The American people don’t believe in fairy tales

Jaxson66's Avatar
Historians and other Americans who believe in the efficacy of our democracy like to say that if politicians just level with voters, they can cope with a crisis. After the election of President Trump, however, you would be entitled to doubt that proposition. An electorate who would pick a congenital liar who promises to bring back the past, you might conclude, is not ready to handle the truth. But let’s remember that a majority of Americans did not vote for Trump. And even among those who did, a growing portion reject the magical thinking that all we need to do is declare America open to put the covid-19 pandemic behind us.

A new Pew Research poll finds that “most Americans believe the economic problems arising from the coronavirus outbreak will persist for months to come. A majority (71%) says the economic problems resulting from the outbreak will last for at least 6 months, including 39% who say they will last a year or more. Just 29% expect these problems to last 6 months or less.” Perhaps as a result of their correct assessment of the severity and duration of the pandemic, more than three-quarters support the stimulus plans that have already passed and “77% of the public thinks it will be necessary for the president and Congress to pass another bill to provide more economic assistance for the country.” That includes 66 percent of Republicans. We are all Keynesians now.

Americans understand how serious the health situation and, unlike Trump, do not think we can snap our fingers and get everything back to normal. We see widespread sobriety about the pandemic/recession in the latest Post-University of Maryland poll.

“Most Americans expect no immediate easing of the health risks associated with the coronavirus pandemic, despite calls by President Trump and others to begin reopening the economy quickly. A majority say it could be June or later before it will be safe for larger gatherings to take place again,.” As in other polling, the public gives a hearty thumbs up to governors’ performance (72 percent approve, 26 percent disapprove) and negative marks to Trump’s (44 percent approve, 54 percent disapprove).

Stand by trumpsters, the next post will report on the Trump miracle drug Hydroxychloroquine...people are saying it was a complete failure.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What brain surgeon figured this out? Of course the economy will take time to recover, just like democrats want. They’d have preferred a million more deaths, but you can’t have everything.
Are you wearing your tracking device like a good little plebe?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...“Most Americans expect no immediate easing ... Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Leastwise, that's how I cook my sheep, because they are kinda fatty and tend to flair up.
Our Liberal/ Progressive friends are going to need more than security blankets and support animals when come November, the Country is well on it’s way to it’s pre-CV-19 economic boom and President Trump celebrates keeping the American death toll at a minimum in the largest, and most free Country on the Planet.

And Joe Biden will be drooling in public.
  • oeb11
  • 04-21-2020, 04:10 PM
Joe Biden will be drooling in public.
Fascist DPST's are drooling in anticipation of the recession/depression they helped spark and are enjoyinig inflicting on America so mcuh.

J66 - just quoting liberal propaganda - get some professional help and learn how to live without hate.

Life can be much better without Ur Lies!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Our Liberal/ Progressive friends are going to need more than security blankets and support animals when come November, ... Originally Posted by Jackie S
Do NOT underestimate their depravity. They will not go quietly back into the dank darkness. They are evil schemers, supported by a flock of mind numbed sheep. They have the media and celebrity elite in their back pocket and endless streams of corrupt kick-backs and pay-offs to finance it all with.

Most likely, only an exorcism will dispel the Demonicrats.
HoeHummer's Avatar
What brain surgeon figured this out? Of course the economy will take time to recover, just like democrats want. They’d have preferred a million more deaths, but you can’t have everything. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Are you wearing your tracking device like a good little plebe? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Joe Biden will be drooling in public.
Fascist DPST's are drooling in anticipation of the recession/depression they helped spark and are enjoyinig inflicting on America so mcuh.

J66 - just quoting liberal propaganda - get some professional help and learn how to live without hate.

Life can be much better without Ur Lies! Originally Posted by oeb11
Do NOT underestimate their depravity. They will not go quietly back into the dank darkness. They are evil schemers, supported by a flock of mind numbed sheep. They have the media and celebrity elite in their back pocket and endless streams of corrupt kick-backs and pay-offs to finance it all with.

Most likely, only an exorcism will dispel the Demonicrats. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
One post from Jaxson666 and the avalanche of catcalls, insults, lies and attacks flood the board.

Dude, yous are playing these DPSHTS like a cheap fiddle!

Well playeds sir!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Are you wearing your tracking device like a good little plebe? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Are you wearing your MAGA butt plug like a good little trumpster?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hydroxychloroquine...people are saying it was a complete failure. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

And some are not including this Democrat State lawmaker

Democratic state lawmaker thanks Trump and hydroxychloroquine for recovery from coronavirus

When asked by the Free Press if she thinks Trump may have saved her life, Whitsett said, "Yes, I do" and "I do thank him for that."
Whitsett said she began taking the drug, prescribed by her doctor, on March 31 after she and her husband sought treatment for symptoms on March 18.
She was tested for the coronavirus and learned Monday her results were positive. She said that “less than two hours” after taking hydroxychloroquine, she began to feel relief.

People across the US have come forward to call the anti-malaria drug a 'miracle' coronavirus treatment as New York state officials announce they will start trials with the medication on Tuesday.

On Monday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the state will doctors will start trialing hydroxychloroquine this week

Coronavirus patient says hydroxychloroquine saved his life
Jaxson66's Avatar
Leastwise, that's how I cook my sheep, because they are kinda fatty and tend to flair up. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The great leader can declare that Amerika is open for business but making that a reality isn’t going to happen anytime soon. Face it, you can open anything you want, a massage parlor, a tattoo house, your local swimming pool but if people don’t show up aren’t you spinning your wheels.

Speaking of cooking, the Biden coalition is about to put a pig on a spit over a flaming fire and do a little cooking.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hydroxychloroquine by itself doesn't work too well.

But with zinc added, it works very well in most patients.

apparently zinc actives this drug to make it work effectively.

this point about zinc is not mentioned in media.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Our Liberal/ Progressive friends are going to need more than security blankets and support animals when come November, the Country is well on it’s way to it’s pre-CV-19 economic boom and President Trump celebrates keeping the American death toll at a minimum in the largest, and most free Country on the Planet.

And Joe Biden will be drooling in public. Originally Posted by Jackie S
At some point in the future the economy will recover. It won't be anytime near November 2020 in the opinion of most. Q2 2020 GDP will be horrible and Q3 GDP will be better only relative to Q2. Q4 GDO is still predicted to be negative.

Unemployment estimates are around 15% according to Goldman Sachs estimates. A litle lower by other estimates, but still high.

“The bottom line is that there is going to be damage and a lot of firms are not going to survive. So no, we’re not going to get back to where we were - and forget getting above that for quite a while. Ultimately, with time and stimulus, the economy will recover, I’m confident of that. But the real question is how long the recovery takes.”
Jacuzzme's Avatar
By 2021-2022 President Trump will shepherd the economy back to greatness, doing the exact opposite of what whomever would actually be President if Sniffy Joe were frauded into office.
  • oeb11
  • 04-21-2020, 07:02 PM
Quote j66 -"Stand by trumpsters, the next post will report on the Trump miracle drug Hydroxychloroquine...people are saying it was a complete failure."

Some peole say - which is authoritative for a fireman who thinks he/she is a medical expert - with no supporting documentation.

Try that at a medical meeting and get laughed out of the room.
j66 is just posting fascist DPST "I wanna- i want- therefore people say - and it is therefor a "Truth" I can post in the WaPo!!!
How pathetic J66.

Go to therapy and get some help for yourself.

not to mention that the chloroquine drugs have been the subject of numerous reports of some efficacy in treating Wuhan virus. Good blinded , controlled studies do not exist yet.

it is, however, clearly j66 and the Fascist DPST's fondest hope that no medication works- in order to have more illness, deaths, and economic shutdown in order to feed their Trump hate. j66 jas made that position clear.

That is a sign of a very sick individual/group of individuals - who care so little about people afflicted with a Chinese virus that they advocate their deaths for political advantage.

Such caring folks - j66 and the Fascist DPST's!!!