interesting read/watch

texassapper's Avatar
Kim Iversen: Former NATO Analyst & Top UN Official Says THIS Is The REAL Reason For War In Ukraine

matchingmole's Avatar
She must be funded by RT
texassapper's Avatar
She must be funded by RT Originally Posted by matchingmole
So stupid you don't even understand what you're watching...

Who wrote the article she is summarizing, dummy?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
She must be funded by RT Originally Posted by matchingmole

if you say so

So stupid you don't even understand what you're watching...

Who wrote the article she is summarizing, dummy? Originally Posted by texassapper

ignore the moletroll

what the article that was discussed in the video says is that Ukraine is the bad actor not Putin and Russia, that Ukraine violated the Minsk agreement granting autonomy to the eastern Ukrainian regions and that Ukraine had no cause to take military action on eastern Ukraine.

Russia is in fact enforcing the Minsk agreement, the US intentionally undermined it and this is yet another US created neo-con war.
the takeways

Ukraine BAD
Zelensky NAZI
Biden Stooge
Putin GOOD
Russia RIGHT

very interesting!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
According to them (posted in the convoy thread)

Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.
Is it a lame excuse? But it was published on their media. And before any troll-diot wants a wank-fest - think hard if our media is propaganda or not
matchingmole's Avatar
So stupid you don't even understand what you're watching...

Who wrote the article she is summarizing, dummy? Originally Posted by texassapper

Don't bother watching Trumptard crap
texassapper's Avatar
Don't bother watching Trumptard crap Originally Posted by matchingmole
Ah, so not ignorant... just stupid. It's okay, I'm sure your parents think you're AWESOME, lil'joey.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ah, so not ignorant... just stupid. It's okay, I'm sure your parents think you're AWESOME, lil'joey. Originally Posted by texassapper

the troll rarely posts a reply. now you know why. but he can copy/paste a meme like a pro.

  • Tiny
  • 04-19-2022, 06:20 PM
I suspect that there are two sides to the story that's happening in Ukraine, and Putin and Russia aren't 100% at fault. That said, perhaps Jacques Baud isn't the one who should be telling the other side of the story.

This is translated, from French language Wikipedia, about Baud,

According to journalist Antoine Hasday, published by Conspiracy Watch , an interview with Jacques Baud given to RT France “checks all the boxes for geopolitical conspiracy” 18 . The latter, sometimes invited by the traditional media, also intervened on the far-right web-television TV Libertés , as well as previously on RT France. Interviewed on this last channel by Frédéric Taddeï in September 2020, he in particular minimizes the human toll of the war in Darfur, which he reduces to 2,500 dead (against 300,000 according to the UN) and denies the responsibility of the Syrian army in the massacres in Homs in 2011 and in the chemical attacks in Ghouta , Khan Sheikhoun and Douma between 2013 and 2018. Taking up the official arguments of the Syrian regime of Bashar el-Assad , he also asserts that the photographs taken by the military photographer " Caesar " are not those of political opponents who died under torture, but of soldiers of the Syrian army. Jacques Baud also whitewashes Russia by considering that the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal was caused by a“food poisoning” and that the poisoning of Alexeï Navalny is probably “the fact of the mafia”.

Here's Baud's article, that's the subject of Iversen's video:

Honestly thanks for posting this texassapper. I'm looking forward to wading into the article when I get some time.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
interesting video. explains some issues with the luhansk/donetesk territory regarding the non-enforcement of the Minsk protocol. apparently Kyiv did not like it. so this got started all because of a russian language law.

doesn't really explain the North East UKR and south ukr which connects to Crimea. all of which is under russian control.

the video does confirm that Russia was baited into invading Ukraine.

this other stuff about Russia trying to protect civilians is bullshit. we see this Grozny playbook happen in Mariupol.
HedonistForever's Avatar
So Ukraine deserves what it is getting and we have to give Putin a pass on "alleged" war crimes now seen by hundreds of journalists who I doubt have entered into a conspiracy? So now that we know "the alleged real story", we do what, tell the world that this was Ukraine's fault and Russia can kill every man woman and child in Ukraine, when 99% had nothing to do with the "decisions" made by their government? At this point, can we really stop all supplies and sit back and watch the carnage some believe apparently, Ukraine brought on itself? I have no doubt that some Americans would say yes, that is exactly right.

"Confirmation bias", a term that generally says, "we believe the story we want to believe". We've witnessed 5 years of that from Democrats who wanted Trump gone so bad that they made up stories to bring him down and on May 16th, when the Sussman trial starts, we just might have a reckoning .

If one started with skepticism about how bad Ukraine was and could be responsible for starting this whole thing, this story and I am not saying it is wrong / not truthful, would confirm that for such a person. That this is Ukraine's fault and we should stop arming them.

Now assume what Tiny posted "could be true" and the writer had some ulterior motive no matter how much of an "expert" in these matters he may be. Impossible? I don't know. Isn't everything by everybody, propaganda?

What I do know ( not knowing exactly how we got here ) I believe Russia is committing war crimes and you don't get to commit war crimes because you have a better story about how it all came to be. Russia proper was not attacked. This sounds like it could be a civil war. There is no acceptable reason in my opinion, for the Russians to be bombing hospitals and shelters and humanitarian efforts.

Am I being naive? Am I being manipulated? Could be, I've certainly been wrong before unlike some others here who have never been wrong, but I'm still for arming Ukraine. I'll let you know if that changes but this story doesn't change my mind about supplying Ukraine to try and defeat the Russian army.

Damn interesting story, I'll give you that.
  • Tiny
  • 04-20-2022, 09:08 AM
Hey Hedonist, You may right, I don’t know. I did finish Baud’s piece. I believe he’s more biased on this than, say, Fox News or CNN. But he’s got some interesting points. About what he writes, I’m not sure what’s true and what’s fiction.

I don’t think historically we should have been sending lots of military aid to Ukraine. And I believe Trump in his heart of hearts would agree.

This war makes no sense for either side. Russians would be better off if Putin threw in the towel. Ukrainians would be better off if Zelensky et al exited by giving up eastern Ukraine and pledging neutrality.

The human and economic toll has been huge. But arguably not as bad as Rwanda or Yemen or the Congo or Iraq. We care a lot more about this because Ukrainians look like us. And because our military and political classes have convinced us Russia must be our sworn enemy.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Russia claims that Ukraine is NOT living up to the Minsk accords of 2014 and nobody else is denying it by saying oh yes they are and here's the proof. The point would seem to favor the Ruskies there.

I'm not sure that the bit about Ukraine not joining NATO was part of that agreement, but I'm pretty sure the Ruskies are demanding it at this point. They call it neutral towards NATO BTW. Not sure whom gets awarded a point there.
I wanna see Kim Iversens boobs.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Comerade Putin is proud of you!