Should "Trans Women" Be Allowed To Compete Athletically Against Biological Women?

If you didn't see it, Martina Navratlova was kicked off an LBGTQ board because she voiced that it was unfair for a "Trans woman" to compete against biological women.

Powerlifting USA said, "Nope" biological men aren't going to compete against biological women.

There's been athletic bodies that say that "trans women can compete against biological women but they have to have some hormone limit. The result has been "trans women" winning top level weightlifting and bicycling contests.

I'm putting the "Transwoman" in quotes because I don't think there's a universal definition of a born biological male's journey to "Trans Woman." Do they identify as a woman? Are they having estrogen treatments? Did they have their dicks and balls cut off? Combination of above and more?

This article really shows the lunacy we've approached:

The sentiment is universal: Everyone agrees that Andraya Yearwood should be allowed to compete in her chosen races as a girl. After all, she identifies as a girl, trains alongside fellow females and plans to eventually undergo hormone therapy to complete a transition from her male birth gender to female.
So the dude's a dude. Why is he allowed to compete against girls? Why is the author saying "the sentiment is universal?"
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You got it right. There is no real thing as a trans anything. There are just mutilated men and women.
themystic's Avatar
Mods please move this thread unless its about how right wing loons are always obsessed with some sexual bullshit. Transgender Restrooms, Gay marriage, who can and cant you bake a cake for,etc. The President has been rumored to be gay and here we go already. Give it a rest Trumpers. You got your rapist confirmed to the Supreme Court, let it go man
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Political topic? I think not.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Title IX, the hallmark of liberal sex politics. Took it out of the bedroom and put it in the locker room. Very much political.
winn dixie's Avatar
Title IX, the hallmark of liberal sex politics. Took it out of the bedroom and put it in the locker room. Very much political. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Very much a political topic! What ever gender you were born is what classification you should compete in athletics and what bathroom one should use! And the military should not be a place where people go to get their gender re-assignment surgery for free. Nor should incarcerated folks get that surgery paid for by the tax payers!
lustylad's Avatar
Hey, I thought liberals believed in science and conservatives were in denial! WTF happened? Now I'm confused.

Science tells me Kaitlyn Jenner is a guy. Or did he suddenly convert all of his Y chromosomes to X???

Please, please, pretty please yssup and mystic... tell us why the science is wrong!!

Or is this a topic you would rather avoid because either way you argue, you lose?
lustylad's Avatar
Yeah, baby! You go, girl!

Martina Navratilova’s Girl Power

The tennis legend says allowing transgender women in women’s sports is ‘cheating.’

By William McGurn
Feb. 18, 2019 2:54 p.m. ET

Are athletes who are born male but identify as female cheating girls? Tennis legend Martina Navratilova says they are.

“To put the argument at its most basic,” she wrote this weekend in an op-ed for the Sunday Times of London, “a man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organisation is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires.”

Her conclusion is blunt: “It’s insane and it’s cheating. I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair.”

This isn’t the first time Ms. Navratilova has sounded off on the issue. “You can’t just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women,” she tweeted in December. “There must be some standards, and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard.” After intense blowback, Ms. Navratilova said she would have nothing more to say until she’d studied the issue more closely.

“Well, I’ve now done that and, if anything, my views have strengthened,” she wrote in the Sunday Times.

Ms. Navratilova’s argument comes at a moment when institutions from high schools to state legislatures are wrestling with the real-world implications of equal access for transgender people. When the issue first arose, the most heated arguments were over single-sex locker rooms, rest rooms and college dorms. But the front lines have now shifted to sports - and girls’ sports in particular.

This is no coincidence. As Abigail Shriernotes in City Journal, “few biological boys are likely to lose top spots in sports competition or the college scholarships that follow because of transgender boys who outperform them.” But in girls’ sports, American moms and dads are increasingly watching their daughters in high school and college competing against biological boys.

In June, two transgender high-schoolers in Connecticut made national headlines when they dominated the girls’ state track competition for the second year in a row. Such victories underscore Ms. Navratilova’s argument that if biological men are allowed to compete in women’s sports, girls will not be the winners.

This in turn has led to a curious development: Some of the most pointed criticism of allowing transgender women to compete in women’s sports isn’t coming from the culture warriors on the right, much as they might be in sympathy. A good part is coming from those like Ms. Navratilova, a longtime champion of gay rights who came out in 1981 and whose Twitter feed is filled with leftist sentiment on everything from Donald Trump and climate change to guns.

Andrew Sullivan noted this surreal alliance in a recent essay for New York magazine headlined “The Nature of Sex.” Mr. Sullivan’s particular focus was the proposed Equality Act - which would add “gender identity” to the classes protected by the 1964 Civil Rights Act - but his main point about the implications of ignoring biological reality dovetails with Ms. Navratilova’s argument about sports.

Once biological reality is pushed aside, Mr. Sullivan writes, it becomes hard to define exactly what a woman really is. “The core of the traditional gay claim,” he writes, “is that there is indeed a very big difference between male and female, that the difference matters, and without it, homosexuality would make no sense at all.” Not only that, if male and female are simply social constructs, the definitions that then prevail “must rely on stereotypical ideas of what gender expression means,” such as wearing dresses or nail polish. So he salutes the courage of gay women such as Ms. Navratilova who are attacked for speaking up.

Today women’s powerlifting has become transgender sports activists’ leading villain. In January, USA Powerlifting announced a prohibition on transgender women, on the sensible ground that theirs is a strength sport and allowing biological males to compete wouldn’t be fair.

But common sense is no match for an ideology on the march. No sooner had USA Powerlifting announced its policy than it received a letter from Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar saying that the sport was violating the Minnesota Human Rights Act. She said she was asking the state’s attorney general to investigate.

Meanwhile, Ms. Navratilova’s op-ed is already generating headlines, mostly of the “Martina Navratilova criticized for comments” variety. Of course, she anticipated the furor and name-calling, writing of the “tyranny” of transgender activists who rather than engage in argument simply denounce as “transphobes” anyone who dares disagree. Though she promises it won’t deter her, she worries that “others may be cowed into silence or submission.”

In the end, if the sports world can’t distinguish between girls and boys, the whole reason for women’s sports disappears. Bully for Ms. Navratilova for her willingness to insist on the distinction.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Mods please move this thread unless its about how right wing loons are always obsessed with some sexual bullshit. Transgender Restrooms, Gay marriage, who can and cant you bake a cake for,etc. The President has been rumored to be gay and here we go already. Give it a rest Trumpers. You got your rapist confirmed to the Supreme Court, let it go man Originally Posted by themystic

  • grean
  • 03-04-2019, 03:03 PM
Pee in what ever bathroom they want.

Have coed spelling bees and math competitions

However, if one cannot see the competitive advantage a girl who use to be, or still is a guy has over biological women, one needs to go back to school.

There are very few species where females are physically dominant over males. Humans are not one of those species.


Now I would love to know how all the women who turn themselves into men get such full bairds while so many men have less than devine manes.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hormones, surgery, regret: I was a transgender woman for 8 years — time I can't get back

I started my transgender journey as a 4-year-old boy when my grandmother repeatedly, over several years, cross-dressed me in a full-length purple dress she made especially for me and told me how pretty I was as a girl. This planted the seed of gender confusion and led to my transitioning at age 42 to transgender female.

thats fucked up.

its identity fraud
its also cheating.

operations like this should be outlawed and should be reserved for those who are truly genetically gender fluid.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Pee in what ever bathroom they want.

Have coed spelling bees and math competitions

However, if one cannot see the competitive advantage a girl who use to be, or still is a guy has over biological women, one needs to go back to school.

There are very few species where females are physically dominant over males. Humans are not one of those species.


Now I would love to know how all the women who turn themselves into men get such full bairds while so many men have less than devine manes. Originally Posted by grean

for women, an extra dose of testosterone
for males, an extra dose of estrogen
Little Monster's Avatar
No they should not be allowed to. Can't believe I am actually agreeing with the conservatards on something. They're still men, it's an unfair advantage.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How is this thread about Title IX?
winn dixie's Avatar
How is this thread about Title IX? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
YR Please reread your own post? Then edit ! Really