Can the left get anymore shameless than this!!

The bitch from Georgia is another one of the shameless race baiting blacks politicians who posted a video that is absolutely hysterical...I LOVE the crocodile tears!!

The person she accuses is a Cuban IMMIGRANT and is a DEMOCRAP!!
This reminds me of the Jussy Smut case. Look at me I'm a minority black being harassed and it isn't fair.

On Que the left wing enablers weigh in and low and behold the whole thing was more just another fabricated "poor me I'm an oppressed minority women...the second video comes off as an after thought.

As I said before the left has no the LSM is jumping all over the contrived nonsense. Left wing politics has hit a new low...and you wonder why so many people have contempt for the left...
  • oeb11
  • 07-21-2019, 04:37 PM
Classic DPST Racist - watch for the media to go scrub all this guy's anti-Trump posts so he can be tarred and feathered as a Conservative!
They will sic the Anti-Fa on the poor guy and ruin him. If hes' lucky - that will be all.

Due to a Fat, Lying, Racist, Georgian Stacy Abrams wanna-be who got called out on her behavior!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
We have a guy here in kcmo who murdered a transgender. He is black, an obvious Obama supporter and the story is not even being noticed by the national news.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
media and dems are harping on the racist lie so many times. I wonder if its blown past its Goebbels' due date and that no one actually believes it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Simple answer is yes, everyday
  • oeb11
  • 07-22-2019, 08:22 AM
LSM is identifying the man as "White" today!
LSM does not give up their radical leftist narrative easily
See - Schiff and Nadler!!
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
At what point does the media become completely irrelevant anymore, where credibility is lost, even on the left?
Funny how hispanics that are on the wrong side of the progressive agenda magically turn white.
rexdutchman's Avatar
To me ( my opinion) the LSM has already lost credibility ,Cherry picking stories more opinion then facts flat out lying on and on .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Amazing how astute you all are at the functions of the newsroom.

Works hand in hand with the identity politics (racist) pushed by the Trump bullshit machine.

I believe some folks waited their whole lives to live in an America where your inner humanitarian could run free.
  • oeb11
  • 07-22-2019, 09:28 AM
Denial and deflection, name-calling

Nothing cogent or constructive hereMove along, Folks!
Looking for Living in Amerika under Fascist Totalitarian Control of the People.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Denial and deflection, name-calling

Nothing cogent or constructive hereMove along, Folks!
Looking for Living in Amerika under Fascist Totalitarian Control of the People. Originally Posted by oeb11
Thanks for the self introduction, oeb11.

Actually, it's the dems who are racist.

Amazing how astute you all are at the functions of the newsroom.

Works hand in hand with the identity politics (racist) pushed by the Trump bullshit machine.

I believe some folks waited their whole lives to live in an America where your inner humanitarian could run free. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
when these sort of people are confronted with logic and American ideals, their first line of defense is claiming racism

wouldn't not treating them just as you would a white person with whom disagree be the real racism?
Amazing how astute you all are at the functions of the newsroom.

Works hand in hand with the identity politics (racist) pushed by the Trump bullshit machine.

I believe some folks waited their whole lives to live in an America where your inner humanitarian could run free. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Isn't it great YR the people that hate this country have the FREEDOM to trash it!!
When will the term "racist" die the ignominious death it deserves??
You do know Bullosey is a racist...AOC said so!!
The Cuban Democrap immigrant is a racist...THE BITCH SAID SO!!
Can't you see she's "crocodile tears" her heart out...WHAT A FUCKING PHONY LIB!!