What kind of a man occupies our presidency ?

Anti Hero's Avatar
hey i watch CNN too
You are right; I am remiss; so here is LYING SUSAN RICE telling the American public that Berghdal was "captured on the battlefield"................

Everyone else in the world knows this not to be true....but Susan Rice, teller of tales, the same person who tried to mislead the American public on Benghazi, does it again...................

Un fucking believable that Obama hires these lying dupes.

BTW, I couldn't find the CNN clip .................so here it is on ABC !

If you have anything from CNN you want to post; please do !

hey i watch CNN too Originally Posted by Anti Hero
Where's the Qatari Security Force who are supposed to limit these Taliban war criminals movements? Looks like an Austin Reacharound Crew meeting to me with all the hugging and petting before the big dance.
cowboy8055's Avatar
You are right; I am remiss; so here is LYING SUSAN RICE telling the American public that Berghdal was "captured on the battlefield"................

Everyone else in the world knows this not to be true....but Susan Rice, teller of tales, the same person who tried to mislead the American public on Benghazi, does it again...................

Un fucking believable that Obama hires these lying dupes.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This shouldn't surprise anyone. This administration seems to have a problem with reality. A few weeks ago Obama said the leadership in Kiev was duly elected. Someone should tell him a coup government is in place over there. The duly elected leader got ran out in February. They seem to be living in a fantasy world.
Even crazy liberal Matthews thinks releasing these terrorists is a bad idea............

wellendowed1911's Avatar
What kind of a man occupies our presidency ?

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WW you stupid fucktard- when criminals aka murderers, rapist, bank robbers, etc- when they get released they come home to someone who "loves" them as well so your point and rant is idiotic. Also, who is the real terrorist? Last time I checked those "prisoners" that you called "terrorist" are returning to THEIR home i.e- their land that is occupied by American troops. Are not the taliban - the son's of afghanistan- they have every right to fight against any foreign troops in their land- so why are you calling them terrorist? Because they defended their land against invaders? In the eyes of the taliban the americans are the terrorist- are you telling me the Americans didn't kill any innocent afghan citizens? I am not be anti-american but I can stand when dipshits like you think that no one's life matters but an American's life- heck the Taliban have family and loved ones they would like to go home and hug. Last I checked the taliban didn't invade or attack the U.S so you tell me who the aggressors and the occupiers are- stop being so one fucking sided you POS.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Oh by the way WW did you make an outrage in the 80's when your beloved Ronald Reagan and Colonel Oliver North traded strategic weapons to the Iranians for exchange of hostages? It was the same Iranians who took 53 American hostages and were responsible directly or indirectly for like 99 percent of terrorist attacks against the U.S in the 80's. Also, the beloved Reagan admistration that openly supported Saddam in his war against the Iran but secretly was supply the enemy? What Reagan did in the 80's would be the equivalent to the U.S directly selling weapons to Al-Queada.
Are you fucking kidding me?

Are you calling the American military the "real terrorists" ?

You have one fucked up world view...the Taliban commanders who Obama released, are part of the network that trained, housed, gave sanctuary, embraced, financed, and otherwise supported Al Qaeda. When the towers fell on 9/11 the Afghan Taliban celebrated the deaths of Americans. More than 20,000 Al Queda terrorists were trained in Afghanistan during the Taliban rule.

Before the Afghan war started the Taliban were in control of Afghanistan, they were given the opportunity to clean Al Qaeda out of their country. They sided with Al Qaeda. Throughout the war, the Taliban killed, maimed, and plotted with Al Qaeda elements against American military. But you side with the Taliban? There is very little daylight between the Taliban and Al Qaeda. But you defend them as honorable "freedom fighters."

When given a chance for open elections the Taliban was thrown out of office; they aren't the legitimate government of Afghanistan. And yes, they are terrorists; they have waged a bloody war against Americans, as well as the elected officials and citizens of Afghanistan.

I guess in your world view this is what patriotic freedom fighters do:

Deadly blast hits Afghan market in Faryab province

You are one fucked up American, defending the Taliban, who are widely despised in their own country.

WW you stupid fucktard- when criminals aka murderers, rapist, bank robbers, etc- when they get released they come home to someone who "loves" them as well so your point and rant is idiotic. Also, who is the real terrorist? Last time I checked those "prisoners" that you called "terrorist" are returning to THEIR home i.e- their land that is occupied by American troops. Are not the taliban - the son's of afghanistan- they have every right to fight against any foreign troops in their land- so why are you calling them terrorist? Because they defended their land against invaders? In the eyes of the taliban the americans are the terrorist- are you telling me the Americans didn't kill any innocent afghan citizens? I am not be anti-american but I can stand when dipshits like you think that no one's life matters but an American's life- heck the Taliban have family and loved ones they would like to go home and hug. Last I checked the taliban didn't invade or attack the U.S so you tell me who the aggressors and the occupiers are- stop being so one fucking sided you POS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Oh by the way WW did you make an outrage in the 80's when your beloved Ronald Reagan and Colonel Oliver North traded strategic weapons to the Iranians for exchange of hostages? It was the same Iranians who took 53 American hostages and were responsible directly or indirectly for like 99 percent of terrorist attacks against the U.S in the 80's. Also, the beloved Reagan administration that openly supported Saddam in his war against the Iran but secretly was supply the enemy? What Reagan did in the 80's would be the equivalent to the U.S directly selling weapons to Al-Queada. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You are a dumb fuck. Ronald Reagan negotiated the hostage release with the Iraqi Mullahs, who were the government at the time...he wasn't doing an end run around the Iraqi government like Obama has - in essence negotiating with terrorists ! The Taliban is not the Afghan government - they do not represent the legitimate government of Afghanistan - They are terrorists in every sense of the word !
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-04-2014, 04:26 PM
Oh by the way WW did you make an outrage in the 80's when your beloved Ronald Reagan and Colonel Oliver North traded strategic weapons to the Iranians for exchange of hostages?. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Do not talking linear logic with our pretzel shaped tea pots.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Are you fucking kidding me?

Are you calling the American military the "real terrorists" ?

You have one fucked up world view...the Taliban commanders who Obama released, are part of the network that trained, housed, gave sanctuary, embraced, financed, and otherwise supported Al Qaeda. When the towers fell on 9/11 the Afghan Taliban celebrated the deaths of Americans. More than 20,000 Al Queda terrorists were trained in Afghanistan during the Taliban rule.

Before the Afghan war started the Taliban were in control of Afghanistan, they were given the opportunity to clean Al Qaeda out of their country. They sided with Al Qaeda. Throughout the war, the Taliban killed, maimed, and plotted with Al Qaeda elements against American military. But you side with the Taliban? There is very little daylight between the Taliban and Al Qaeda. But you defend them as honorable "freedom fighters."

When given a chance for open elections the Taliban was thrown out of office; they aren't the legitimate government of Afghanistan. And yes, they are terrorists; they have waged a bloody war against Americans, as well as the elected officials and citizens of Afghanistan.

I guess in your world view this is what patriotic freedom fighters do:

Deadly blast hits Afghan market in Faryab province

You are one fucked up American, defending the Taliban, who are widely despised in their own country.

You are a dumb fuck. Ronald Reagan negotiated the hostage release with the Iraqi Mullahs, who were the government at the time...he wasn't doing an end run around the Iraqi government like Obama has - in essence negotiating with terrorists ! The Taliban is not the Afghan government - they do not represent the legitimate government of Afghanistan - They are terrorists in every sense of the word !
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You dumb stupid fuck- show me proof that the Taliban "TRAINED" al-queada- this is more bullshit you are reading from your Fox news source that is clearly bullshit. The taliban's biggest mistake is that it pretty much "housed" Osama bin laden who fought with them against the soviets- they did not train al-queada- oh by the way do you realize it's the same Taliban who the U.S supported and help train against the soviets to fight the soviet backed northern alliance whom we now train and support- karma is a bitch isn't it????
In terms of afghanistanians hating taliban- many don't like their strict rules- but many also state that the current regime is the most corrupt ever and the current govt in Afghanistan that the U.S help build is one of the world's most corrupt govt. Anyway you slice the cake- the Taliban have the right to be in Afghanistan more than any U.S troop- it's their fucking land you POS. All that bullshit you mentioned about Taliban being terrorist is a fucking lie- name one international terrorist plot that had their fingerprints on it???? Your stupidity allows you to confuse Al-queada with Taliban- they are two different organizations- because they(Taliban) are fighting who they believe are occupiers- you want them to be labeled as terrorist- go to hell with your U.S propraganda bullshit.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
WW funny you posted about a taliban attack in an afghan market but don't mention the scores of U.S drone attacks that killed innocent children, men and women.
rodog44's Avatar
WW funny you posted about a taliban attack in an afghan market but don't mention the scores of U.S drone attacks that killed innocent children, men and women. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You need to get the fuck out of the USA. You dont desreve to live here.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
What kind of a man occupies our presidency ?

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Here's your lesson for today and this shows you how ignorant and stupid you are-:
When the soviets occupied Afghanistan from 1980 to 1989- the Mujahideen aka the Taliban pretty much used the same tactics against the soviets that they use now against the americans- which included road side bombs- hit and run attacks- only big difference is the current Taliban don't have financial and weapons support from a foreign country in the way that the U.S armed and supplied the Mujahideen aka the Taliban during the 1980 to 89 offensive against the soviets and the Afghan govt- who by the way were controlled by the northern alliance who we now train.

WW what I just stated is pure fact- now if the Taliban during the 80's used the same tactics against the soviets as they do now against the U.S why was it ok for the U.S to support those "terrorist" back than but now the "Taliban" are so bad that we label them as terrorist today, but those same guys were "heroes" when they were spilling Soviet blood????

I guess you are only a terrorist when you attack Americans- but if you attack and defend yourself against any other group you are not a terrorist? This is something WW your POS lying ass can't refute- the Taliban of today are the same Mujahideen of the 80's- they (Taliban) are just fighting different people who don't belong there- Soviets in the 80's and Americans today. We are the aggressors- we are in THEIR land and until you and POS republicans understand- you will never get the picture!!!