Posted by tbone2u
No. But it's always an interesting somewhat rigid dichotomy when the hobby and politics legitimately cross paths. ;-)
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Maybe that’s because people preaching politics is the most boring annoying thing.
Worse than born agains.
Opinions are like... you know the saying.
boardman's Avatar
Sounds good in theory as do many Socialist ideas. They don't work all that well in practice because the government thinks it knows what's best for us. If we had more true libertarians there would be hope. We don't, there's not.

Here's what decriminalized or legalized prostitution looks like in America.
Locally, Democrats will have another source of revenue. Republicans will fight to regulate and confine it.

So here come the red light districts, brothels, legalized agencies that are well lit and conspicuous "for safety reasons". The typical customer won't want to be seen going in and out of that kind of area. Inside, emphasis will be placed on quantity instead of quality by the managers.

Low volume providers and HDHs won't be able to make a living in that environment. They'll be forced to remain underground. The brothels won't provide references so screening "newbies" wanting a taste of a higher quality experience will require considerable personal info. Red light districts will become party central for Frat boys and bachelor parties and the decreasing supply of quality providers will drive the price up. There may not be enough underground activity to support sites like this and the legal places will use their own. The government will have completely destroyed another industry in a matter of years if not months.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Sounds good in theory as do many Socialist ideas. They don't work all that well in practice because the government thinks it knows what's best for us. If we had more true libertarians there would be hope. We don't, there's not.

Here's what decriminalized or legalized prostitution looks like in America.
Locally, Democrats will have another source of revenue. Republicans will fight to regulate and confine it.

So here come the red light districts, brothels, legalized agencies that are well lit and conspicuous "for safety reasons". The typical customer won't want to be seen going in and out of that kind of area. Inside, emphasis will be placed on quantity instead of quality by the managers.

Low volume providers and HDHs won't be able to make a living in that environment. They'll be forced to remain underground. The brothels won't provide references so screening "newbies" wanting a taste of a higher quality experience will require considerable personal info. Red light districts will become party central for Frat boys and bachelor parties and the decreasing supply of quality providers will drive the price up. There may not be enough underground activity to support sites like this and the legal places will use their own. The government will have completely destroyed another industry in a matter of years if not months. Originally Posted by boardman
This is legitimately the funniest thing I've read in quite some time.

Ok so 2 things I took from this...1.) According to your words Republicans like to regulate and 2.) You're genuinely concerned that you will have to compete with rich frat boys basically making your hobby money worthless in the eyes of providers catering to the young rich frat boys.

This notion of decriminalizing the hobby genuinely has you shook.
boardman's Avatar
Hopefully you've regained your composure and have recovered from The Epic Meltdown.
How's that exposure of a hooker thing going for you?

Regarding the topic and your sophomoric response:

Reading comprehension continues to be a weakness I see. It doesn't have me shaken at all. Show me in my post where I said anything about it concerning me. I'll wait... Here's a tip, read what I say for what I say. Reading intent into or assuming emotion regarding something that isn't there makes you look like a fool.
To clarify though.
Yes, Republican's will try to regulate this as a way of making it impossible to operate and satisfy the moral majority. Just like the blue hairs in Houston got City Council to regulate strippers a few years back. It ultimately failed but it changed the landscape.

I figure I'll be too old to hobby by the time this even comes to pass. If it did I'd stay with the UTR girls even if the price goes up. What I won't do is enter a Bourbon street atmosphere for a legalized SW. Never have hobbied that way.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Yes, Republican's will try to regulate this as a way of making it impossible to operate and satisfy the moral majority. Just like the blue hairs in Houston got City Council to regulate strippers a few years back. It ultimately failed but it changed the landscape.

I figure I'll be too old to hobby by the time this even comes to pass. If it did I'd stay with the UTR girls even if the price goes up. What I won't do is enter a Bourbon street atmosphere for a legalized SW. Never have hobbied that way. Originally Posted by boardman

Since all this change and push by the left will come to pass fairly quickly that likely means you're done in two years tops... And yes I think most of you guys will lead the Bourbon street revolution. Lol

And thanks for the reinforcement of Republican regulation.
The crap socialist biased website rag you link does not mention the end result of converting the United States to socialism.

Rape. Raped walking in the refugee carvans to the neighboring nation that still has a capitalism form of economy and therefore has freedom, civil liberties, freedom of press, personal rights, money, food and jobs.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The crap socialist biased website rag you link does not mention the end result of converting the United States to socialism.

Rape. Raped walking in the refugee carvans to the neighboring nation that still has a capitalism form of economy and therefore has freedom, civil liberties, freedom of press, personal rights, money, food and jobs. Originally Posted by Eidolon
We give 10 billion a year to Israel for literally nothing in return and we have for what the past 60 yrs..totally 6 hundred billion. How are we not already a Socialist country. Israel in turn takes that 10 billion a year and offer free healthcare and education for all Israeli citizens. My good friend it's an example of how we're duped into thinking Socialism is bad while we celebrate giving away our money to another sovereign country that uses it for pure socialism. These socialist sex worker advocates they get it. They understand.
We give 10 billion a year to Israel... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
"we" - that is the real punchline. These whiny idealistic children along with the lazy / financially dependent socialist screaming freeloaders who pay literally nothing into the tax system believe they are part of the "we"

Socialism equals refugee rape Caravans
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
"we" - that is the real punchline. These whiny idealistic children along with the lazy / financially dependent socialist screaming freeloaders who pay literally nothing into the tax system believe they are part of the "we"

Socialism equals refugee rape Caravans Originally Posted by Eidolon
Your logic is extremely hard to follow...why? Because by default "we" always imply and mean tax payers. So by default if you aren't paying taxes then obviously you're not in this group. The fact remains yall yell socialism all day but you cosign Israel being given billions of our money annually in order to provide for their citizens what we refuse to provide for our own. It's either highway robbery, fucking awesome socialism...or both. But you cannot have your cake and eat it too on this issue.
Again......this thread needs to be moved. One of the mods needs to grow a set and keep the political threads where they belong.....IN THE POLITICAL FORUM.....NOT HERE.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Again......this thread needs to be moved. One of the mods needs to grow a set and keep the political threads where they belong.....IN THE POLITICAL FORUM.....NOT HERE. Originally Posted by tbone2u

Remember peace and love....and it's always an interesting somewhat rigid dichotomy when the hobby and politics legitimately cross paths. ;-)
boardman's Avatar
Since all this change and push by the left will come to pass fairly quickly that likely means you're done in two years tops... And yes I think most of you guys will lead the Bourbon street revolution. Lol

And thanks for the reinforcement of Republican regulation. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
So you agree with me that it will change the landscape.

Where we don't agree is timing.
We can't even get unmentionables legalized for medicinal purposes in Texas and you think we'll get prostitution legalized in two years... Dream on! It's not even on the agenda this year so that means it wouldn't even come up til next legislative session. There's no way it even make it through committee then. You do understand how slow government works?

Will we get there? I think we will eventually and that's fine if it's what people want. My comments were about how I expect it to look because of both Republicans and Democrats not being able to just let it be.

I find it strange though that you need my reinforcement of anything. Glad I could be of service.