mods for upstate ny

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Questions for the Staff-Upstate New York
Ask questions of your local staff here.

To start Jack & dave are doing a good job. And now for the But. But will we get a mod that is local staff, just not local again? In many ways I do miss having a mod from TX. Not sure jack or dave can answer this. In the past I liked that the local staff, some was local, and others from another area. I know it is not needed. And sure not easy getting someone to want to do it. This is a large country. It was nice having a local mod that was not local, and having some that are local.

Maybe I just miss LAP and GFE as mods.
Assigning Mods is beyond my pay scale. I will convey this suggestion to the Powers That Be.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 04-09-2010, 07:40 PM
What was the question?
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 04-09-2010, 09:28 PM
He lost me ??
brutusbluto's Avatar
If there is a question, there must be an answer?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ok try again. Will we ever get a mod from TX or another state again?

I liked it when some of the mods where from upstate ny, and other where from another state, for upstate ny.

Now I see, jack you are doing better than good, you are doing great.

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 04-09-2010, 11:21 PM
I hope not. I actually prefer all upstate mods be from Upstate NY. Locals know the territory better. If I remember correctly the board ownership stated they preferred mods to be local as well. Plus us Yanks and those Texan red necks don't get along
brutusbluto's Avatar
Did the Red Sox move to Texas?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Maybe the fact that I grew up on a farm in upstate ny makes me like Texan red necks. If TX broke from the union, I could see me moving. I would miss the weather up here. But would love being a free man again.