which part of the world is best...... ?

A recent discussion got me thinking:

is there a nationality or part of the world from which you find more passion ( yes really good in bed......) ? both ladies and men ??
  • 03-19-2011, 08:45 AM
Haven't found it yet.

I will keep up the search.
jsparrow's Avatar
Always Looking!!
Everyone knows that some European countries such as Italy/France as well as South Americans tend to be more passionate in social interaction but as far as the bedroom goes I would say that's pretty much an individual thing as true passion is inspired by chemistry and trust. This has little to do with nationality.

You have some Italians and Brazilians who are stiff as a board in the sack due to strict religious upbringing while some Germans and Brits (Not known for being socially warm) light the bed on fire.

If you light her fire and she lights yours then you have discovered a nation of "Two". Her and You.
interesting .....

my experience with Brazilian girls has been amazing.........(I agree this can be an individual thing .....)
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Espaņa! OLE!

Live Passion.
This video is not sexual, but I think it illustrates the passion of Spaniards.
i need me a lady from espana
Ms Francisca's Avatar
i need me a lady from espana Originally Posted by atxrefman
Should I wear my Flamenco outfit & dance for you???
BeachBum's Avatar
Well not sure about passion but according to MANSERS and we all know what a highly reliable source of info that is. After all if its on TV it must be true. They have expects and everything. Latin women typically last longer in the sack.
I must put this theory to the test. I think I need to conduct more hands on experiments. If only I had the pocket change for it. hmm maybe I can apply for a grant to pursue this study.
N2SEX46's Avatar
Colombian women have been the hottest and most passionate for me, as a whole. If you ever go with one (my late wife was Colombian), although I found mine ultra passionate and horny, she was the most possessive lady I ever met. I wasn't in the hobby at the time, I didn't dare and I didn't need to be. She craved sex. Before my current favorite, also from South America, I hobbied with a beautiful Japanese, also a passionate lover.

I believe Codybeast gives the best answer with his: "If you light her fire and she lights yours then you have discovered a nation of "Two. Her and You."
Hmmmm, Brazillian, Italian, Irish, Espana, and Latin. All good choices, all passionate, all very memorable, but while I appreciate each of the above, I also have to put those Good Old Southern Girls in the mix.

Nothing like a good old fashioned roll in the hay!!!

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