The democrap party is a bunch of racists and shameless political hacks.

A black State Rep. who thanks Hydroxychloroquine for saving her left is now in the RACIST democraps cross hairs!! This shit is typical of the phony ALL inclusive garbage they cross them and they will get you!! THIS IS FROM THE DETROIT NEWS...IT THAT FAKE NEWS HOE BOY??...why did I ask YOUS because YOUS don't know SHIT!!

Democrats Plan to Censure, Withhold Endorsements for State Rep Who Claimed That Hydroxychloroquine Saved Her Life

Posted at 8:30 pm on April 23, 2020 by Elizabeth Vaughn
The Detroit News reports that on Saturday, Detroit Democrats will vote on a resolution to “censure and bar any future endorsements” of Michigan State Rep. Karen Whitsett, a first-term lawmaker representing the 9th Michigan House District. The Democratic lawmaker from Detroit tested positive for COVID-19 and after becoming quite ill, she was prescribed hydroxychloroquine which she claims saved her life. My colleague, Jennifer Van Laar, posted about this story here.
Whitsett has said she “wouldn’t have thought to ask her doctor for it had President Trump not highlighted the drug as a potential treatment.” She is pretty excited about the drug. She spoke glowingly about it on Tucker Carlson’s show. On April 14, she attended a COVID-19 survivors meeting held at the White House with President Trump and Vice President Pence, during which she again praised hydroxychloroquine.

At the meeting, Whitsett told Trump, “Thank you for everything that you have done. I did not know that saying thank you had a political line…I’m telling my story and my truth, and this how I feel and these are my words.”
The 13th Congressional District Democratic Party Organization wasn’t too happy with her breach of protocol, hence the Saturday vote. A vote of censure “means she will not get the group’s endorsement for this year nor will she be able to engage in the group’s activities for the next two election cycles.”
Jonathan Kinloch, chairman of the organization, told The Detroit News, “At the end of the day, we have political systems. We have political parties, and political parties exist for a reason. They do not belong to themselves. They belong to the members and precinct delegates of the Democratic Party.”

Sister Toldjah
Kinloch said their problems with Whitsett began with another matter that clearly was a smokescreen for praising the drug that Democrats nationwide are discrediting because President Trump has touted it.
Whitsett said, “I will continue to fight for the city of Detroit and the people in Detroit who need it the most, and that is the black community. We’re the voiceless, and I don’t care who I got to go up against to do that. I’m a Democrat, and I plan on continuing to be a Democrat, but they will change their ways. I have my First Amendment right, and no one will take that away from me.”
According to Kinloch, on Sunday, his group had “asked her to come in for a “screening” of candidates for her house district” and “Whitsett refused.”
Kinloch said, “Don’t play with us. This is very serious when we ask to have a conversation with you and you choose not to. We’re not going to accept that. How they handle you in Lansing as far as the Democratic caucus that’s on them. But how we handle you back at home, that’s on us.”
Whitsett told The Detroit News she “didn’t have time for the screening. I don’t have time for politics. That’s ridiculous, during a pandemic, that they think I have time for a screening…I have people that need me.”
The Detroit News let their bias show, They wrote, “While hydroxychloroquine is effective at treating lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, the drug can be dangerous for people with certain heart conditions."
  • oeb11
  • 04-24-2020, 08:37 AM
Typical Fascist DPST Mob Plantation Politics - they are incapable of understanding that people think for themselves.

And respond viciously when "One of their own' steps out of Line!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Typical beebsy/oebsy doubleteam.

Dog whistles, names callings, scatologies and personal attacks.

Just no truth or fact.

May i recommend a morning shot of Clorox with your coffee?

Seems like that’s what your moral compass is points toward now, eh?

It's from the Detroit news no conservative paper, YOUS know nothing PHONY HOE .
YOUS party is a bunch of racist with a with a black lynching mentality.
YOUS should be proud of that HOE AKA YR the board violating blowhard!
YOUS typical brain dead mentality quotes....yous sound like a retarded parrot.

I know when I trigger come back the lame...

"Dog whistles, names callings, scatologies and personal attacks.
Just no truth or fact".

Were YOUS prerogatives about members mothers..."Dog whistles, names callings, scatologies and personal attacks.... DO TELL HOE YOUS FUCKING HYPOCITE...I being wait for yesterday...YOUS a fowl mouth vile creature!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
It’s’s spin on the story, beebsy.

Are you that dense, man?

Lysol can clear that up, eh oebsy? Actually it sounds like yous already had some today!

Here’s the redstate writer yous highlighted, beebsy!

Idiots of the worlds unite!
It’s’s spin on the story, beebsy.

Are you that dense, man?

Lysol can clear that up, eh oebsy? Actually it sounds like yous already had some today!

Here’s the redstate writer yous highlighted, beebsy!

Idiots of the worlds unite! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That is the story RIGHT from the Detroit News source reading and comprehension ability fails at the kindergarten level.
The lobotomy YOUS had is very go talk vile garbage about my ALL YOUS got HOE you board violating PHONY know nothing. "Who is that dude"

He's the house majority leader you know nothing blowhard
Typical beebsy/oebsy doubleteam.

Dog whistles, names callings, scatologies and personal attacks.

Just no truth or fact.

May i recommend a morning shot of Clorox with your coffee?

Seems like that’s what your moral compass is points toward now, eh?

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Please illustrate the dog whistle for me...