I don't agree with kids in cages or families being separated.

Duke Oak's Avatar
Why not just ship em back? No more asylum, no more loopholes, no BS for criminals and parasites.
  • oeb11
  • 07-23-2019, 04:12 PM
The Congress is responsible for immigration Law.

The DPST House has no intention of doing anything to secure our borders.
They value illegals over citizens!
Lapdog's Avatar
The Congress is responsible for immigration Law.

The DPST House has no intention of doing anything to secure our borders.
They value illegals over citizens! Originally Posted by oeb11
Then why doesn't your president step in and do something about it? This worthless fuck has been in office for three fucking years and he hasn't done SHIT. How come you people are so blind that you can't see this?
  • oeb11
  • 07-23-2019, 05:58 PM
How are One's so blind to the obstructionistic tactics of the House DPST's who love illegals over our own citizens.

How about some cooperation to govern from both parties!!!
DPST's have two agenda items- Get Trump and bring every illegal into America possible.
Let's say Trump unilaterally changed immigration law by Emergency Order - LD -You would be screaming bloody murder about usurpation of Congress duties.

Go see an opthalmologist.
Lapdog's Avatar
How are One's so blind to the obstructionistic tactics of the House DPST's who love illegals over our own citizens.

How about some cooperation to govern from both parties!!!
DPST's have two agenda items- Get Trump and bring every illegal into America possible.
Let's say Trump unilaterally changed immigration law by Emergency Order - LD -You would be screaming bloody murder about usurpation of Congress duties.

Go see an opthalmologist. Originally Posted by oeb11

Go see a clinical psychologist. And maybe an English teacher to help you on your spelling.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Then why doesn't your president step in and do something about it? This worthless fuck has been in office for three fucking years and he hasn't done SHIT. How come you people are so blind that you can't see this? Originally Posted by Lapdog

were you blind during Obama's administration? do i need to remind you that the press has repeatedly used photos from Obama's administration as proof of poor conditions under Trump's?

Arya .. gonna deny that?

Go see a clinical psychologist. And maybe an English teacher to help you on your spelling. Originally Posted by Lapdog

because grammar Nazis are always right.

Then why doesn't your president step in and do something about it? This worthless fuck has been in office for three fucking years and he hasn't done SHIT. How come you people are so blind that you can't see this? Originally Posted by Lapdog
Every time President Trump attempts to do something, a Federal Judge blocks his effort.

Everybody knows what the problem is. This asinine sanctuary law.

Congress is the only entity that can change the laws that have lead us to this debacle.

They won’t.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Every time President Trump attempts to do something, a Lilliputian Federal Judge appointed by Odumbo blocks his effort.

Everybody knows what the problem is. This asinine sanctuary law.

Congress is the only entity that can change the laws that have lead us to this debacle.

They won’t. Originally Posted by Jackie S
  • oeb11
  • 07-23-2019, 08:08 PM
DPST's never cease to amaze me - how they can criticize Obama era immigration law and blame Trump for it.

So blinded by self-destructive Hatred.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Then why doesn't your president step in and do something about it? This worthless fuck has been in office for three fucking years and he hasn't done SHIT. How come you people are so blind that you can't see this? Originally Posted by Lapdog
As he said, the congress is responsible for immigration law. It is in the Constitution. Anything done by a president is temporary and will be challenged as unconstitutional. So wring out your wet hanky and ask yourself why didn't Obama get the laws changed when he and Pelosi ran the country. Or why doesn't Pelosi put out something that her and Trump can begin to negotiate?
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Republicans had majorities in the House and Senate until November 2018, along with the presidency. 2 years...

Pointing fingers at the previous administration, or anyone else, seems foolish.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
If you don't like this country, you're more than welcome . . .

The Congress is responsible for immigration Law.

The DPST House has no intention of doing anything to secure our borders.
They value illegals over citizens! Originally Posted by oeb11
How are One's so blind to the obstructionistic tactics of the House DPST's who love illegals over our own citizens.

How about some cooperation to govern from both parties!!!
DPST's have two agenda items- Get Trump and bring every illegal into America possible.
Let's say Trump unilaterally changed immigration law by Emergency Order - LD -You would be screaming bloody murder about usurpation of Congress duties.

Go see an opthalmologist. Originally Posted by oeb11

White Rage: Poll Finds that Whites, Republicans Are the Angriest Americans, while Blacks, the Victims of Racism are Least Angry


to go back to . . .

Fareed Zakaria made an excellent point in the Washington Post—whites are in self-destructive mode. They are killing themselves, with mortality rates rising, as rates of death for Blacks and Latinos are declining steadily. The main causes of death among whites, are suicide, alcoholism, and drug overdoses, brought on by depression, despair and stress, particularly among uneducated whites.
Go see a clinical psychologist. And maybe an English teacher to help you on your spelling. Originally Posted by Lapdog

FTFY Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Republicans had majorities in the House and Senate until November 2018, along with the presidency. 2 years...

Pointing fingers at the previous administration, or anyone else, seems foolish. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

Cue the backlash.
Why is Jack always laughing at you...he knows you pretty well!!
With everything you post we all echo the sentiments of Jack.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Why is Jack always laughing at you...he knows you pretty well!!
With everything you post we all echo the sentiments of Jack.
Originally Posted by bb1961
I B Hankering's Avatar
Republicans had majorities in the House and Senate until November 2018, along with the presidency. 2 years...

Pointing fingers at the previous administration, or anyone else, seems foolish. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
As they argue, dim-retards keep mendaciously ignoring that the rules of the Senate require a 60 vote majority so that they can "pretend' they have an argument when they are actually just willing to lie thinking no one will notice their pathetic lies.