What is Your trick of the trade?

Ms Francisca's Avatar
Through the years, I have learned many little tricks of the trade, from Ladies & Gents as well. Things that make the date a little better somehow.
Keeping a crock pot with warm water & wash cloth next to the bed.....
Altoids BJ....
Wearing his favorite color...
Refer to him by his first name or a cute nick name that is special to him only....
Hmm ...

1) Smacking her up side the head during a BJ without getting my Johnson surgically removed. Now that's tricky.

2) As the session concludes getting her to lovingly look at me and whisper "God that was so amazing. I insist you keep your $$. In fact let me pay you".

These are two tricks I've learned however I've succeeded at neither one as of yet.

Ms. F As far as your sig. line goes...
I have no money, a so so post count and my mother let's me date anytime She Wants me to so there. In your face!
Ms Francisca's Avatar
I like it on my face
As far as your sig line goes... I seem to fit the profile
Querida, en vez de publicar todo, ¿Por qué no leer el PMS y luego algunos
knotty man's Avatar
i eakspay igpay atinlay too!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-16-2011, 08:15 PM
Tricks? Mostly, I play dead. I can roll over and shake hands, too, though.
My third nipple is alluring...but its that fourth one that keeps the guys coming back.

For future reference...where are these extra nipples located? Not that I would fail to find them as I would devour every last inch of your flawless skin.

Saj(El Perro Loco de las Negras, Blancas, Latinas, etc etc )
  • 03-16-2011, 09:10 PM
My third nipple is alluring...but its that fourth one that keeps the guys coming back. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
I'm not sure if I'm scared or intrigued.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I never take a dump at a provider's incall... The rest is pure freaking charm, (and a horn player's tongue and fingers!)

So far that's kept me in good stead with the ladies!
My third nipple is alluring...but its that fourth one that keeps the guys coming back. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Its definitely the chocolate chip muffins.
sixxbach's Avatar
I leave when its time, I pay the amount agreed to, and I don't waste time trying to please them but do what I need to do....

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I leave when its time, I pay the amount agreed to, and I don't waste time trying to please them but do what I need to do....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
And THAT sir is why you are a legend in Hobbywood. I wish I could be so aloof about dropping a load!

Might I suggest a warm loaf of sourdough or a container of calf's liver? They're cheaper and you can infuse them with your spunk without having to even look at them.

Blow up dollies don't bitch either and will never out you on ECCIE.

Sorry amigo. Just fugging with you...

But seriously, if you hold providers in such low regard, why do you play this game? None of us are going to grow up to be Humphrey Bogart...or even Dudley Moore ... so what's your point?

Just looking for a little insight into your disdain for the community you once lorded over.

sixxbach's Avatar

But seriously, if you hold providers in such low regard, why do you play this game? None of us are going to grow up to be Humphrey Bogart...or even Dudley Moore ... so what's your point?

Just looking for a little insight into your disdain for the community you once lorded over.

"mano... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I don't hold them in low regard at all. I have some provider friends that I spend non BCD time with every once in awhile. You have this sense of humor but I also have mine.....

I leave when its time, I pay the amount agreed to, and I don't waste time trying to please them but do what I need to do....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach

That to me is a very wise approach. I read so many posts where a good portion of his paid session is wasted thinking he is going to provide the orgasm that she has Never had or the experience that will rock her world. I think to myself HELLO? Anyone in there?
Granted I am passionate and extremely loving during every encounter but I am wise enough to realize I am feeding into my own fantasy not hers.

I do NOT forget why she is there and that I am not likely her first or even 2nd intimate encounter of the day. Women are emotional beings so if Anyone is going to actually rock her world it will be the man she loves and trusts who is Not in the hobby. If you want to spend 1/3rd or all of your clock time on DATY because You love it then great but if you're doing it to try to give her the experience she's been waiting for all her life well that just seems ....... sad in a way.

Now of course if you've picked up some magical trick of the trade that can get even a working girl to fall in love with you then I say bottle it and sell it.