Fort Worth Church Shooting

Chung Tran's Avatar

sounds like the Gunman targeted specific individuals, killed two, then was shot and injured by a Congregant who was "packing"?

in keeping with the theme of this Website, the shooting occurred on Las Vegas Trail, a commonly listed address on Listcrawler.
Chung Tran's Avatar

the shooter was killed by packing Parishioners, 2 of them said to have open fired on him.

the one victim declared dead was revived on the way to the hospital.. still in very serious condition.

today's incident promises to make a major case for conceal and carry, I expect. especially considering even a Church is not safe.
TheWanderer's Avatar

the shooter was killed by packing Parishioners, 2 of them said to have open fired on him.

the one victim declared dead was revived on the way to the hospital.. still in very serious condition.

today's incident promises to make a major case for conceal and carry, I expect. especially considering even a Church is not safe. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think a lot of cases are made each week for conceal and carry.
I'm long convinced. I think the 2 men who shot and killed the shooter were members of the church security team.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The church had there own "security "
And yes LE is great guberment so so but time and time again the only stopping a nut job bad guy is a good guy or guys
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
SIG P229-357 SIG was used by the man who took down the unnamed BG, that gun will be flying off the shelves. The church member who stopped the BG is a former reserve deputy sheriff, and a veteran firearms training instructor, and head of security at the church.
It’s too bad we don’t have enough people like that deputy. All the gun restrictions and laws on the planet aren’t gonna stop some shithole from trying to kill a gathering of people. Sounds bad to say this but 2-3 people shot/lkilled is better than dozens, unfortunately.
Serious question and I would appreciate your genuine thoughts: Have we been too relaxed on gun access to the point of no return whereby we now need more access?

Does that question make sense? I no english good.
goodolboy's Avatar
Serious question and I would appreciate your genuine thoughts: Have we been too relaxed on gun access to the point of no return whereby we now need more access?

Does that question make sense? I no english good. Originally Posted by IamRobot
Actually the law to allow lawful carry in a church only passed recently. It sure came in handy for the people in that church. How do you figure we have been "relaxed" on the second amendment to our constitution?
txexetoo's Avatar
We need an end to “gun free zones”. 92% of all mass shootings happen in gun free zones
TheWanderer's Avatar
How do you figure we have been "relaxed" on the second amendment to our constitution? Originally Posted by goodolboy
So do you feel that we have been "uptight" on the 2nd Amendment?
In 2018, a Small Arms Survey reported that there are over one billion small arms distributed globally, of which 857 million (about 85 percent) are in civilian hands. The Small Arms Survey stated that U.S. civilians alone account for 393 million (about 46 percent) of the worldwide total of civilian held firearms. This amounts to 120.5 firearms for every 100 residents.
Personally, I help distort that number as I own 7. Five are pistols of various calibers. (Just getting that out there before you call me a derogatory name. I am a firm believer of concealed carry, have a CHL and a little extra weapons training).
However, I still believe that something is not working here. We had years and years of basically unregulated gun show sales in which gun dealers got rich and weapons flowed into the public and to the cartels.
Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick consider the recent action a success story. However, these 2 consider everything they do to be a success, like property tax reform and Transgender bathroom
I saw Patrick on the news this morning wearing his embroidered Lt. Governor shirt. Guess he was taking a break from performing gender checks in the men's room.

Oh well, the NRA has bought and paid for this and it cannot be changed so I guess this is the new way of life. Expect more and more mass shootings and the only way to combat it is to be ready to take out the shooter.
TexTushHog's Avatar
We need an end to “gun free zones”. 92% of all mass shootings happen in gun free zones Originally Posted by txexetoo
Complete horseshit.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Complete horseshit. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
"Everytown for Gun Safety is an American nonprofit organization which advocates for gun control and against gun violence. Everytown was created in 2013 when Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America joined forces. Everytown for Gun Safety is largely financed by Michael Bloomberg."

Enuff said.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I drove by the Church today, around 4:15.. lines of camera stands across the street, a Cop wandering the church yard, maybe 5 Cop cruisers in the parking lot. I wondered to myself what someone who had not heard about the shooting might think.. maybe something like Joe Biden making a campaign stop within the hour.
That’s some evil shit. And I firmly believe these shooters want to die anyway. I support the man who shot him 100%. I just wish the bastard lived so he could rot in a prison cell. I can assure you even the hardest criminals in prison would love to square up with this asshole.
We need an end to “gun free zones”. 92% of all mass shootings happen in gun free zones Originally Posted by txexetoo
Funny how the RNC is a gun free zone. You mean most mass shootings happen to be where people gather? No, we don’t need to end these zones. We need less guns. It’s a freaking epidemic in our country.