What is this stuff ???

nawtynatalie's Avatar
I like to think that I know everything there is to know about sex... but There is just this one thing... "Throat Juice" OMG what is this stuff. All I know is that it comes from DT and it's like astroglide coming out of your mouth... Maybe its oral lubrication made for that exact purpose but IDK... There is nothing on wiki or google that can help, perhaps its called something else. Do you know what it is or ever had it happen to you...
Ewww, lol "throat juice" just does not sound good.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Ewww, lol "throat juice" just does not sound good. Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
But it sure feels good.
where can you get it?? local supermarket or prescripstion needed. lol
sixxbach's Avatar

PM me nawty,

I have my own kind of throat juice....

Yssup Rider's Avatar
nothing like that old thread bump to keep topics fresh. Please tell us something about the throat juice that you've discovered in the four weeks sice the previous post.

I guess we all know who runs Bartertown Aunty!

sixxbach's Avatar
Old thread bump?? There is no 30 day violation here......

Cmon Yssup... Make John Kelso proud....

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Here we go again. Mental midgetry on parade. What crawled up your culo today little Guy?
sixxbach's Avatar
Here we go again. Mental midgetry on parade. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Well am I right or wrong that there is no 30 day violation? Why does it matter to you anyway? Maybe ECCIE can appoint junior staff and give Yssup something to do....

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Casting pearls before Swine. Bump away attack pack. We ALL appreciate it.
  • Vyt
  • 03-19-2011, 03:47 PM
The *actual* junior staff is unamused.
sixxbach's Avatar
The *actual* junior staff is unamused. Originally Posted by Vyt

The owners, admins, and mods are staff. Yssup might me looking for some kind of staff role....

  • Vyt
  • 03-19-2011, 04:04 PM
This thread is closed.

Spamming Co-ed with bumped threads is not very amusing. The staff will discuss collectively the proper remedy for this.

Speculating on who should or should not be staff, or what staff should be doing, or who is pretending to be staff, or who still believes they are staff, is even less amusing.

Sorry if anyone else wanted to discuss, er, "throat stuff".