Donald Trump is a RINO. Reply to Charley3, to avoid hijacking Cheap Charlie's thread

  • Tiny
  • 04-18-2023, 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
This is what’s killing the GOP. Fans of Orange Turd love to label anyone who wants to have civil discussion and actually try to work out differences. Originally Posted by Charley3
Yes Charley, Donald Trump is the Democrat's Best Friend. And a RINO!

Evidence is as follows,

Trump used to be a card carrying member of the Democratic Party.

At that time he said he was OK with partial birth abortion.

He also supported a Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren style wealth tax.

In 2017, when Republicans were putting together the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Trump wanted to increase taxes on upper income Americans. Ironically, Gary Cohn, a Democrat and Trump's economic advisor, talked him out of it.

At one point Trump supported Stacey Abrams for governor of Georgia over Brian Kemp, the Republican.

In 2016, Trump refused to say he'd support the Republican nominee for president, unless he were the nominee.

In early 2021, after he'd attempted to steal the election and lost support from many Republican politicians, Trump toyed with the idea of starting a new "Patriot Party." This would have drawn votes from Republicans and made America into a one party state, controlled by Democrats. Trump backed off when McConnell, McCarthy and others fell back in line.

Trump's PAC is running ads attacking DeSantis for supporting measures to make Social Security and Medicare solvent when DeSantis was in Congress.

Trump criticized Ted Cruz's father for allegedly killing John F. Kennedy. Please note that JFK was a Democrat.

Trump caused Republicans to lose control of the Senate in 2020. He ran off Jeff Flake, who would have easily won the general election in Arizona. He questioned whether Republicans' votes would be counted in the Georgia Senate runoffs. So why go to the trouble to vote? He later backtracked. But with Democrats fired up to go to the polls because of Trump's attempts to steal the 2020 presidential election, that did little good.

Trump caused Republicans to lose the Senate again in 2022. He supported losers like Herschel Walker. To get through the primaries, candidates had to pledge allegiance to Trump and claim massive voter fraud. This did not sit well with Democrats. They were fired up again to go vote. As a result, for the first midterm in a long while, Democratic candidates did better than the polls predicted. Pat Toomey, who would have kicked Fetterman's ass from here to Timbuktu, did not run for reelection, perhaps because he knew Trump was going to have him "primaried."

Yes, Donald Trump, the Democrat's Best Friend
Yes Charley, Donald Trump is the Democrat's Best Friend. And a RINO!

Evidence is as follows,

Trump used to be a card carrying member of the Democratic Party.

At that time he said he was OK with partial birth abortion.

He also supported a Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren style wealth tax.

In 2017, when Republicans were putting together the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Trump wanted to increase taxes on upper income Americans. Ironically, Gary Cohn, a Democrat and Trump's economic advisor, talked him out of it.

At one point Trump supported Stacey Abrams for governor of Georgia over Brian Kemp, the Republican.

In 2016, Trump refused to say he'd support the Republican nominee for president, unless he were the nominee.

In early 2021, after he'd attempted to steal the election and lost support from many Republican politicians, Trump toyed with the idea of starting a new "Patriot Party." This would have drawn votes from Republicans and made America into a one party state, controlled by Democrats. Trump backed off when McConnell, McCarthy and others fell back in line.

Trump's PAC is running ads attacking DeSantis for supporting measures to make Social Security and Medicare solvent when DeSantis was in Congress.

Trump criticized Ted Cruz's father for allegedly killing John F. Kennedy. Please note that JFK was a Democrat.

Trump caused Republicans to lose control of the Senate in 2020. He ran off Jeff Flake, who would have easily won the general election in Arizona. He questioned whether Republicans' votes would be counted in the Georgia Senate runoffs. So why go to the trouble to vote? He later backtracked. But with Democrats fired up to go to the polls because of Trump's attempts to steal the 2020 presidential election, that did little good.

Trump caused Republicans to lose the Senate again in 2022. He supported losers like Herschel Walker. To get through the primaries, candidates had to pledge allegiance to Trump and claim massive voter fraud. This did not sit well with Democrats. They were fired up again to go vote. As a result, for the first midterm in a long while, Democratic candidates did better than the polls predicted. Pat Toomey, who would have kicked Fetterman's ass from here to Timbuktu, did not run for reelection, perhaps because he knew Trump was going to have him "primaried."

Yes, Donald Trump, the Democrat's Best Friend Originally Posted by Tiny
The Democrats should back off. If Trump gets elected in 2024 he'll do everything the Democrats want, or is their disdain for Trump just a big ploy?
  • Tiny
  • 04-18-2023, 12:23 PM
The Democrats should back off. If Trump gets elected in 2024 he'll do everything the Democrats want, or is their disdain for Trump just a big ploy? Originally Posted by Levianon17
The Democrats want Trump to become the nominee. They think he'll be easier to beat than other candidates. And he'll drag down other Republicans on the ballot.

No, he wouldn't do everything the Democrats want. You have a good point point, overall the Trump administration's policies were much preferable to the Biden administration's. Thank goodness Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin were around, to counterbalance Biden and the Progressives!
the bottom line is

despite anything else, whether he once did or did not espouse dimocrat views, all that falls by the wayside now

trump's policies in his first term were very good

and in his second term i expect them to be even better
matchingmole's Avatar
The Democrats should back off. If Trump gets elected in 2024 he'll do everything the Democrats want, or is their disdain for Trump just a big ploy? Originally Posted by Levianon17

Trump will never be POTUS there's that.
The Democrats want Trump to become the nominee. They think he'll be easier to beat than other candidates. And he'll drag down other Republicans on the ballot.

No, he wouldn't do everything the Democrats want. You have a good point point, overall the Trump administration's policies were much preferable to the Biden administration's. Thank goodness Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin were around, to counterbalance Biden and the Progressives! Originally Posted by Tiny
I think the Democrats might be going about wrong, lol.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I think the Democrats might be going about wrong, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Actually, both sides are going about it wrong. What the fuck is this country thinking electing a fake ass Republican like Trump who was so bad at his job that people actually had to choose someone as incompetent as Biden to replace him? Neither Biden nor Trump had/have no business even being in the race.

I get why Trump won. Mrs. Clinton certainly comes across as a smug unlikable annoying bitch. Biden beat Trump for the exact same reason.
Trump will never be POTUS there's that. Originally Posted by matchingmole
I don't think it really matters anymore who the President is.
Actually, both sides are going about it wrong. What the fuck is this country thinking electing a fake ass Republican like Trump who was so bad at his job that people actually had to choose someone as incompetent as Biden to replace him? Neither Biden nor Trump had/have no business even being in the race.

I get why Trump won. Mrs. Clinton certainly comes across as a smug unlikable annoying bitch. Biden beat Trump for the exact same reason. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Well then Biden can easily be beat because he's not that likable either.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well then Biden can easily be beat because he's not that likable either. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I completely agree. I don't think Biden is that likable at all. He was only elected because he is more likable than Trump to most... and therein lies the rub if you have Trump run against Biden in 2024. You get 4 more years of Biden.
Trump is the best thing to happen to Democrats in forever.
... Hee Hee! ... You lads surely make me laugh...

... "so-called RINO" Trump is STILL the odds-on
favourite to WIN in 2024.... TRUMP 2024!

#### Salty
I completely agree. I don't think Biden is that likable at all. He was only elected because he is more likable than Trump to most... and therein lies the rub if you have Trump run against Biden in 2024. You get 4 more years of Biden. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Biden is actually more dangerous than Trump because he can do some real stupid shit without being held accountable. Trump on the other hand is a threat to the Democrats and they will stop at nothing to keep Trump from throwing a wrench in their Plans to fundamentally change this country, which they have established a dam good start. All they need is four to eight years of a controllable puppet like Biden and this country is finished.
bambino's Avatar
Trump is the best thing to happen to Democrats in forever. Originally Posted by Charley3
Then why are they trying so hard to arrest him?
Then why are they trying so hard to arrest him? Originally Posted by bambino
... "The Dems and Biden will LOSE to any other
candidate but Trump - we can beat him!"

... Hee Hee! ... IF the Democrats
really feel that way - they surely got a
funny way o' showing it.

You'd be thinking the Dems would be donating
money $$$ to ensure Trump Wins the primary.

But instead - they're tryin' like Jack-the-lad
to force Trump off the ballot.

... The Dems are more afraid then Scared Stella...

#### Salty