Birthday - What would you prefer... (poll for both Ladies & Gents)

  • BFE
  • 03-16-2011, 06:09 PM
Here are two scenarios:

For the guys:
You are having your birthday next week. You have scheduled a session with your ATF (who knows when your bday is) to celebrate that week. Would you rather have her:
a) Drop the price of the session, by say $.5 to $
b) Do something "special" for you. By that I mean, maybe she's not the BBBJCIMNQNS kind of girl, but she'll do it for you on your birthday. Or maybe she'll give you greek or something.

What would you prefer?

For the ladies:
You are havnig your birthday next week. One of your fav guys has scheduled a session with you (and he knows when your bday is). Would you rather have the guy:
c) Give you an extra $.5 tip or
d) Buy something special for you (that you like and that'd be be worth about the same as the cash tip).

ps. Whispers, yeah, I know you don't do gifts and all. I now many other people don't, so if you don't... just choose option e) Gift? Are you kidding me?
Whispers's Avatar
If it's my birthday...... and she's an ATF and I'm a good client she damn well betther be doing something incredibly special or there will be a new ATF the following week.....

Actually though..... I'll be 54 in a couple of months and 18 goes into 54 3 times.... So this ALMOST 54yo is looking for the RIGHT 3 18yos to get INto..

AND you are right...... I do not do GIFTS for providers as part of any sessions..... especially in regards to Valentines day....However..... Birthdays and Christmas are special occasions and I can be VERY generous to young ladies that strike my fancy..... They are seldom run of the mill providers...... If they are a provider at all there has been considerable time shared together.....
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-17-2011, 11:10 AM
An ATF is an ATF precisely because she would spoil me on my birthday. In addition to my ATF, I normally schedule sessions with one or two other ladies to celebrate (I love unwrapping "presents".) Typically a bday appt garners an offer of extended time or a discount, but that isn't strictly a deal breaker.

As part of the BFE, I do like surprising a lady with the occasional gift. Maybe something as simple as chocolate, to a bottle of wine, lingerie, or something she's mentioned previously that she wish she had. Of course, this only works for those of us who see a provider more than once. But the upside is that many will reciprocate in the future, which can lead to some excellent adventures.

  • BFE
  • 03-17-2011, 12:51 PM
Whispers - My bad! I think I misread some of your earlier posts about your policy re: gifts. Yeah, it was around Valentine's.

BTW, I like your 54 / 3 math
i'd like a present. I NEVER do anything for my self. When i get $ i pay bills or buy something for my little one. So a little something special for me would be very sweet and appreciated.
Cash, then i could treat my self to a birthday present that i really want, unless the gent knows me very well. Now if it's his bday id love to give him a GOOD present

AND you are right...... I do not do GIFTS for providers as part of any sessions..... especially in regards to Valentines day....However..... Birthdays and Christmas are special occasions and I can be VERY generous to young ladies that strike my fancy..... They are seldom run of the mill providers...... If they are a provider at all there has been considerable time shared together..... Originally Posted by Whispers
LMAO Am I the only one who finds it hilarious Whispers would get his fave hooker a gift on Christmas rather than Valentine's Day?

Why is Christmas more worthy of a token of appreciation than Valentine's Day? Is it cause Jesus' best friend was a working gal too? How appropriate!
harkontume's Avatar

Not a real good "customer relation/marketing" stand to smack down someones religion on this board. Does not engender warm feelings of kindness and love.

But in answer to your extraordinarily bigoted question is this Valentine Day was invented by the Greeting Card Industry to sell things.

Christmas ( at least some of us believe ) gifts are exchanged to celebrate God's Gift to Mankind that day.
LMAO Am I the only one who finds it hilarious Whispers would get his fave hooker a gift on Christmas rather than Valentine's Day?

Why is Christmas more worthy of a token of appreciation than Valentine's Day? Is it cause Jesus' best friend was a working gal too? How appropriate! Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Valentines day is a stupid made up holiday for commercial reasons or its become that way..

I usually do not agree with Whipers on anything but on this I do.. Christmas is a time of giving without receiving..

but anyway.. its my bday this month and you know what made me smile the most is one of my very best friends came to check on my home while i was gone, and put the dishes up and cleaned up my kitchen. and then left me a card and candy for my present..
Whispers's Avatar
LMAO Am I the only one who finds it hilarious Whispers would get his fave hooker a gift on Christmas rather than Valentine's Day?

Why is Christmas more worthy of a token of appreciation than Valentine's Day? Is it cause Jesus' best friend was a working gal too? How appropriate! Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
pretty crude lady.... Glad it amuses you.....

i was raised in a family where generosity and gift giving at Christmas was ingrained in me from as early as I can remember.

every year I am extremely generous to all around me that I consider a close friend as well as family members.

I expect nothing in return........

but sometimes the generosity is returned...

My "fave hooker" as you refer to her (interesting how a guy would get slammed or warned for a comment like that and she feel free to use it) had been extremely generous with her time spent with me and I considered her a friend as well.....

And HAD we still been seeing each other in the same manner come Valentines Day she would probably have been disappointed in my unwillingness to gift on that day. Love was not a part of our relationship....

And Love and Romance are what I consider Valentines Day to be about.... even though it is a commercial manifestation
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy CHIT! Now, righteous indignation? HERE? By US? "Bigoted?" Puh-leeeze!

Perish the thought! And give me a freaking break!

Not slamming anyone's religious beliefs. Those of us who have them, are very protective of them. However, I don't know of a single religion that in this day and age condones ANYTHING we do or discuss, other than of course, stoning each other!


Not a real good "customer relation/marketing" stand to smack down someones religion on this board. Does not engender warm feelings of kindness and love.

But in answer to your extraordinarily bigoted question is this Valentine Day was invented by the Greeting Card Industry to sell things.

Christmas ( at least some of us believe ) gifts are exchanged to celebrate God's Gift to Mankind that day. Originally Posted by harkontume
Righteous indignation on this board never ceases to amaze me. However, I apologize for what you and Whispers percieved as a base and distasteful comment.

As for the topic: Gifts are tangible expressions of feelings; they should be given without regard to the calendar. For some of us, its not so much the day the gift is given on, but the gift itself.
Holy CHIT! Now, righteous indignation? HERE? By US? "Bigoted?" Puh-leeeze!

Perish the thought! And give me a freaking break!

Not slamming anyone's religious beliefs. Those of us who have them, are very protective of them. However, I don't know of a single religion that in this day and age condones ANYTHING we do or discuss, other than of course, stoning each other!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


You gotta stop, Yssup. People are going to think I have two handles!!!
Whispers's Avatar
or that 'Sup is actually one heck of a cross dresser
  • Vyt
  • 03-19-2011, 03:27 PM
I tend to believe that gift giving shouldn't be dependent on a holiday. I rarely do anything for Christmas or birthdays that I wouldn't do for, say, Tuesday.

Not to say I'm not generous. I just don't like being *told* to be generous.