Layla Heights: Nice gal, POOR TCB, No Show

Eraserman's Avatar
I want to share my recent experience with Layla

I've had my eye on Layla Heights/Macy Day since I travel to Dallas. Never was able to make a connection, she just never returned my calls.

Since she moved to Austin I tried again and after some persistence got a call back about midnight on Monday 3/14. We spoke for awhile before we lost connection and I was never able to reconnect with her at that time. She was real pleasant, down to earth, and likable. She did tell me she's had lots of trouble with the 931 number not getting thru to her (Google Voice), which was why she was so hard to connect with. Ok, that's understandable.

Sometime Monday she put up her new number on P411 and I was able to connect with her and we set an appointment for Tuesday late morning at her incall. We talked again for awhile and again I enjoyed her company over the phone.

Tuesday morning comes, I make the confirmation call, she doesn't answer and she hasn't setup her vmail. Not good. I call a couple more times including at around the time of our appointment: no answer and no opportunity to leave a vmail, so I send a P411 IM about our dropped appointment. Right after I send the IM she calls, says she saw I called a couple times and called back. I reminded her of the appointment we had that she missed, and she confessed to forgetting about it and apologized several times about it, offering to make it up to me. We agreed easily on what the makeup would involve (she deserves credit for her willingness to make it right), made another appointment for Thurdsay late morning pending the status of the incall: the girl whose incall it was claimed it for the week and Layla needed to see if she could negotiate that time. She did mention she just might have to rent a room. Ok, fine, do what you need to do, let me know. She said she'd call me back.

Wednesday comes and no call back. I call her, we connect and she's still working on getting the incall. She didn't call because the other girl had never called her back. I guess it's a small consolation to know we guys aren't the only ones who get stiffed on call backs from escorts. I suggest she just get a room and not rely on the other girl, but she wants to use the incall and says she'll call me back when she has it lined up.

Thursday morning comes and no call back. I'm not surprised, but was hoping she might pull it off after all. I tried her 469 number a few more times between then and this morning (Saturday), but still no vmail setup, no answer, no return call.

Bottom line: She is a really nice gal on the phone, and I've always enjoyed speaking with her. I get the feeling she's a genuinely nice person to know. Her TCB skills are lousy: she got me mixed up with another guy the first 2 phone calls, didn't make a note of our appointment, didn't follow up with phone calls when she said she would, hasn't after almost a week setup vmail yet. I think she relied too much on the reliability of the incall owner instead of getting a room so she could follow up on the appointment commitment. Afa I'm concerned since the original appointment wasn't kept and she hasn't followed thru with a makeup appointment, it's still clearly a No Show.

Hopefully she'll improve her TCB skills over time.

For reference, her latest ad:
ohh noo i just saw someone she is sharing a place with. too bad i was hoping to see her soon.
At least this one is Nice compared to the other one with TCB issues.
CharlieDaniels's Avatar
I saw Layla just today and omg....
she is awesome. sweet girl although she could be a little more organized. She seems to be a little overwhelmed with moving to a new town. I have seen her a few times and I like that little ass more with each visit. Will see again soon.