Daddy, daddy! Make those bad democrats stop stealing our federal dollars!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-28-2014, 10:09 AM
“I’ve been paying attention daddy. It is those liberal states that suck up our hard earned Dixie tax dollars. We’d be better off if we seceded and kept our hard earned taxes at home.”

OOPS! The numbers vary a little but the message is the same.

“Don’t worry, son, WE spend our pork on good things like tobaccy and NASCAR.”
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-28-2014, 11:33 AM
Damn that blows some folks notion on states with low tax rates...
“I’ve been paying attention daddy. It is those liberal states that suck up our hard earned Dixie tax dollars. We’d be better off if we seceded and kept our hard earned taxes at home.”

OOPS! The numbers vary a little but the message is the same.

“Don’t worry, son, WE spend our pork on good things like tobaccy and NASCAR.” Originally Posted by Old-T

Old-Thumper .... You should have read the comments on both of your articles. If you had you would have never posted this crap.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-28-2014, 11:50 AM
Most the comments have about as much unbiased credibility as your posts on here, i.e. very little. Even so, they do nothing to refute the basics. Mostly it is a few whiny RWW types saying "it's not fair, it makes us look bad!"

The bottom line is states like Alabama, Montana, etc., want the bad nasty Feds out of their business--just keep redistributing hard earned blue dollars to subsidize their Dixie dole.

Not sure what is so hard to comprehend: How much flows from State to Feds, compair to how much flows from Feds to State. Even your beloved Texas seems to suck up more than it's fair share.

Some of the graphics/scatter plots are even more telling.

I am not saying the numbers should change. I am not one who is apoplectic about "wealth distribution". I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of some RWWs. Again.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What I love about the dollars flowing into the government versus flowing out to the states is that at the height of trillion dollar deficits, every state got more from the Feds than they shipped in to Washington!!
However, a state that opposes Federal handouts should still take their fair share until it can get the government to cut wasteful spending.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What I love about the dollars flowing into the government versus flowing out to the states is that at the height of trillion dollar deficits, every state got more from the Feds than they shipped in to Washington!!
However, a state that opposes Federal handouts should still take their fair share until it can get the government to cut wasteful spending. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

You're fucking cracked, homo! Texans poured $$$$$ into the federal tax base, but our illustrious douchebag asshat governor refused to take OUR FAIR SHARE back.

Federal unemployment? NO.

Medicaid expansion? NO.

What else? Border security? Just a lot of whining.

You need to STFU and pay attention for once...
“I’ve been paying attention daddy. It is those liberal states that suck up our hard earned Dixie tax dollars. We’d be better off if we seceded and kept our hard earned taxes at home.”

OOPS! The numbers vary a little but the message is the same.

“Don’t worry, son, WE spend our pork on good things like tobaccy and NASCAR.” Originally Posted by Old-T

Thanks for proving why Mississippi is the poorest state in the Nation.
Budman's Avatar

You're fucking cracked, homo! Texans poured $$$$$ into the federal tax base, but our illustrious douchebag asshat governor refused to take OUR FAIR SHARE back.

Federal unemployment? NO.

Medicaid expansion? NO.

What else? Border security? Just a lot of whining.

You need to STFU and pay attention for once... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

It all depends on what strings are attached to accepting the money. If by accepting the money you are now obligated to increase funding over and above the incoming dollars maybe it's not such a good idea.

Sup, are you on break from your hall monitor position? If you have time try and respond to your other lies that I pointed out in other threads.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It all depends on what strings are attached to accepting the money. If by accepting the money you are now obligated to increase funding over and above the incoming dollars maybe it's not such a good idea.

Sup, are you on break from your hall monitor position? If you have time try and respond to your other lies that I pointed out in other threads. Originally Posted by Budman
This is a lie? How?

You're a fucking imbecile.
Budman's Avatar
This is a lie? How?

You're a fucking imbecile. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I didn't say this was a lie. I said it depended on what strings are attached as to whether it is a good idea or not to take federal money. The lie I was referring to was the Dan Patrick abusing his employees. You made the claim and when asked for some kind of proof you disappeared. You are a coward.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

You're fucking cracked, homo! Texans poured $$$$$ into the federal tax base, but our illustrious douchebag asshat governor refused to take OUR FAIR SHARE back.

Federal unemployment? NO.

Medicaid expansion? NO.

What else? Border security? Just a lot of whining.

You need to STFU and pay attention for once... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If I link to it, will you admit you are wrong?
Or will you just move along like the dishonest jerk you are?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-28-2014, 04:43 PM
A state deciding to accept Fed $ and the associated conditions is a reasonable debate item. Not all states will see it the same way and may choose different courses. But my issue was not with any of the states and their choices--nor with the feds. I was just pointing out that some of the most vocal"small gov't" advocates live in states that benefit more than their fair share--and thus "small government" might be significantly more painful than they believe. All to often the acceptability of the pork depends on what farm the pig is on--that I do find a bit hypocritical.

I also agree with you: there is nothing wrong with a state taking what aid they can get within the rules.
I B Hankering's Avatar
“I’ve been paying attention daddy. It is those liberal states that suck up our hard earned Dixie tax dollars. We’d be better off if we seceded and kept our hard earned taxes at home.”

OOPS! The numbers vary a little but the message is the same.

“Don’t worry, son, WE spend our pork on good things like tobaccy and NASCAR.” Originally Posted by Old-T
New Mexico, Maine, Montana, South Dakota and Arizona are *real bastions of Dixie*, Old-Twerp.

Plus for some reason, Old-Twerp, the "Bang! Bang! Bang!" noise made by DOD's "Big Bad Guns" make lib-retards in the Yankee states go "Boo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Hence, the lib-retards have for the most part caused DOD -- with its "Big Bad Guns" and associated Federal dollars -- to relocate to Red States.

You should know that, considering your vocation, Old-Twerp. Reckon you've never been to Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, have you, Old-Twerp?

Why is it, Old-Twerp, that so many Yankee colleges have no ROTC departments -- and the associated Federal dollars -- on campus?

BTW, Old-Twerp, do Yankees somehow imagine, as you seem to do, that they don't benefit in any manner from a "common defence" for the "commonweal" because more DOD dollars are spent in Red States per capita than in Blue States?

Finally, Old-Twerp -- in case you are still befuddled -- Montana has more National Park Service employees and BLM employees than Delaware. BLM employees in Delaware or New Jersey are, per capita, probably as rare as intelligent lib-retards.
janescott's Avatar
Opp lad, they pocket the money and used it for their side project.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Poor IBIdiot. Still fighting the Civil War.

What a fucking numbnuts!

It's really almost as tedious as your childish insult names, IBIdiot.

at least you're in the process of making yet another thread about YOU!