The Chinese Government Has Convinced Its Citizens That the U.S. Army Brought Coronavirus to Wuhan

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
yeah. of course they would. most Chinese don't even know anything about Tienanmen Square. at all. like it never happened because to them it didn't. they don't teach it in their schools. i bet the next round of propaganda texts will blame the US for this shit.

bad news China. the World knows where it came from and no amount of spin doctoring even in the liberal US press will change that.

The Chinese Government Has Convinced Its Citizens That the U.S. Army Brought Coronavirus to Wuhan

“Sadly most Chinese people really believe the U.S. brought the virus to China and they call it ‘USA virus,’” Lucy, a 45-year-old Chinese American who recently returned to China to take care of her parents, told VICE News.

by David Gilbert
Apr 6 2020, 11:41am

U.S. Army sergeant Maatje Benassi was among several hundred U.S. service men and women who traveled to Wuhan to take part in the Military World Games in October.

But, according to a widely-believed conspiracy theory, the 52-year-old road racing cyclist carried something else with her on her trip to China: The coronavirus.

The story has no grounding in fact. It was a fairy tale dreamed up by U.S. conspiracy theorist George Webb in Washington, DC. But the Communist Party of China (CCP) has promoted it so aggressively within China that it has become accepted knowledge among the Chinese populace that the U.S. military imported the coronavirus to Wuhan and began the pandemic that has killed over 50,000 people and infected more than a million worldwide.

It’s difficult to say how many Chinese people accept the conspiracy as true, but the CCP’s promotion of the idea across social networks WeChat and Weibo, as well as amplification through state-run TV, has made it inescapable in Chinese society. Indeed, any Chinese person who disputes that narrative on social media can have their account shut down and their families arrested.

“I couldn't argue against the posts that the virus was brought to China by the U.S. military even though I knew it was a lie because any evidence I post against the Chinese government propaganda will be deleted, the Wechat group can be deleted, my account will be suspended and I can put my family in danger,” one Chinese American named Zhang, who did not want to be named over fears of retribution, told VICE News.

READ: China is now blaming a lone US cyclist for the coronavirus pandemic

Globally, Beijing’s efforts to deflect criticism and pin the blame on the U.S. have been hit and miss, but at home, the effort has been hugely successful. More than half a dozen China experts say there is widespread acceptance of the narrative which has found a receptive audience thanks to decades of anti-US indoctrination and a complete lack of an independent media or access to outside sources.

“Sadly most Chinese people really believe the U.S. brought the virus to China and they call it ‘USA virus,’” Lucy, a 45-year-old Chinese American who recently returned to China to take care of her parents, told VICE News. “The CCP’s anti-American propaganda is very successful.”

The ‘USA virus’

Conspiracy theories around the origin of the coronavirus are not unique to China. We have seen everyone from celebrities sharing a video claiming Bill Gates created the coronavirus to Sen. Tom Cotton claiming the disease was deliberately created in a virology lab in Wuhan.

But what is unique to China is the inability for most citizens in the country to fact-check the claims being made by official CCP outlets, or to seek any independent information outside China’s Great Firewall, which blocks access to most western news outlets and other sources of information, such as Google and Wikipedia.

READ: Here's how China is rewriting the history of the coronavirus pandemic to make itself the hero

Chinese citizens are fully aware that their government censors criticism of Beijing on WeChat and Weibo while pushing messages that portray it in a positive light. They’re also aware of the consequences for challenging that or for seeking outside information.

“When the government spreads disinformation about other countries and blocks counter-narratives, it is much easier for people to buy into government’s narratives because you just don’t have access to alternative sources of information,” Yaqui Wang, a China researcher at Human Rights Watch, told VICE News.

And when it comes to claims about the U.S. Chinese people have been conditioned to believe the worst.

CCP disinformation about the U.S. is nothing new, through textbooks, movies and many other educational, cultural, and media productions, Beijing has been increasingly promoting the narrative that the U.S. is an imperialist power that wants to undermine the rise of China.

“Chinese media doesn’t need much effort to convince its people of that blatant lie that the U.S. army brought the disease to Wuhan, most Chinese people, after 70 years of anti-American propaganda, are already convinced the U.S. is an evil country and is responsible for many bad events in the world,” Lucy said.

Viral on WeChat

Inside of China the conspiracy spread rapidly through WeChat, a messaging app that is so deeply integrated into Chinese life that losing your account means losing access to banking, online shopping, ordering taxis and much more.

According to Zhang, the conspiracy theory was shared in multiple WeChat groups they were in, and in such a way that it looked like a coordinated effort.

“A few weeks ago, I started to see posts about the virus was brought to China by the U.S. military,” the source said. “All the posts appeared in different WeChat groups at around the same time. Keep in mind most WeChat groups are completely independent of each other. For the same posts to show up in all the large WeChat groups at the same time, it has to have the government behind it.”

The CCP has a huge amount of control over how WeChat operates and has already shown its willingness to use that power to control the coronavirus narrative.

It has banned WeChat users inside the country who have shared anything vaguely negative about the government’s response to coronavirus, it has silenced overseas WeChat users without their knowledge, and it has ramped up the level of censorship on the topic of coronavirus as the epidemic escalated.

READ: Wuhan's crematoriums are filling thousands of urns with coronavirus remains each day

The fact China has not banned this topic from being discussed on WeChat shows that it is happy for it to continue to be disseminated.

“The topic has been widely discussed on WeChat and Weibo,” one Hong Kong-based social media researcher known by the Twitter handle Chelsea, told VICE News. “The CCP doesn’t censor the discussion of origin. As most Chinese think the virus is not from China. I think this is the direction that CCP want it to keep going.”

The view is backed up by Victor Shih, a China expert at the University of California.

“Although the Chinese government and Chinese tech companies have demonstrated numerous times that they have the capacity to stop rumors and forwards from going viral on WeChat using censorship tools, they have not chosen to stop this groundless theory from circulating among Chinese communities,” Shih told VICE News.

But unlike previous anti-U.S. propaganda, this time around Beijing is also seeking to sow disinformation further afield. “What is new this time is that China is doing this kind of disinformation externally, on Twitter, a platform blocked in China, and through its external-facing media outlets,” Wang said.

Origins of a conspiracy theory

Research published this week by the Stanford Internet Observatory shows that the seeds of the conspiracy go back at least to January, when news of the virus in Wuhan.

It is unclear when the conspiracy theory was first floated or by whom, but it had gained enough traction by the turn of the year that on Jan. 2, a Chinese-language YouTube channel shared a video dismissing the idea that the pneumonia in Wuhan was the result of U.S. genetic warfare.

READ: China is trying to rewrite the history of silenced coronavirus whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang

It was around this time that whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang tried to warn friends about a growing pneumonia-like virus spreading in his hospital in Wuhan — before the government silenced him.

The researcher said that because “platforms have pledged to remove disinformation related to the origin of the coronavirus, and our research started in mid-March, some materials could have been removed.”

Throughout January and February, the conspiracy theory continued to filter through on platforms like YouTube and Twitter which are banned in China and the English-language versions of China’s state-backed media also began boosting the unfounded claims.

Then, in March, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian gave the conspiracy the CCP’s seal of approval, tweeting that “It might be U.S. army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan.”

A week later he doubled down on the claim, citing Webb’s conspiracy theory about Benassi being coronavirus patient zero, without a shred of evidence.

Beijing’s reason for persisting with these claims is simple.

While people are discussing and debunking these conspiracy theories, they are not talking about its initial failings in responding to the outbreak and the questions being raised over the veracity of the figures it has shared about the outbreak.

“Propaganda like this largely serves the leadership's interests in that it takes attention away from other problems in China,” one of the co-founders of, an organization that tracks China’s online censorship, told VICE News, using the pseudonym Charlie Smith. “You — and many of your peers — are covering this story now instead of covering other, more truthful, and likely hurtful, stories. It's a waste of everyone's time except The Party's.”
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Virus Researchers Cast Doubt On Theory Of Coronavirus Lab Accident

Early focus on the source of the outbreak in Wuhan was on a major seafood market that also sold wild animals, though conclusive evidence proving the market was the origin of the virus has yet to emerge.

Regardless, genetic analysis shows the virus began to spread sometime in the fall or winter of 2019, says Robert Garry, a microbiologist at Tulane University.
Whoooaaa! Outposted by EU95 again. When will you ever learn?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Virus Researchers Cast Doubt On Theory Of Coronavirus Lab Accident

Whoooaaa! Outposted by EU95 again. When will you ever learn?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

again .. from your article .. you really do need to read this stuff first .. you know .. see what it really says?

"These protocols are used by scientists all over the world, including in China. Mazet says that the staff at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where much of the suspicion has been focused, has been trained by U.S. scientists as part of the PREDICT program. Scientists working there follow the rules, Mazet says.

Mazet says researchers at the Wuhan institute were so good, they actually helped to shape the protocols. "They were not only completing all of those trainings, but they were also weighing in and helping us to make those trainings very strong from a safety perspective," she says."

and earlier this ..

"The accident theory has been advanced by the Trump administration in recent weeks. Earlier this month, a set of State Department cables leaked to The Washington Post pointed to U.S. safety concerns at labs in Wuhan, the city where the virus emerged. Intelligence agencies are currentlyassessing the possibility of an accident, and last Wednesday, President Trump promised "a very thorough examination" of events."

substitute that with "Obama administration" and the press including the libtard npr and this author would be hailing Obama the great!

Obama fumbled his own pandemic miserably. Trump has not. and we shouldn't be racist and call it the "Wuhan Virus". Nope! we should be calling it the "Obama Wuhan CHINK Bat SHIT Virus"

Opinion | U.S. diplomatic cables warned of Wuhan lab safety issues. The world needs answers.

did yous know Obama funded this research?

Obama's NIH Sent $3.7M to Wuhan Lab Where Coronavirus May Have Originated.

Obama Wuhan CHINK Bat SHIT Virus!!


you do know that no matter how the Chinks and the liberal press spin it, it did originate in Wuhan China. it very well could have been a lab accident despite the liberals ar NPR want to slant it.

or some chink didn't cook his roast bat well enough or his grilled pangolin.

and not one word about the actual point of the thread ... China claiming it did NOT come from China rather a US Military cycling athlete brought it to Wuhan. from the USA. butt given yer propensity for leftist dogma you probably believe them Chinks .. don't ya?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
you do know that no matter how the Chinks and the liberal press spin it, it did originate in Wuhan China. it very well could have been a lab accident despite the liberals ar NPR want to slant it.

or some chink didn't cook his roast bat well enough or his grilled pangolin.

and not one word about the actual point of the thread ... China claiming it did NOT come from China rather a US Military cycling athlete brought it to Wuhan. from the USA. butt given yer propensity for leftist dogma you probably believe them Chinks .. don't ya?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Justice Alito’s jurisprudence of white racial innocence

In other words, when black or brown people have been on the receiving end of allegedly racist treatment, Alito preaches that we shouldn’t jump to such conclusions; yet in a case where white people were allegedly harmed, he wasn’t so cautious.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Justice Alito’s jurisprudence of white racial innocence

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

you amuse me grasshopper. really you do. it's why i don't ignore you. to watch you flail about posting your leftist garbage is funny. and pathetic. not only are the facts completely against you history wise you cannot see the total failure of your cherished ideology right in front of your face, over and over again. and always going to the race card. are ya claiming Alito's "white favoriteism" means saying anything about China and the virus is racist? how many times u gots to watch the same movie with the same shit ending to understand it? it's the same plot sparky .. it always ends the same. collapse. you can't have "socialism lite" in the USA, sport. it always goes full on commie and you get China. or the FAILED USSR. or Cuba and Venezuela today.

see how this always ends?

and yous must have the worst case if ITADD (Internet Troll Attention Deficit Disorder) i have frankly ever seen. why don't you dazzle me sparky and post about the topic at hand of this thread .. ChiCom propaganda about this virus?

I think the Chinese want to believe they are not at fault and the government gives them cover.

Still, the science says it came from Wuhan.

Believe the science!
  • oeb11
  • 04-24-2020, 08:17 AM
9500 - when all else ffails - as in bringing non-relevant articles to support your theory that Trump caused the American military to plant the Wuhan virus in Wuhan - It fails!
The next response is - "RACISM" - the usual response when caught out in Lies.

The next thing from 9500- 'Hitler" !!!

So pathetic!!!
Why not go live in China under ur beloved comrade Xi - and fine out what Fascist authorittive totalitarianism is really like. Find out how the uighurs are in concentration cmaps - u might find Urself geyting a personal long term tour!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Justice Alito’s jurisprudence of white racial innocence
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

this is off topic...

u want to talk about racism in jury count, do it in another thread.
  • oeb11
  • 04-24-2020, 12:31 PM
9500 - is playing the Race card on all white folks - i do not care if 9500 feels guilty about being born whatever - but as a conservative - I feel no guilt for advocating equal opportunity for all.

Rather than a Government plan to level all citizens to equal outcome at the poverty level!
even Lenny Bruce and YSL are laughing in their graves at 9500!
Lol n wtf whaco TX kid. I believe China nearly as much as I believe your twit head in chief of no responsibility. Get a fnk clue dude or get tested...for lead poisoning on the brain cells
Virus Researchers Cast Doubt On Theory Of Coronavirus Lab Accident

Whoooaaa! Outposted by EU95 again. When will you ever learn?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You're hanging your hat on only one aspect of the equation. Three Conspiracy theories have emerged to the origin of this virus they call "Covid-19". 1) Virus emerged from a wet market in Wuhan China. No other wet market only the one in Wuhan. 2). Virus was developed in a Lab in Wuhan China and somehow found it's way into the population. 3) Chinese Government places blame on United states Military. 4) None of the above. I'll go with number four, because the other theories will lead to further speculation and scarcity of facts.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Lol n wtf whaco TX kid. I believe China nearly as much as I believe your twit head in chief of no responsibility. Get a fnk clue dude or get tested...for lead poisoning on the brain cells Originally Posted by Tsmokies

so .. you believe China. that the US caused this, and their "low death rates" are due to .. what? luck? communism and their hospitals?


Dang Waco dude. Maybe you should drink more bleach and sniff more lead. You have no brain cells left sad to say. It's not my fault your daddy n mommy wear cousins x10
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Dang Waco dude. Maybe you should drink more bleach and sniff more lead. You have no brain cells left sad to say Originally Posted by Tsmokies

if you say so
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

think TS needs to take a bleach shower...?

maybe that might reduce his TDS-2016 count?