report post

offshoredrilling's Avatar
This is a note you see if one hits the report post button.

Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.

Are there other things that are ok to report?

I saw a post that looked that it belong in another area. I went on to read other threads. Then went back thinking nope it needs to be reported. And it was deleted or moved to the right area. But the Note: keeped me from doing it right away.

So again are there other things that are ok to use the report post button?
brutusbluto's Avatar
You could also pm us mods, best to cc all of us, that way the first one to read it will act on it. include a link to the thread.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I was thinking it needed to be moved to the ladies area, some mod/admin edit, or deleted. And fast, like right now. Would have the "report post" been ok?
brutusbluto's Avatar
yes that would be ok as well
offshoredrilling's Avatar
thanks jymie