Fucking Finally: Judge Sets Trial Date For 5 Men Who Masterminded 9/11


I guess they're gonna die from old age.

On Friday, a military judge set the trial date for the men accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks that murdered almost 3,000 Americans for January 11, 2021.

The trial will be held at the U.S. Naval Station in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to CBS News. The leader of the group, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, confessed in 2007 that he had supervised the plot. CBS News noted, "Judge Colonel W. Shane Cohen issued a 10-page scheduling order Thursday, giving prosecutors an October 10 deadline to provide materials for the case."

The New York Times reported, "The date set by the judge, Col. W. Shane Cohen of the Air Force, signals the start of the selection of a military jury at Camp Justice, the war court convening at the Navy base in Cuba. It is the first time that a trial judge in the case actually set a start-of-trial date, despite requests by prosecutors since 2012 to two earlier judges to do so."

On September 11, 2001, 19 men hijacked four commercial passenger planes. Two of the planes were flown directly into the World Trade Centers in New York City; one crashed into the Pentagon, and the fourth, United Flight 93, crashed into a Pennsylvania field when passengers fought back against the hijackers.

The five men to be tried, including Mohammed, Walid bin Attash, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Mustafa al Hawsawi, and Ammar al-Baluchi, Mohammed’s nephew, were captured in Pakistan in 2002 and 2003. The Times noted that the men were charged during the Bush administration, but Barack Obama impeded the process and suspended the war court so more protections for due process could be added. Over 30 pretrial hearing sessions have been held to discuss issues of law and evidence.

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As John Ryan noted at Lawdragon.com, the first judge to preside over the case was Army Col. James Pohl; he lasted six years, and banned the U.S. government from using statements the five defendants made to FBI agents in 2007. He was succeeded by Marine Col. Keith Parrella, who disliked Pohl’s decision and said that defense teams should file motions to suppress the FBI statements. Parella’s decision reversing Pohl has been challenged by defense attorneys; Cohen, who is not Jewish but Mormon, will have to decide which way to rule. Ryan points out, "Cohen has never presided over a death penalty case, nor even a multi-defendant case …"

Asra Q. Nomani , a friend of Daniel Pearl, the Jewish journalist for the Wall Street Journal who was murdered by Mohammed, wrote in the Washingtonian, " .. in March 2007, the US government released a transcript of a military hearing at Guantánamo in which KSM again admitted to murdering Danny. 'I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan,' KSM said. 'For those who would like to confirm, there are pictures of me on the internet holding his head.'"

Nomani also reported that Army colonel Robert Swann, an attorney for the military commission, reading the criminal charges against Mohammed, stated, "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others trained the non-pilot hijackers . . . how to slit passengers' throats by making the hijackers practice on sheep, goats, and camels in preparation for the 'Planes Operation.'"
themystic's Avatar
Are these the guys Trump saw celebrating? He should testify for the prosecution
Redhot1960's Avatar
Are these the guys Trump saw celebrating? He should testify for the prosecution Originally Posted by themystic
Shut your whore fucking mouth, theluciferian...

themystic's Avatar
Shut your whore fucking mouth, theluciferian...

Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Did you get your little Trump feelings hurt Red Twat?. Boo fucking hoo Wahaaa

I guess they're gonna die from old age.

On Friday, a military judge set the trial date for the men accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks that murdered almost 3,000 Americans for January 11, 2021. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I thought the Mastermind to 911 was Osama Bin Laden. Obama bin Laden had him snuffed out in 2011, so they say anyway.
themystic's Avatar
I thought the Mastermind to 911 was Osama Bin Laden. Obama bin Laden had him snuffed out in 2011, so they say anyway. Originally Posted by Levianon17
These are the guys Trump saw celebrating. Trump captured them
These are the guys Trump saw celebrating. Trump captured them Originally Posted by themystic
Your imagination is running even more wild than those that believe Obama had Osama killed in 2011, lol.
themystic's Avatar
Your imagination is running even more wild than those that believe Obama had Osama killed in 2011, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You said Obama Bin Laden had Osama Bin Laden killed. I think you are the one with the over active imagination. You don't know your stuff man
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You said Obama Bin Laden had Osama Bin Laden killed. I think you are the one with the over active imagination. You don't know your stuff man Originally Posted by themystic

only a troll like you could make fun of 9/11. even YR wouldn't go there.

themystic's Avatar
only a troll like you could make fun of 9/11. even YR wouldn't go there.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Didn't Trump say he witnessed Muslims celebrating? Didn't Levi spout his bullshit about Obama. No fuck them Trolls
You said Obama Bin Laden had Osama Bin Laden killed. I think you are the one with the over active imagination. You don't know your stuff man Originally Posted by themystic
I never said I believed it, lol.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Didn't Trump say he witnessed Muslims celebrating? Didn't Levi spout his bullshit about Obama. No fuck them Trolls Originally Posted by themystic

u are the troll.

themystic's Avatar
u are the troll.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
trumps the troll. you kiss his boots. your a troll lover
I thought the Mastermind to 911 was Osama Bin Laden. Obama bin Laden had him snuffed out in 2011, so they say anyway. Originally Posted by Levianon17
bin Laden provided the money. Khalid Sheik Mohammed, a graduate of North Carolina AT&T in Mechanical Engineering, devised the plots and ran them. He's also responsible for WTC I and the Bali Nightclub Bombings among other War Crimes. KSM cut off Daniel Pearl's head and admitted this and other wrong doings.

He was also the main target of waterboarding at Gitmo.
bin Laden provided the money. Khalid Sheik Mohammed, a graduate of North Carolina AT&T in Mechanical Engineering, devised the plots and ran them. He's also responsible for WTC I and the Bali Nightclub Bombings among other War Crimes. KSM cut off Daniel Pearl's head and admitted this and other wrong doings.

He was also the main target of waterboarding at Gitmo. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I think the 911 attacks are loaded with so much information that is contradictory that it's hard to tell who was the sole financier. The below seems to provide some extensive information to how the attacks were financed according to this article Osama bin Laden doesn't appear to be the sole source of funding.
