The Agnew-Ford-Nixon Sceanario.

ICU 812's Avatar
I have written before on this forum and elsewhere, that I believe that the behind-the-scenes handlers and power brokers want to replace President Biden. Furthermore, I do not think they want Vice President Harris in the top slot either.

In the 1970s, then Senator Ford replaced President Nixon when Nixon resigned.
The previously sitting Vice President, Spiro Agnew had resigned when he was indit4d for income taxc evasion, and Ford was APOINTED to the VP slot. When Nixon tresign4ed after Watergate scandal became too onerous, Ford became President.

One key to this alternate succession mechanism is that the VP has to go FIRST.
I have been saying things like this since the Afghanistan fiasco. But just yesterday I heard a nationally syndicated talk show host say exactly that.

Go find the Michael Berry podcast for yesterday morning on I-Heart Radio and hear him explain the ins and outs of this in well informed detail.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
They know Harris would be a disaster to manage. We've seen her on the world stage now and it never goes well. She is entirely tone deaf and inappropriate. At least with Old Cabbage Head folks can chuckle at most gaffs as just being part-n-parcel of him. I expect he is getting harder and harder to manage/coral/support though.

So yes, Harris's displacement will be the big tell - IMHO.
I have a feeling things may wait till after the elections this fall, unless the Democrats think they can stop the Republican wave by getting rid of Harris before the elections in November. Their biggest problem is that they are more about identity than the ability to do the job. Harris looks good for identity politics.
ICU 812's Avatar
President Biden won't go until after the elections. This is because any replacement has got to serve as president for less than the last two years to be able to subsiquently run for president twice. If that person takes office before the elections in the fall, they will only be able to fill out Biden's term and run once.

So, the way I figure it, VP Harris will have to be replaced sometime in the fall. I look for the left to start to tear VP Harris down between now and maybe August. They will have the "right" person in place before the elections.

President Biden will continue to deteriorate even worse. His handlers will taper off some of his support medications until he has some public collapse of function that cannot be ignored by anyone. The 25th Amendment will be invoked and the "right" person will become President.
texassapper's Avatar
So, the way I figure it, VP Harris will have to be replaced sometime in the fall. I look for the left to start to tear VP Harris down between now and maybe August. They will have the "right" person in place before the elections. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I've been trying to figure out how they will accomplish this. And I've come to the conclusion she will have to get killed. No way they can pull a "black" woman for incompetence. I'm sure they'll try to talk her out of it, but she's that special kind of stupid that probably won't see the writing on the wall.


Assassinate her.. she gets replaced, then they 25th Biden. So frame up some Trump supporter preferably a vet... kill him in while apprehending and blame Conservatives. That gives them a pretext to move on weapons as well as further eradicate internal political opposition.

I expect them to use a bomb... sniper is too iffy. That's how the vet angle becomes more important. The FBI is probably already out there recruiting the dupe.

President Biden will continue to deteriorate even worse. His handlers will taper off some of his support medications until he has some public collapse of function that cannot be ignored by anyone. The 25th Amendment will be invoked and the "right" person will become President. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Yup... although they may have an issue with DR Jill... she seems to think she's the president.

Who do they replace Karmela with? The only person with the name recognition that I can come up with is Michelle Obama. She meets the primary democrat needs (Black vagina).. that keeps the negroes on the democrat plantation... whereas they are currently loosing support particularly among the young.

Who else can they push ? Buttplug? Please, they loose AA vote with an out and out fag on the ticket. Maybe there are others but I'm not sure who they might be... Whoever they are will be a wholly owned client of the globalists.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Who else can they push ? Buttplug? Please, they loose AA vote with an out and out fag on the ticket. Maybe there are others but I'm not sure who they might be... Whoever they are will be a wholly owned client of the globalists. Originally Posted by texassapper
ICU 812's Avatar
Getting Harris out can be done. A private conversation with Hillery Clinton and she will step down foir "reasons of health" I think, or a quick trip to Fort Marcy Park.

Michael Obama. . .good suggestion. If Hillery Clinton thinks she could be "it" though, there could be quite a fracas.

Anyway, who killed Vince Foster?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He shot himself in the head twice.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Dang shame too. I was liking the new ones my avatar is sporting.

I can't see them waiting until after the mid-terms and taking it on the chin that badly. Also, I'm thinking before because it might get them some sympathy votes and lessen the massive losses in the mid-terms.

Let's be honest - they are not morally above giving Kumhola the big dirty for the good of the party either. She has done what exactly to make them look better, beyond the delusional identity hire?? Her lineage were from Indian decent and actually owned slaves. I see her as all liability and no real gain to the Proletariat of the DNC.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
spoke about how this would be accomplished last month but I guess some weren't paying attention. FYI, Ford was a congressman and not a senator...and kind of a big deal back then.
My post had to do with getting Trump back in office without an election and as soon as possible. The Speaker of the House is not required to be an elected official. They can be anyone. So, let's say that the first order of business for the new congress would be to elect a speaker. Trump wins on the first ballot and becomes speaker. We have to get rid of Kameltoe next. She can be impeached, she can be fired by the POTUS, or she can resign. In any event, she is gone. Now, if Joe nominates someone to replace her, blocking Speaker Trump in the process, the GOP controlled Senate can defer to confirm the nomination for more pressing business leaving the VP office open. Joe leaves office for cause, ill health, or resignation and the next person, Speaker Trump, moves into the Oval.
The other option, Trump becomes speaker. Biden forced out by the 25th amendment, Kameltoe moves into the Oval. First order of business, impeach Kameltoe. The Senate refuses to consider any VP nomination because of the serious nature of an impeachment trial. Kameltoe is found guilty and removed. The Speaker, Trump, moves into the Oval.
Follow up, Trump nominates a new VP, and the House elects a new speaker. The real beauty of the previous, if it all happens after January of 2023, then Trump can run again in 2024 and serve nearly ten years. Yeah, it's a pipe dream but the left has never been big on humor or sarcasm.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe a fantasy, and maybe not ..... which would be worse for Cummala? The embarrassment of being asked - or forced- to resign, or her and biden getting their asses slaughtered in 2024? ..... Either way, after that any thoughts of advancing her political career would be ruined .....
texassapper's Avatar
Maybe a fantasy, and maybe not ..... which would be worse for Cummala? The embarrassment of being asked - or forced- to resign, or her and biden getting their asses slaughtered in 2024? ..... Either way, after that any thoughts of advancing her political career would be ruined ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
I predict knee pads Karmela will do just fine post office....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe a fantasy, and maybe not ..... which would be worse for Cummala? The embarrassment of being asked - or forced- to resign, or her and biden getting their asses slaughtered in 2024? ..... Either way, after that any thoughts of advancing her political career would be ruined ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
You guys crack me up!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I've posted here before that Kamala is waiting in the wings to be the president. Her on-the-job-training will be more than enough to garner the votes.

Especially with the likes of Marjorie racist Green and the rest of the deplorables taking the fifth when appearing before the select committee.

Go find The Lawfare Podcast on January 7th for a detailed breakdown of how it's going to go down.

The Jan. 6 committee should call Trump’s crime a crime

Dump could proclaim, misleadingly, that the committee had not found sufficient evidence to ask the Justice Department to indict him. And the committee’s lack of a “verdict” could be spun to blunt the force of any determination that the former president was indeed a criminal.

The Jan. 6 committee is a political body, not a legal one. But that is not to say its conclusions are unimportant or unrelated to the truth, or to the historical verdict. The committee needs to follow through with the logical conclusion of its investigation. The evidence it has gathered and that we’ve seen so far — not all of it has been made public — details as stunning a dereliction of presidential power as the nation has seen.