Amy Wax speaks the truth about race, idiots become outaged

Rod Auger's Avatar
Racism is pure matter who spews it.
Amy Wacked is the idiot...and you're an idiot also.
Crawl back in the hole you came out of.
Racism is pure matter who spews it.
Amy Wacked is the idiot...and you're an idiot also.
Crawl back in the hole you came out of. Originally Posted by bb1961
Although Wax's statement may have sounded racist, I think she is going by statistics to arrive at her conclusion more than by personal feelings.
Duke Oak's Avatar
She's totally right.
She is arguing culture and not race.
She argues whites vs. non-whites.
There are non-whites all over the world Asia,India and many people from African nations the are very articulate and well schooled intellectuals...many who live in this country and are upstanding citizens in the community. What is wrong with those "cultures"??
There are productive and counter-productive people in this nation and it isn't "culture" that defines them...WE SEE THIS EVERY DAY IN GUMMENT!!
Little Monster's Avatar
Racism is pure matter who spews it.
Amy Wacked is the idiot...and you're an idiot also.
Crawl back in the hole you came out of. Originally Posted by bb1961
You shouldn't say that to one of your fellow Trump supporters, you guys need to stick together because y'all will need all the help you can get from getting your asses blown out of the water next year!!!


She argues whites vs. non-whites.
There are non-whites all over the world Asia,India and many people from African nations the are very articulate and well schooled intellectuals...many who live in this country and are upstanding citizens in the community. What is wrong with those "cultures"??
There are productive and counter-productive people in this nation and it isn't "culture" that defines them...WE SEE THIS EVERY DAY IN GUMMENT!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I don't know what is wrong with those cultures since I have also met many fine people from many different places but why are so many of the countries they come from such shitholes?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't know what is wrong with those cultures since I have also met many fine people from many different places but why are so many of the countries they come from such shitholes? Originally Posted by friendly fred

one word...

corruption. you have people who don't give a shit about their own people.

its heavily prone in those shitholes.
one word...

corruption. you have people who don't give a shit about their own people.

its heavily prone in those shitholes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yes I believe that is a significant contributor.

They also have plenty of DPST's.
I believe that ideology is much more destructive in this world than the "cultural" and white vs. non-white debate. Hell look at the old USSR,present day Venezuela, Cuba and NK just to name a few.
With the left wanting open borders...that alone would destroy this country's "culture" and all it has stood for since its inception. Don't think the left doesn't know is all part of their plan.
The scary part is they know this and are OK with it so they can "fundamentally change it" as their patron saint Obummer so stated.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Progressive ( is and Ideology)