Who is buying Obamacare - By The Numbers

flghtr65's Avatar
Thirty percent of the 2.1 million buyers are under age 35. This gives the risk pool an acceptable mix of low risk and high risk policyholders.

RedLeg505's Avatar
Thirty percent of the 2.1 million buyers are under age 35. This gives the risk pool an acceptable mix of low risk and high risk policyholders.

http://www.businessweek.com/articles...mpaign_id=yhoo Originally Posted by flghtr65
I read that. Funny how it doesn't MENTION how many of that 30 percent under 35, are healthy or have medical problems/pre-existing conditions, hmmmm? Come back to us when you have that data.. or how many of that 30 percent got government subsidies to pay for their insurance.
Pfffst! The high water mark will be 2.4 million and many will stop paying and tail off in 2014. And it will come to light that there is a net LOSS in people "privately" insured.

Thanks Obama.
Thanks Flighty.
79% are getting a subsidy... looking good for Okingboys plan to take this country down.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My source says your wrong flightie. 24% have enrolled under the age of 34. You do know that those under 18 years of age are children and don't count.

So we spent 5 years debating and rudely arguing this, Obama lied to make this his signature triumph, he shut the govt down for it, and we turned the insurance industry on its head so

2.2 million (at best) more people out of a country of 330 million people could get "private" insurance?

And most of them needed govt assistance in order to purchase it?
And Obama likely kicked more people off private insurance than he put on...

In other news, there's supposedly 4.4 million more people are getting Medicaid thanks to Obamacare. But even the progressives are disputing that 4.4MM is "all" Obamacare because millions a month were signing up for Medicaid due to a poor economy.

But its another huge govt hand-out.

Thanks Obama!
Thanks Nancy!
Thanks Big Plantation Democrats!
LexusLover's Avatar
So we spent 5 years debating and rudely arguing this, .... Originally Posted by gnadfly
It's all about "wealth" redistribution ... but the problem is .... the poor ain't getting any of it!!!

That's the next BIG LIE.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-14-2014, 06:52 AM
The numbers are improving each month, what will you complain about when more people have insurance than before?
The numbers are improving each month, what will you complain about when more people have insurance than before? Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Well, that's a bad thing, right? Imagine the horror of everybody having health insurance and access to decent medical care. Awful.

They're so fucking stupid. How far into the sign-up are we? And, they all declare it dead or dying or the end of the world at least once a month. Fucking maroons.
LexusLover's Avatar
Imagine the horror of everybody having health insurance and access to decent medical care. .... Fucking maroons. Originally Posted by timpage
Only surpassed by the "horror" of those finding out they DON'T have "health insurance and access to decent medical care...."

.. they actually have Medicaid!!!! Fucking .... what?

Little Timmie keeps slipping in his own shit!

"Maroons (from the Latin-American Spanish word cimarrón: "feral animal, fugitive, runaway", lit. "living on mountaintops"; from Spanish cima: "top, summit") were African refugees that escaped slavery in the Americas and formed independent settlements. The term can also be applied to their descendants. The same root word also gives us the English verb "to maroon"."
LexusLover's Avatar
The numbers are improving each month, what will you complain about when more people have insurance than before? Originally Posted by Bert Jones
I won't be complaining about anything .... I'll be fucking dead.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-14-2014, 12:34 PM
god forbid a family with a child that has a long term illness having insurance that would help them keep their child alive and have a productive life and future ..

Obamacare has death panels alright, they're called Republicans.
LexusLover's Avatar
Obamacare has death panels alright, their called Republicans. Originally Posted by CJ7
Actually, the "panels" are selected by the current administration through the States ... to review claims and complaints within a certain region, but consumers can "panel" shop ...

With the new illegal changes made by executive edict and pronouncement .. the real "death panels" will be the underwriters and "adjusters" hired by the private insurers whose short fall due to the lack of sufficient premiums will be "supported" and "underwritten" by the taxpayers .... so therein lies the wealth distribution.

The taxpayers are still going to pay for the person who walked into the emergency room .

.. with no insurance ... but now the $$ goes to the insurance company to reimburse the insurance company for it had to pay to cover the patient with the ENTITLEMENT.

Oh, wait, since Obaminable has shifted the "burden" to the private carriers, so will the litigation based on "unreasonable deprivation of health care benefits" ... and deceptive trade practices act claims ... plus attorney fees!!!!

What will that do to premiums?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-14-2014, 12:42 PM
Actually, the "panels" are selected by the current administration through the States ... to review claims and complaints within a certain region, but consumers can "panel" shop ...

With the new illegal changes made by executive edict and pronouncement .. the real "death panels" will be the underwriters and "adjusters" hired by the private insurers whose short fall due to the lack of sufficient premiums will be "supported" and "underwritten" by the taxpayers .... so therein lies the wealth distribution.

The taxpayers are still going to pay for the person who walked into the emergency room .

.. with no insurance ... but now the $$ goes to the insurance company to reimburse the insurance company for it had to pay to cover the patient with the ENTITLEMENT.

Oh, wait, since Obaminable has shifted the "burden" to the private carriers, so will the litigation based on "unreasonable deprivation of health care benefits" ... and deceptive trade practices act claims ... plus attorney fees!!!!

What will that do to premiums? Originally Posted by LexusLover
close your lips, you're drooling on your chest.
Well, that's a bad thing, right? Imagine the horror of everybody having health insurance and access to decent medical care. Awful.

They're so fucking stupid. How far into the sign-up are we? And, they all declare it dead or dying or the end of the world at least once a month. Fucking maroons. Originally Posted by timpage
If everyone had health insurance and they paid for it, I'd be cheering dumbshit.

BTW, if its so great why didn't they make their numbers? Even the goals set out by the Democrats were pathetic and they couldn't hit them. Remember, this is supposed to be a godsend that will turn the country around? Why aren't people busting the door off the hinges to get in? How many extra quarters does your QB get to declare? How many rules changes does he get to make? And you still can't make your sad numbers?

Yeah, I'm the Maroon.

Thanks Big Plantation Timmy.