Sangkran Festival

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I am heading back to Thailand in April for the Sangkran Water Festival....The Thai New Year Celebration. I was wondering if anybody out there is going to be there this year for this and if any of you that maybe have been before can give some advice/pointers? I have been there 3 times before so I know my lay of the land in Thailand but I have not done Sangkran before. I am meeting a bunch of friends I have from all over the world that I have met there in my other trips.

I was told it will be very hot and expect to have water thrown on me all day and night for a Thai girls running around soaking wet in tight little tank tops and short shorts and ready to boom boom....yes please
Meiji's Avatar
  • Meiji
  • 01-22-2011, 09:07 PM
I've heard that around New Years, providers tend to hang out at home and vacation rather than work, so I'm not sure if Sangkran is a good time for hobbying in Thailand. I'd check for more on Thailand.
khun_kajonsak's Avatar
A fun time and get ready to get wet no matter where you go. Pattaya, BKK, CM ? Sure some of the girls may go back home but many, many do not have the bhat to go. There are PLENTY left :-)
Enjoy. Be careful if you are riding a cycle. Dangerous as hell when they are throwing klong water in your eyes. It is hot though. Hottest month on the calendar
Looter's Avatar
I figured that I would share with the class that I will be staying on the legendary Soi 6 in Pattaya for the better part of a week. If you do not know what Soi 6 is:
Adonis's Avatar
I'll be there in April for the Sangkran Water Festival but I haven't pinned down the exact dates.
Adonis's Avatar
April 11th through 25th... I'm thinking about hopping over to Hong Kong for a few days too because the airfare is only 250 r/t from BKK.
headed to Siem Reap for the 6th through 8th weekend then on to Thailand. Plan on seeing Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket, but have not nailed down the details on dates yet except for leaving SR on Monday. You fellas think the festival would be better in Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket?
Songkran Festival is a traditional Thai's New Year celebration that had been on for hundred and hundred years ago!
It use to be all about celebrating and give the elderly water for their blessing.

Nowaday, it is all about fun, drinking, cycling, traffic is terrible. Many dead this time of year more than a whole year combined due to motorcycles accident and auto accident.

In BKK, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Ayutthaya,etc.. are the same if you guys are staying at certain part of the town just stay there and play. It will be fun no matter what. Cute girls and friendly locals are everywhere.
I had been to all of those places, When the festicval starts the traffic stop. In the matter fact they will block off the streets for the celebration on certain time of the day.
It's official on the 13 th of April in BKK will last for 3 days..
In different provinces can last up to 7-10 days.. If you want to see what is going on in BKK goes to Tanon Kawsarn (White Rice Road near bang lumpoo) Many hostesl and cheap stays but not much of comfort.

If you want to taste the real traditional goes to the provinces that is farther out in the N or NE of BKK..

Any questions pls, PM me.
Enjoy and be safe!

I normally goes to BKK in Mar-Apr. It is hot!! But its get worst in May-jun-jul upto 115 degrees, hunmidity is high and sticky.. You will sweat.. bottle of water is the best keep it around. Also, wash cloth for keeping your neck cool, Water spray bottle is handy if your skin get to dry and hot. A lot of sunblock..Caps and hats are great items, too!

I found myself talking with one of the hotel clerks, a very nice lady in her 30s, when I was there over Songkran a few years ago.

Songkran used to be a very dignified thing, involving sprinkling and blessings. The tourist places got hold of it and turned it into a circus. She was NOT happy about it, as the net effect was that they were effectively prisoners inside the hotel from 10 AM to 7 PM: anyone on the street was considered fair game to be soaked to the skin, instantly, and then smeared with a flour/water "mud"-like paste.

If you go during Songkran, take clothes and shoes that can take being soaked, repeatedly. Put your wallet and cellphone and anything you must carry that can't take being soaked into a Ziploc(tm) baggie, or leave it in your room. If you carry a camera, be dam' certain it is rated for total immersion, because it will get soaked, along with you, by supersoakers and/or buckets.

And be warned: some of the local hooligans do their soaking with ice water. There is nothing quite like feeling yourself going straight into clinical shock. (No, it wasn't fun, and I do not plan on doing Songkran again any time soon.)
Oh, and something else: In Bangkok, cute girls and friendly locals are everywhere, year-round, not just during Songkran.
Oh, and something else: In Bangkok, cute girls and friendly locals are everywhere, year-round, not just during Songkran. Originally Posted by Sidewinder

Agreed with you sidewinder... We are friendly and treat you all visitors so well. Be safe during Songkran Festival.
Looter's Avatar
I was at Songkran last year in Pattaya and Bangkok. If you are on a motorcycle be careful because they will throw water on you wehn you are driving, they absolutely do not care. As a matter of fact I would say that if you are on a motorcyle you are a target because you are out in the open as opposed as to being in a car.

Have a blast but be prepared to literally not be dry if you are outside the entire time