The Have's and the Have not's

Freaking allergies.....If you don't have issues, what are you doing? Pollen count 9.5/10. I'm a medical professional and I've tried Zyrtec, Allegra, Sudafed, Benadryl, and steroid nose spray, neti-pot and changing air filters.

Spruce/ AKA mountain cedar seems to be the 100% culprit.
Someone suggested Vitamin D3 might help boost the immune system.

Anyone else have any suggestions? At this point, I've been in bed with swollen/itchy face/ flooding nose/sneezing/coughing. Benadryl/sleep is the only thing that puts me out of my misery.

Usually, I'm the one giving advice.

walrusman's Avatar
I feel your pain. Mountain cedar pollen is evil. Benadryl is best. You try wearing a face mask? Might help you out. You know the doctor Michael Jackson style.
I’m assuming you tried Flonase? Works great for me.
maybe a good face fuck would help
MT Pockets's Avatar
I get allergy shots and have been allergy free for quite awhile. Until whatever has blown in the past year. Seems like nothing works to prevent it. Netty pot and treat the symptoms is all I can suggest.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I use the Neiti pot , nose wash in the shower works well ,
TheWanderer's Avatar
Mountain cedar is some rough pollen. It's the only one that bothers me. I almost feel like I'm coming down with a cold when it's heavy and like many of you here I've tried it all.
Tomorrow (Weds) is potentially a rough day because of all the wind bringing it in this direction. Just try to avoid being outside as much as possible on those days, follow the weather forecast.
Wear a mask if possible. Maybe the rain on Thursday and Friday will bring some relief.
Actually, the rain seems to drive the pollen count UP! I always thought just the opposite. Thursday pollen count is supposed to be higher than ever. I don't understand except maybe it's the wind that often accompanies the rain. Last week DFW rated 5th in the nation for the highest pollen count. The other 4 cities were in TX as well. I'm wondering how all the Cali people moving here are faring?

YES to those that inquired, I'm using steroid nose spray (Flonase) and local honey. I ain't got nothing else in my bag of tricks. Even the pooch is wheezing.

FYI....Spruce="Mountain Cedar".

As much as I hate cold weather...hoping we have a hard freeze for a few days.

Nurse Ratchet over and out, pulling covers over my head as a filtration device.
I just take an alavert and make regular use of a neilmed nasal rinse. It's like a neti pot that you squeeze for pressure.
You live in the worst allergy area on the planet. If it gets really bad for you drive up to Oklahoma city. It is nice and cheap area to hang out. It is also one of the better place for allergy sufferers because the person never gets the whammy from multiple high readings on the different things that cause allergies.
FireKitten's Avatar
I've actually found B12 to be helpful(protects nerves, etc), at least on a routine basis. Sublingual or shots.
I have actually missed days of work lately (off & on) from "cedar fever".
Waking up with fever, thinking Im coming down with a cold. I got the flu shot early this year. But that doesnt stop the cedar problem.
It's a yucky place to be for sure.
It looks like the pollen counts are down. I took my dogs for a walk this AM. No real bad reaction. Cedar fever sucks.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Mountain cedar is some rough pollen. It's the only one that bothers me.
Tomorrow (Weds) is potentially a rough day because of all the wind bringing it in this direction. Just try to avoid being outside as much as possible on those days, follow the weather forecast. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
Actually, the rain seems to drive the pollen count UP! I always thought just the opposite. Thursday pollen count is supposed to be higher than ever. Originally Posted by alaine
me too.. Mountain Cedar is my singular allergy problem. I think Thursday will be very high, because any rain will be minimal.. it is Friday when we can expect REAL rain, that will help reduce the pollen!

I'm just slugging it out, no medicine.. sometimes the medicine creates more problems than it cures. other than eye drops for stinging eyes, I'm doing nothing except avoiding being outside as much as possible.
Freaking allergies.....If you don't have issues, what are you doing? Pollen count 9.5/10. I'm a medical professional and I've tried Zyrtec, Allegra, Sudafed, Benadryl, and steroid nose spray, neti-pot and changing air filters.

Spruce/ AKA mountain cedar seems to be the 100% culprit.
Someone suggested Vitamin D3 might help boost the immune system.

Anyone else have any suggestions? At this point, I've been in bed with swollen/itchy face/ flooding nose/sneezing/coughing. Benadryl/sleep is the only thing that puts me out of my misery.

Usually, I'm the one giving advice.

. Originally Posted by alaine