I was curious to hear attitudes toward public displays of affection on hobby dates.

Guys: If you take a provider out, are you affectionate with her? Do you hold her hand, hug her, kiss her, etc? And if you do, do you initiate it?

Girls: If you are ok with PDA, do you initiate it? If you aren't, why not?
austinkboy's Avatar
I try very hard to be discrete, but sometimes I can't help it! I have to steal a peck, or a quick hug, squeeze of the hand. Mostly, I just end up staring...
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 03-07-2011, 11:15 AM
Usually try to leave the DAs BCD.
nuglet's Avatar
If I'm out with a lady, that's exactly what it is. She's a lady, she's with me. I'll act according to how we get along. It can be polite, sensual, or show-off. Depends on the mood, place and participant(s). I certainly would not hesitate to act like any other couple.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I am very nervous about PDA in the ATX for obvious reasons. When I'm out of town, no problem for the most part. Although I have taken to looking over my shoulder whenever I am waiting for a flight to Texas. I did have a VERY close call with a real life friend who was seated a couple of rows behind me and a hobby date. I have also had the misfortune of running into people I know in a restaurant while on a hobby date. Most of the gents I date in the hobby are older than my parents so I always have a story ready and prefer to choose places where I am unlikely to know anyone. If the coast is totally clear, then I am fine with PDA but in Austin, I prefer to save it for the car and the bedroom.
For me it's strictly outcall at my place. Arrive on time and leave on time. If I want a girlfriend to be publicly affectionate with then I simply date. I am not under the disillusionment that we are an item regardless of how well we click.
good post Cody, I would say its gone both ways for me, I have run into friends on a hobby date and just say this is my date 'So in So'..but hey I am a Single hot guy so they just think I am on another date...
runswithscissors's Avatar
Now that I am living in Berlin and Austin; I just returned this week to Austin; PDA with a provider for me has never gotten past the stage of hand holding or a light kiss on the cheek if we meet in public..I was raised a gentleman, and depending on the enviroment I am in, whether it be a nice restaurant or a club scene, I act appropriately in the venue.

I do not need to display my affections for all to see as I am ususally gloating at all the men and even ladies staring appreciatevley at my date....

Berlin is for the most part reserved; we tend to dress conservatively with little or no jewelry, dress being sophisticated and not provacative. PDA is a rare sight in most of Berlin.
Joel Goodson's Avatar
I was curious to hear attitudes toward public displays of affection on hobby dates.

Guys: If you take a provider out, are you affectionate with her? Do you hold her hand, hug her, kiss her, etc? And if you do, do you initiate it?

Girls: If you are ok with PDA, do you initiate it? If you aren't, why not? Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
I've never had the pleasure of meeting you personally, but I'm sure I would find it extremely difficult to hold myself at bay for any length of time.

A date is a date to me. If I feel real chemistry and her eyes say "yes" I'm moving in. A lot of casual, yet sensual contact, inside your personal space when we talk, perhaps if we find ourselves in an intimate corner of a nightclub, see how well you and I kiss. Not all the time and nothing too risque, but enough to keep the blood running hot and set the tone for later on...
Jay Walker's Avatar
Depends of who the provider is. If it were you, it would go something like this:

We’d start with appetizers and a few glasses of Napa’s finest at the bar. I’d start with a good bit of eye contact and light hearted conversation. I’d place a hand on your knee, just momentarily. I’m looking for signals. Are you leaning into me? Are your eyes looking into mine? Are you smiling? I’d offer a compliment or two, which would be incredibly easy with you being the subject. If things are going well, I might gently kiss the back of your delicate soft hand. Do you pull your hand back after I kiss it or do you leave it resting in my hand? I might lean in close and whisper something funny about someone around us, one of the many who are far less attractive than you and I. You’d giggle, but would you keep your face close to mine or pull back. If you kept your face close to mine, I’d lean in and kiss you, very lightly and gently on the lips. The intent of my public displays would be aimed at letting you know how beautiful and desirable I find you, nothing more, nothing less.
Whispers's Avatar
I was curious to hear attitudes toward public displays of affection on hobby dates.

Guys: If you take a provider out, are you affectionate with her? Do you hold her hand, hug her, kiss her, etc? And if you do, do you initiate it?

Girls: If you are ok with PDA, do you initiate it? If you aren't, why not? Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Considering that most of my "dates" are less than half my age I usually steer clear of any PDA although a couple of gals I am pretty comfortable with might take my arm while walking.....

If during the evening we end up in a GC I might fuck her in a booth in VIP if she is willing.... Does that count?
Mature Companion's Avatar
Damn straight, I'll initiate it and if I'm on a date, there's going to be some form of PDA otherwise no date! I don't do boring.
If I want to hold his hand, kiss him, put his hand on my ass, sit beside him with a dress on and no panties and let his hand gradually find it's way between my warm thighs while we dine. Damn straight it's going to happen.
Life's too short to be shy or to give a fuck what others think.

I was curious to hear attitudes toward public displays of affection on hobby dates.

Guys: If you take a provider out, are you affectionate with her? Do you hold her hand, hug her, kiss her, etc? And if you do, do you initiate it?

Girls: If you are ok with PDA, do you initiate it? If you aren't, why not? Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Damn. I thought this was about Palm Pilots and chit.
  • Vyt
  • 03-08-2011, 12:22 PM
Palm Pilots? Your age IS showing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, I've been a Palm Pilot since I was about 11!