It's Deposition Day for Donnie

eyecu2's Avatar
Today is the morning deposition from Donald J. Trump in front of Letitia James, where 3 yrs of wrangling, stalling & about every trick in the book Trump has tried to avoid. She's already talked to the rest of the Trump crime family so she has some deep knowledge of the operation and how the valued properties against taxes and for loans against them.

Will DJT have the balls to not plead the 5th?

Will he be found innocent of of any charges or face things like bank or wire fraud & other charges?

With the recent acquisition of tax returns, audits, depositions and the roiling troubled waters 45 is in, will he emerge unscathed,or will it simply enrage the cult following to support him even more?

I predict that there will be several legal issues where Trump etal will be in Jeopardy. What outcome is from that, is highly speculative but someone is getting a YUGE fine and maybe go to the big house. Who will take the fall if there is proof of fraud? My guess would be Eric, but you never know what the outcome will be. One thing is for certain - Trump must be feeling like a personal Hacky-sack for all the investigation and legal issues the folks in Government have going on. Timing of all these things happening this week have got to have a ton of diet coke and hamburders thrown at walls at every Establishment Trump has been going to. And while it's no secret I don't like him, this is all the conclusions of a guy who has been so narcissistic and braggadocios, that he has landed himself in the spots because of his ego and being in his eyes, above the law.

What do you all think will happen?

Coming indictments /charges or nothing burgers?
eyecu2's Avatar
Well it's official DJT has become ball-less and has decided to not answer questions and as he once was quoted in saying

" why does anybody plead the fifth? If you're not guilty, and innocent go ahead and testify"

Well Donald??

Are you hiding something?

Are you guilty?

The rest of Americans who are not Maga know he's as dirty as a 2yr olds diaper. Completely full of shit.

Meanwhile Lindsey Graham has decided to try to run interference in the meantime and encouraging Trump to announce his re-election campaign. It's almost as if the deflection and smoke n mirrors campaign is off to a quick start.

I'm sure politically if Trump announces he's running, and then gets whacked with charges by the doj, he'll say "oh the witch Hunt continues!"

And if he does announce immediately that he is running it will be solely because he wants to make this political versus criminal.

To that extent, I do agree that if the doj - FBI have some thing to charge Trump with they better do it quickly. To all you conservatives out there, has the drama level dialed up yet high enough?
berryberry's Avatar
You mean in front of this bitch?

This partisan fraud literally campaigned on "getting Trump" and has no interest in fair and equal Justice.

Trump should tell her to go fuck herself

berryberry's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
The rest of the week for Donnie includes

Manhattan DOJ criminal investigation and coordinate AG probe
House ways and means tax probe
Georgia election interference
Jan 6 probe DOJ
Jan 6 Select committee inquiry
DOJ classified docs probe

Seems like a lot of probes for one elderly gent who does nothing but plead the 5th and then cry about it to Fox n friends.

More probes than an alien looking for asses to get up in.

More probes than were sent to the moon n Mars and distant solar systems

More probes than were used in every Star Trek episode ever made.

My Man got a lot of probes goin on.
eyecu2's Avatar
You mean in front of this bitch?

This partisan fraud literally campaigned on "getting Trump" and has no interest in fair and equal Justice.

Trump should tell her to go fuck herself

Watch: Originally Posted by berryberry

There is no doubt she has a hard-on for Trump, but she can't just make shit up if it's not there. So if he's innocent that will be borne out with testimony and coroberation of facts like taxes and loan applications as well and operating income etc from his businesses. And to that, if he is innocent, they should stop pursuing him. The fact that he's denied access to those documents that would so called exonerate him, and has refused to testify, surely puts him in the middle of the crosshairs as both a public figure, and high figure business should be.

Of course the allegations of wrong doing need to be asserted. They have been. Trump or anyone after being under investigation & Claiming that you're innocent, does not make you innocent.

Facts and evidence to coroberate your assertion are what is required.

Every investigation starts with allegations of improper conduct. Civilly he has to defend that part. If they have criminal allegations then he should shut up.

We aren't there--- yet.

Hell even Hillary testified instead of being a fifth pleading loser.
berryberry's Avatar
There is no doubt she has a hard-on for Trump, but she can't just make shit up if it's not there. Originally Posted by eyecu2
First she has more than a hard-on for him, she is deranged. And yeah - she and others can just make shit up. Just like the FBI did in Michigan regarding the fake Whitmer kidnapping they orchastrated


Whitmer defense this am: FBI informant planted explosives material in truck of defendant so FBI could confiscate the evidence upon arrest."

And to that, if he is innocent, they should stop pursuing him. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Yeah, right. The libtards have been pursuing him for the last 6 years even though he has been innocent of what they have accused him of. Each time gleefully believing, "This time we got him". These deranged lunatics will stop at nothing to try and get him. Get real
eyecu2's Avatar
First she has more than a hard-on for him, she is deranged. And yeah - she and others can just make shit up. Just like the FBI did in Michigan regarding the fake Whitmer kidnapping they orchastrated Originally Posted by berryberry
This thread is about Trump not some detailing of the thread to Whitmer. Thats a whole other story you tried to distort. Start a new thread.

Trump could immediately show receipt for the documents that were taken, and assert specific items being planted in the FBI's visit to his Florida compound. Ultimately we both know that the intent is to damage him so he won't run again, and likely this will fall on deaf years as well with Trump supporters. The gas lighting from the fine folks at Fox trying to control the spin and narrative is not lost on all of you Republican supporters in this board. I hope they do explain the reason publicly but the spin on FOX and the alternative facts crew will refute that too. I remember a time when the news wasn't full of liars.
berryberry's Avatar
This thread is about Trump not some detailing of the thread to Whitmer. Thats a whole other story you tried to distort. Originally Posted by eyecu2
You said, and I quote - the corrupt NY AG "can't just make shit up if it's not there."

I simply pointed out JUST ONE (I could list many) examples where the Corrupt FBI made shit up and tried to entrap people. It goes directly to refute your statement

If you don't think there aren't corrupt prosecutors and law enforcement who will lie and distort evidence, I can't help you
eyecu2's Avatar
You said, and I quote - the corrupt NY AG "can't just make shit up if it's not there."

I simply pointed out JUST ONE (I could list many) examples where the Corrupt FBI made shit up and tried to entrap people. It goes directly to refute your statement

If you don't think there aren't corrupt prosecutors and law enforcement who will lie and distort evidence, I can't help you Originally Posted by berryberry

Start a thread about AG or DOJ planted evidence on whatever you like. It's not asserted or proven in the Trump Mar-A-lago raid. Random other assertion of planting or manipulation of evidence is just a ruse at this point since it's all conjecture and nobody has made the filing public.

C'mon my dude, you get all bent out of shape when anyone derails your posts. Keep it about this case.

While I think they got "not much" at this raid, I'm thinking it's about making / damaging Trump so he won't run. Further he likely will have to now since that will keep him out of jeopardy as a presidential candidate vs. the best candidate of the GOP.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Well it's official DJT has become ball-less and has decided to not answer questions and as he once was quoted in saying

" why does anybody plead the fifth? If you're not guilty, and innocent go ahead and testify"

Well Donald??

Are you hiding something?

Are you guilty? Originally Posted by eyecu2
No, he just wised up after seeing others get charged with bullshit process crimes when there was no predicate whatsoever, only a fishing expedition.

The rest of Americans who are not Maga know he's as dirty as a 2yr olds diaper. Completely full of shit.
So why have armies of investigators/lawyers/investigative journalists/fbi agents come up with absolutely nothing for five years. Are they ALL that bad at their jobs that they can’t find anything on a guy, after turning his life upside down and inside out, for half a decade?

Meanwhile Lindsey Graham has decided to try to run interference in the meantime and encouraging Trump to announce his re-election campaign. It's almost as if the deflection and smoke n mirrors campaign is off to a quick start.
nobody gives half a shit what Graham says, least of all President Trump.

I'm sure politically if Trump announces he's running, and then gets whacked with charges by the doj, he'll say "oh the witch Hunt continues!"
and he’ll be right.

And if he does announce immediately that he is running it will be solely because he wants to make this political versus criminal.
It’s already is.

To that extent, I do agree that if the doj - FBI have some thing to charge Trump with they better do it quickly.
They don’t, just like they never do. Make some shit up, let the media pretend it’s real, hope it hurts Trump, rinse, repeat.
To all you conservatives out there, has the drama level dialed up yet high enough?
What drama? Nobody cares about more horseshit, conservatives have actual lives to live.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There is no doubt she has a hard-on for Trump, but she can't just make shit up if it's not there.
LMFAO! I’m hoping that’s just something you wrote to stir shit but don’t actually believe it.
berryberry's Avatar
Start a thread about AG or DOJ planted evidence on whatever you like. It's not asserted or proven in the Trump Mar-A-lago raid. Originally Posted by eyecu2
First, you seem confused on what your thread is about. It was about the Corrupt AG in NY trying to get Trump to give her a deposition and Trump wisely telling her to go fuck herself. It was not about Mar-A-Lago

And nope, I am not trying to change the subject - I simply responded to your post, you know the one where you said:

There is no doubt she has a hard-on for Trump, but she can't just make shit up if it's not there. Originally Posted by eyecu2
If you don't want someone to respond to a statement you make, don't make such a false statement. Another example - The FBI straight up fabricated emails to get an illegal warrant to spy on Trump as part of the Russia Hoax. They literally made shit up.
eyecu2's Avatar
Berry start a thread about Whitmer if you like. This is about Trump deposition and Leticia James and Trump's failure to answer questions. I don't see any relation to false claims and what's happening in New York. That's your interpretation of it. Course you tried to tie it to non related stuff, which is fine, it in your next thread k? Nobody's posting a thing about proof of claims in Mar-A-lago. I stand by the claim about not making up shit in NY. Cause at the end of the day, she would have to prove it. You think otherwise because she hates DJT. What proof do you have she made up anything against him except your intuition and spidy sense tingling?
[QUOTE=eyecu2;1062932270]There is no doubt she has a hard-on for Trump, but she can't just make shit up if it's not there.


.... REALLY? ... You mean - "can't make things up"
like Trump/Russia collusion??

Hmmmm... Maybe you got a point there, mate.

Perhaps she'll get the FBI involved - and they can
run to the FISA court to get authourisation to
spy on Trump... Even IF they have to LIE to
the FISA judge about what evidence they may have.

Rather sure THAT has been done already by the FBI.
Maybe they can surely use those tactics here.

#### Salty