A question for Ladies that have been Mistresses/Sugar Babies and the guys that kept them

Whispers's Avatar
I've been in a few long term arrangements over the years...

The last one recently ended after 20 months as the result of her falling in love and getting pregnant with a young man that was aware of my having been "taking care" of her for most of the last 2 years.

The one before lasted just over 2 years, long enough for her to get an associates degree, meet a guy in school, fall in love and want to move on.

What was it that brought an end to it for you?

What could /would you do differently next time?

or would you simply never consider another one and if not why?

What were the really, really high points and positives of the relationships?

What were the real low points?
Ms Francisca's Avatar

Sounds like the typical Loud Poster trying to get his post count up.....

Why are you asking the Ladies anything when just yesterday you said......
Normally.... this is 2 days in a row you are not acting as your normal self, are you sure your therapist is reading this??? you might need to get a second opinion...
I have nothing much to say to ladies..... I come to these boards for the camaraderie of like minded individuals and to share relevant information about the hobby..... I was actually sitting in Amber's living room when she was shaking her head sadly about the decision she had allowed members to make in giving women the right to post in open forums on ASPD...... She thought it would be a mistake... But... men wanted to flirt.... seems that we have been running in the same circle for many years now... (that was a clue to help you in the Ms Francisca investigation you claim to be conducting)
Personally it doesn't bother me anymore or less than it did then.... There is not much that a woman contributes outside of her ads that I need from a Review Site....
Do you have multiple personalities????
harkontume's Avatar
Ms Fran

Well, I am NOT a loud poster. Nor am I a member of any clique. Nor do I for UTR reasons attend socials or club with anyone.

I am actually a nice guy.

And I do not understand what you hoped to accomplish with this response.
Is there a "Counter Attack Team" which jumps on any post by Whispers?

Does Civility only flow one way?

Now look what you have done! Where is my funny exit line?
Dang my head hurts!
Whispers's Avatar
Ms Fran

Well, I am NOT a loud poster. Nor am I a member of any clique. Nor do I for UTR reasons attend socials or club with anyone.

I am actually a nice guy.

And I do not understand what you hoped to accomplish with this response.
Is there a "Counter Attack Team" which jumps on any post by Whispers?

Does Civility only flow one way?

Now look what you have done! Where is my funny exit line?
Dang my head hurts! Originally Posted by harkontume
I think she has decided the best way to exposure lies in sympathy from the few that will reach out to her after she encourages and takes a beat down from mean old whispers......

It works for me because I'll respond to every "counter attack" and stay on the right side of the line while they take their licks and lose in the long run because I simply do not care....


Sounds like the typical Loud Poster trying to get his post count up.....

Why are you asking the Ladies anything when just yesterday you said......

Do you have multiple personalities???? Originally Posted by Ms Francisca

There are a lot of ladies around here that I enjoy interacting with..... There are a few with some moxie and intelligence that I enjoy debating...... and of course there are a few simply with their heads up their asses that like stirring shit with me..... There is entertainment value in that....

When I say there is not much women have to say around here that I care about I'm referring to the countless number of inane threads started simply for exposure and reminders..... You won't find me in probably 90% of the CoEd threads posted for those reasons.....

There are a few topics though that get interesting.... If you note... This is NOT a provider oriented question.... It is regards to a different avenue of pay for play that some ladies have participated in... I noticed Hanna's response in another thread that she was in a 3 year SB relationship for example....

I've been going back and forth with the idea of taking on more of a role in a particular young ladies life and thought I would bounce a couple of questions off others with similar experiences.....

of course there will always be those like yourself that don't want to contribute to a thread's subject matter and just stir shit..... Welcome back to ECCIE and it looks like you are the new QUEEN of the Shit Stirrers.....

Try to stick to the topics though.... When you stray or attack you will of course get a response in line with your posts but at the end of the day all you are going to do is make yourself look like the new ass in the mix....

I've been hated and disliked a long time now. You are not going to be the one to change that..... Just one in a long line of bitter women that don't care for me....

And that is OK.....
  • Vyt
  • 03-15-2011, 10:39 AM
Back on topic of the original post, please.
sixxbach's Avatar
Ms Fran

Well, I am NOT a loud poster. Nor am I a member of any clique. Nor do I for UTR reasons attend socials or club with anyone.

I am actually a nice guy.

And I do not understand what you hoped to accomplish with this response.
Is there a "Counter Attack Team" which jumps on any post by Whispers?

Does Civility only flow one way?

Now look what you have done! Where is my funny exit line?
Dang my head hurts! Originally Posted by harkontume
Of course it only flows one way.......... Where are the guys like Texasquest and RREB to complain about this? They are all the same!

RREB's Avatar
  • RREB
  • 03-15-2011, 11:12 AM
Callin' me out . . . six
Still can't get over your "MANCRUSH" . . .
He's back now . . .
  • Vyt
  • 03-15-2011, 11:25 AM
(checks to see if the post topic is "People slapping each other in the playground")


I've asked nicely once to stop with the serial calling out and threadjacking. Warnings will be handed out if this continues. Kindly chill, *now*. Not after you get your final lick in.
sixxbach's Avatar
Callin' me out . . . six
Still can't get over your "MANCRUSH" . . .
He's back now . . .
Originally Posted by RREB
Still mad that I get more mileage than you?? Lol
Maybe from now on just for YOU I will list BU for the price paid....

Just couldn't help himself, could he? POINTS! POINTS! LOTS OF POINTS!
snoopdogg's Avatar
I'd be interested to know what it takes to have a sugar baby?

What parameters do you set up whispers....
I was once offered an arrangement like this...but I was more interested in the girl
as a "real" girlfriend....as opposed to some arrangment...
Im probably not as "established" as some of the men on this board..so my funds wouldnt be as great as others...but it would be interesting to try it...
Whispers's Avatar
Well snoop.... You would be surprised at what some ladies look at for support....

you can find ladies asking for the moon but willing to settle for a regular donation as low as a few hundred dollars a month..... $600-$1000 a month can USUALLY get you a minimum of 1 night a week and in some cases more.... and by night that's is often an all night/overnight arrangement....

The gal I'm currently looking at has been living in an extended stay or with friends for a couple of months.... and does not have transportation. Similar to the last one I had for a 20 month run.....

So she NEEDS a place to live, basic furnishings and transportation.... to get her on her feet....

She is stable where she is at the moment so if this goes the direction that we are discussing...... She will spend a block of time with me between now and the end of the month as well as next month and end up with a place of her own beginning April 1st and transportation during the month sometime based on her reliability.....

Then..... the arrangement I prefer is 2 nights a week spent with me from around 6/7PM until 2/3AM and one weekend a month from mid day Friday through Sunday Evening....

For that she will have rent, electricity, gas, water, phone and a car to drive with insurance paid monthly without concern..... She can have a job, go to school, keep dancing... do what ever she wants with the rest of the month.....

I could care less....

All I care about are the planned evenings/weekends with me.... She will naturally be a bit spoiled and depending on the quality of time spent could possibly end up with additional revenue as well.....

The last two girls lived fairly comfortably in upscale apartments with nice furnishings as a result of our time together..... There is usually a lot more time together getting everything on track when it's a lady not already established in a place to live....

I have monthly arrangements with a couple of other gals revolving around either rent or car payments.....

I've found that any more time spent then what I mention above can breed too much familiarity and potential emotional involvement. That went wrong last time in the beginning and we actually "broke-up" and then got back together and on track in a much more established routine....
Texasquest's Avatar
Is SIXX Calling me out???? Sorry Bro take your ManCrush somewhee else i dont swing that way !!!!
sixxbach's Avatar
Is SIXX Calling me out???? Sorry Bro take your ManCrush somewhee else i dont swing that way !!!! Originally Posted by Texasquest
Just like I thought... avoid that its ok for a woman to go off topic, try to hijack a thread and its ok. Goodness forbid if it is me or anyone else. We see how you roll bro!

Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I've been in a few long term arrangements over the years...

The last one recently ended after 20 months as the result of her falling in love and getting pregnant with a young man that was aware of my having been "taking care" of her for most of the last 2 years.

The one before lasted just over 2 years, long enough for her to get an associates degree, meet a guy in school, fall in love and want to move on.

What was it that brought an end to it for you? Originally Posted by Whispers
Of the ones that got past the initial screening and first month, they usually ended because they found a BF, but there were other reasons - parents (she lived with them) moved away, left for grad school, car was paid off, or we just moved on and lost interest.

What could /would you do differently next time?
Depends on if anything went wrong or what the situation was.

or would you simply never consider another one and if not why?
I find these kind of arrangements more rewarding than pure P4P or shorter meets. I have ongoing arrangements.

What were the really, really high points and positives of the relationships?
I like the role of a mentor. Prague trip, graduation (from undergrad, you pervs), new car.

Intimacy that comes with spending time together and banging is a high point. Friendships do develop, especially if you're spending months, sometimes years getting together.

I've tried passing on a couple of SBs to friends in other states, but the girls turned them down because they didn't click.

What were the real low points?
pregnancy scare and getting ripped off. Getting ripped off is the funny part, it's only happened a couple of times and only for a month's "allowance". If they had told me they wanted to leave, I usually give a month and a half or two months' worth of severance for girls that I've been seeing for more than a few months.