States Have Until Dec 14 To Accept Or Reject "ObamaCare" Health Exchange

SEE3772's Avatar
ObamaCare is Not a Sure Thing

by Phyllis Schlafly

Those who thought ObamaCare was set in concrete by Chief Justice John Roberts’ decision last June are in for a shock. December 14 is the new deadline (extended from November 16) for states to let the feds know, yea or nay, whether or not they will be setting up a health insurance exchange, which is the key to participating in the misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Obama’s belief that the public would warm up to his signature legislation once it became the law of the land has proven false. The current Kaiser Family Foundation poll reports that only 38 percent of the public approves of ObamaCare.

Sixteen states, including Virginia, Wisconsin, Ohio and Missouri, have told the feds that they are declining to play ball. They have given notice to the federal government that they are refusing to set up a health exchange, which means it falls to the federal government to set up exchanges for those states.

Only 17 states have committed to set up a health exchange as ObamaCare expected, while the other states are still wrestling with their decision. Republicans and Tea Parties are encouraging them not to set up an exchange.

Among the good reasons for states to say No is that an exchange would cost each state between $10 million and $100 million a year, and that would require unwelcome tax increases. Ohio estimates that setting up its exchange will cost $63 million plus $43 million to run annually.

A state created exchange provides a mechanism for HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to impose one size fits all rules on insurance products sold in the state. It also makes it easier for the federal government to regulate individuals and businesses in that state, collecting fines and taxes from some in order to give subsidies to others.

Nevertheless, you can be sure that the blame will fall on state officials when ObamaCare increases insurance premiums and denies care to the elderly.

State created exchanges will bring us higher taxes, fewer jobs, and fewer doctors and health care providers. To add insult to injury, ObamaCare’s mandates will drastically infringe on our religious freedom.

If enough states refuse to create a federally controlled exchange, that will give the federal government the go ahead to take on the task of building the exchanges. The feds would then have to figure out who is eligible and for what, a calculation that requires ascertaining family income, the number of family members, and who may be eligible for different levels of benefits.

One positive effect of states’ refusal to set up exchanges is that this might be a good way to reduce federal spending and debt. If all states declined, it is estimated that the federal deficit could be reduced by about $700 billion over ten years.

Can the federal government, big as it is, cope with this task? It can’t be easy, and it could take at least two or three years to build the technology since they are starting with Medicaid’s 1980s technology.

Another way states can throw a roadblock in ObamaCare and also reduce their own spending is by making a second decision not to sign on to ObamaCare’s expansion of Medicaid. The Supreme Court’s ObamaCare decision assured the states of their right to say No to participation in this Medicaid expansion.

Medicaid costs are already bankrupting state governments and increasing costs of private insurance. At the same time, Medicaid payments for services rendered are so low that patients have trouble finding physicians and other health providers who will accept them.

It’s been estimated that ObamaCare’s Medicaid provision could cost the states as much as $53 billion over the first ten years, and neither the states nor the federal government has the money to expand Medicaid. Medicaid is already layered with waste and fraud, plus the failure to convince us that it is a cost effective way to deliver health care.

ObamaCare is a massive and costly double-barreled entitlement expansion. Overnight, ObamaCare will add 30 million people to the government’s entitlement rolls, an overwhelming task even for the Obama Administration.

Tell your state legislators to reject their state’s health insurance exchange and also to reject an expansion of Medicaid. We simply cannot afford either liberal boondoggle.

The esteemed commentator Thomas Sowell said it best: “It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication AND a government bureaucracy to administer it.” It doesn’t make sense.


To ALL the idiots who thought the right was going to save you...

Boehner Capitulates: ‘Obamacare is the Law of the Land’

The UNaffordable Health Care For America Act: States Balking At New Insurance Exchanges
waverunner234's Avatar
Just wondering why the USA spend 700 + billion per year for military purposes but people are dying because they can't afford their blood pressure and cholesterol prescriptions?

The USA is really a country for RICH SELFISH IDIOTS.
LexusLover's Avatar
ObamaCare is Not a Sure Thing

by Phyllis Schlafly

Those who thought ObamaCare was set in concrete by Chief Justice John Roberts’ ...
Originally Posted by SEE3772
Didn't read his opinion.....or didn't understand the "big" words.
The USA is really a country for RICH SELFISH IDIOTS. Originally Posted by waverunner234
So that's why you are here?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
There sure a lot of assumptions and reading of tea leaves in Ms. Schlafly's piece. Of course, she's made other judgements that haven't exactly enjoyed any success. Opposition to the Equal Rights Ammendemnt comes to mind immediately.
We need a good plague to cull the herd some.

I'd like to see a population reduction of 3-4 billion.
We could start in the middle east and work westwardly,
Making sure to see the sights of
China and India . That would solve a shit ton of issues.
It would create a few also... But with bad comes good.
Here's hoping the Mayans were on point.

Anyone else in favor of a good old fashioned plague?
Just wondering why the USA spend 700 + billion per year for military purposes but people are dying because they can't afford their blood pressure and cholesterol prescriptions?

The USA is really a country for RICH SELFISH IDIOTS. Originally Posted by waverunner234

So how much should they spend and if they spend nothing, do you think the Chinese system of medicine would be better, or maybe you can find a Taliban doctor or work on you. Yes in a perfect world we spend ZERO on defense, but we are far from a perfect world. Recent numbers show over 40000 innocent people died in Syria this past year, not so perfect.

As I am a MArine (educated one) you can go f yourself when characterizing the US as you have above. Rich selfish idiots are in every country. So are poor selfish idiots and middle class selfish idiots. Many could lump a bunch of guys who are married and see providers as selfish idiots.
waverunner234's Avatar
So how much should they spend and if they spend nothing, do you think the Chinese system of medicine would be better, or maybe you can find a Taliban doctor or work on you. Yes in a perfect world we spend ZERO on defense, but we are far from a perfect world. Recent numbers show over 40000 innocent people died in Syria this past year, not so perfect.

As I am a MArine (educated one) you can go f yourself when characterizing the US as you have above. Rich selfish idiots are in every country. So are poor selfish idiots and middle class selfish idiots. Many could lump a bunch of guys who are married and see providers as selfish idiots. Originally Posted by oktome
You seem to forget that the USA is the only western country in the world without universal healtcare
waverunner234's Avatar
You seem to forget that the USA is the only western country in the world without universal healtcare Originally Posted by waverunner234
And the only country in the world where having a gun is more important than having health insurance.
you didnt answer my questions? You make emotional arguments for something but when I counter with other realities you ignore them. If you have all the answers quit posting here and run for office. Universal health care means better?

Read this article and may help you with your over simplistic view point which seems very common on these threads.

Also look at the financial conditions of many countries with universal health care, not so simple is it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I love that little quote "the USA is the only western country without healthcare". So much crap and we don't know if Waverrunner is a true believer or just a dupe. Go look up a definition for healthcare. It is not your personal definition. Your so-called healthcare sucks (modern slang) is some of these advanced countries like Cuba. Our system is burdered by regulations that affect the providing of healthcare. We have some of the best doctors, best equipment, and (do I have to say it) best healthcare in the world. It is becoming harder to access. We created Medicare under Nixon as a guarantee of healthcare and now we making it so doctors have to turn Medicare patients away to fiscally survive. Would it make sense to give you some of the best food in the world along with a glass of laxative with every course? What do you think the end (LOL, I said end) would be?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another day, another RIGHT WING MELTDOWN.

IB Went around the bend a week ago.

Today, it's Barleybrains.

COG? You'd better double up on the meds now. I expect we'll see you spew your spleen all over the board any day now! Especially since you got your ass whipped by LL! (OUCH! That's like getting your butt kicked by a girl!)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nobody "asswhipped" me. I'm right. And put me back on ignore.
joe bloe's Avatar
Just wondering why the USA spend 700 + billion per year for military purposes but people are dying because they can't afford their blood pressure and cholesterol prescriptions?

The USA is really a country for RICH SELFISH IDIOTS. Originally Posted by waverunner234
You should feel right at home.
joe bloe's Avatar
We need a good plague to cull the herd some.

I'd like to see a population reduction of 3-4 billion.
We could start in the middle east and work westwardly,
Making sure to see the sights of
China and India . That would solve a shit ton of issues.
It would create a few also... But with bad comes good.
Here's hoping the Mayans were on point.

Anyone else in favor of a good old fashioned plague? Originally Posted by UB9IB6
How about mass suicide? You go first.