Christie No Bully?

JohnnyCap's Avatar
I like the guy, not with the drooling passion of many, and I like what I've heard of his press conference. But I don't believe anyone gets to his level of political office without being a bully in some regard, especially someone older than me. I've been bullied and bullied, it was expected when I was in school.

This anti-bully movement is bullshit. Would any of us want a leader incapable of bullying our adversaries? I imagine this idea will get some support, as most of the political threads are one idea followed by pages of personal insults and profane attacks.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
And to think this is the candidate the media and the Democrats have picked for the GOP.
And to think this is the candidate the media and the Democrats have picked for the GOP. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Already making excuses for losing in 2016 and trying to blame it on somebody else. I'm guessing that Limbaugh and the rest of the RWW media must be beating this "the democrats and the media pick our candidates" drum since you and the Admiral are both apparently subscribing to that absurd notion, like the good conservabot lemmings that you's just an excuse that covers up the reality that your platform, ideas and policies are so inherently flawed that they are routinely rejected by the majority of the American people. Thank goodness.

But, since you bring it up.....Which one of the whackjobs that you support will do better than Christie in 2016?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-10-2014, 06:07 AM
He still looks as big as Big Bill Taft - I though he had a Lap Band?
I like the guy, not with the drooling passion of many, and I like what I've heard of his press conference. But I don't believe anyone gets to his level of political office without being a bully in some regard, especially someone older than me. I've been bullied and bullied, it was expected when I was in school.

This anti-bully movement is bullshit. Would any of us want a leader incapable of bullying our adversaries? I imagine this idea will get some support, as most of the political threads are one idea followed by pages of personal insults and profane attacks. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I think there is a difference between being a bully and standing up for what you believe.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think there is a difference between being a bully and standing up for what you believe. Originally Posted by timpage
Yep. And if my recollection serves me the teachers' union tried to "bully" him. He won?

Overpaid and underworked, but wanted raises. Compare to Chicago teachers. Get raises even though schools in which to teach.
He proved one thing, if you get caught the job is gone.
in the interest of even handedness:

I don't believe Christie is entirely forthcoming

he fired two port authority employees about a month ago for its come to rest in his office and he has had to fire people close to him

maybe its just me, because I read statements to find what's missing that would otherwise make them complete, and while not knowing how much he read from prepared statements versus extemporaneously speaking and that could factor in, but here's what he said:

"And I'll say one last thing, just so we're really clear. I had no knowledge or involvement in this issue, in its planning or it execution, and I am stunned by the abject stupidity that was shown here.

ok no involvement in its planning or execution, but what about knowledge after the fact? knowledge prior to the disclosure of the emails in the newspaper?

during the course of yesterdays news conference he would say things that seemed airtight but weren't:

"Well, let me tell you, everybody, I was blindsided yesterday morning. I was done with my workout yesterday morning and got a call from my communications director at about 8:50, 8:55, informing me of this story that had just broken on the Bergen Record website. That was the first time I knew about this. That was the first time I had seen any of the documents that were revealed yesterday."

the "blindsided" word can easily refer to the emails and/or their disclosure in the newspaper not previous knowledge of the political closure, in fact his next sentence seems to indicate what he was blindsided by, the story breaking in the Bergen Record. and the next sentence "this is the first time I knew about this", what does "this" refer to? proper sentence construction would say that the word "this" refers to the immediate previous topic, the breaking of the news in the Bergen Record. and the last sentence just says he hadn't seen the emails previously, not that he didn't have prior knowledge of the political payback of the closure.

so to me, he left open the door to his having knowledge after the fact of his close advisors having done this. and the question remains, is he, only after the email disclosures, doing anything about it?
You are absolutely right; additionally, Christi contradicted himself in yesterday's Q & A. Christi was adamant the 1st he learned about this was one day ago, but then he claims he has been sleepless for several nights over this issue .

Christi is likely fibbing about his knowledge (possibly involvement) in this episode.

But in terms of a major scandal, it pales in comparison to Obama's string of scandals, especially using the IRS to target private group and citizens !

in the interest of even handedness:

I don't believe Christie is entirely forthcoming

he fired two port authority employees about a month ago for its come to rest in his office and he has had to fire people close to him

maybe its just me, because I read statements to find what's missing that would otherwise make them complete, and not knowing how much he read from prepared statements versus extemporaneously speaking and that could factor in, but here's what he said:

"And I'll say one last thing, just so we're really clear. I had no knowledge or involvement in this issue, in its planning or it execution, and I am stunned by the abject stupidity that was shown here.

ok no involvement in its planning or execution, but what about knowledge after the fact? knowledge prior to the disclosure of the emails in the newspaper?

during the course of yesterdays news conference he would say things that seemed airtight but weren't:

"Well, let me tell you, everybody, I was blindsided yesterday morning. I was done with my workout yesterday morning and got a call from my communications director at about 8:50, 8:55, informing me of this story that had just broken on the Bergen Record website. That was the first time I knew about this. That was the first time I had seen any of the documents that were revealed yesterday."

the "blindsided" word can easily refer to the emails and/or their disclosure in the newspaper not knowledge of the closure, in fact his next sentence seems to indicate what he was blindsided by, the story breaking in the Bergen Record. and the next sentence "this is the first time I knew about this", what does "this" refer to? proper sentence construction would say that the word "this" refers to the immediate previous topic, the breaking of the news in the Bergen Record. and the last sentence just says he hadn't seen the emails previously, not that he didn't have prior knowledge of the political payback of the closure.

so to me, he left open the door to his having knowledge after the fact of his close advisors having done this. and the question remains, is he, only after the email disclosures, doing anything about it? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You are a fucking moron; bullies generally believe they are standnig up for what they believe in...................especiall y political bullies, like Harry Reid.

I think there is a difference between being a bully and standing up for what you believe. Originally Posted by timpage
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ahhh Whirlyturd. adding balance to the debacle....
You want the zen of "balance" join a yoga group.

You are a dipshit extraordinaire !!!!!!
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I think there is a difference between being a bully and standing up for what you believe. Originally Posted by timpage
Certainly. Bullying is one tool a person can use to take a stand. Whether or not it is bullying is determined by your view of the stand. Against, its bullying, for, its heroism.

But one sad fact to me is that a man that size and that loud can be accused of bullying just by being passionate. It can be intimidating to someone much smaller.
Whether you are a bully or not has very little to do with the passion you bring to the issue and everything to do with a defect in your moral character......
If Christie is not forthcoming, we can always refer back to Obama " you can keep your insurance".........
Politicians lie, its what they do for a living!