4th State Lawmaker In 2 Months Leaves The Democrat Party For Republican Party



I said it last time. This looks like a trend to me. I honestly believe we're going to see more of this. The rats are fleeing the sinking ship. The Great Awakening is happening. I love it. Smells like winning. The Democrat party has become unpalatable to a growing number of Americans. I wonder why?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
that remains to be seen... the great awakening.
It’s West Virginia. I suspect not much more needs to be said.
  • Tiny
  • 04-18-2023, 11:24 AM
It’s West Virginia. I suspect not much more needs to be said. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
More needs to be said.

Maybe Joe Manchin, the West Virginia Senator, will switch parties, or, like Kyrsten Sinema, become an independent. I hope so. He's mad as hell about the Biden Administration's "Inflation Reduction Act Betrayal":


And he should be. The ridiculously-named Inflation Reduction Act is going to cost a lot more than what Biden and the CBO said it would. And West Virginia, Texas and Louisiana, states which produce fossil fuels, will come out on the short end of the stick.


I said it last time. This looks like a trend to me. I honestly believe we're going to see more of this. The rats are fleeing the sinking ship. The Great Awakening is happening. I love it. Smells like winning. The Democrat party has become unpalatable to a growing number of Americans. I wonder why? Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
I think the switch is more to infiltrate. I won't take any of these twitches quite seriously just yet.
The rats are fleeing the sinking ship. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
well those fleeing are only half-breed rats who have developed ears to hear and eyes to see and who have begun to drop the willful suspension of reality