Office coworker question

Mainly for the ladies but I know the guys will def try to fuck with me. I have an office mate who always joked that I had a small one cuz I was white. I got sick of hearing so one day I briefly whipped it out and she thought it was nice and thought it looked big. Prob was I was kinda hard a little and told her it was limp. Lol. She wants to give me a hand job but I'm afraid she'll think it's not big. What should I do
You are an HR office nightmare.
ck1942's Avatar

Listen to the lady, and

Don't shit where you eat.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Be careful could be setting yourself up for a sexual harrassment case. Their are some very shady people out there
rideronthestorm9's Avatar
What's the problem I whip mine out during meetings all the time.

Sometimes I use it as a gavel and thump it on the conference room table to silence the room so I can make my intellectual point to my coworkers.
RICKDOG8's Avatar
You know what they say...rock out with your cock out!
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Consult with an attorney first. You'll need them later.
Once upon a time, I was sitting at a work meeting with two ladies. One was a close co-worker with whom I trusted and confided. The second was a lady and acquaintance whom I had known for about two years and worked with on several projects, but she was not someone who I would call a friend...

While waiting for a third person to join, lady #2 ask if she could look at and touch my hands and finger nails. Therein ensued a conversation between the two ladies about how nice and soft my hands were compared to many other guys in the office. Lady #2 asked me what I did to keep them nice and I replied nothing, that I just wore work gloves when needed. She also commented how nice it was to see finger nails that were clean, clipped evenly and not bitten or ragged. I am thinking that she was imagining my hands on her body (go figure, I am a natural dirty old man).

I must have been getting a confused look on my face about that time, wondering where this conversation was going and what were her true intentions (maybe hopefully?). At this point, my wingman lady friend #1 told lady#2 to cut it out her shit, that she had caused HR enough problems by engaging guys in the workplace and encouraging them to respond in an inappropriate manner, which was then reported. Unknown to me, I had just encountered a beautiful but very dangerous female predator who has managed to get several other guys into trouble with HR, just by responding to her advances.

Short story long, don't play where you work. Be careful when dealing with others in the work place. The higher you go into management and executive positions, the more vulnerable you are to manipulation for a variety of reasons, including inappropriate sexual relationships.

Suggest you compartmentalize your hobby world and your real world play time far away from your workplace business relationships. Applies to both married and single people in the workplace. I know, lots of people who have met their soul mates and future SOs at work, and it appears to have worked out OK, or maybe sometimes not. Why take a chance? Keep it Zipped Up at work. I often used the buddy system with this lady at future meetings. Just saying...
Invite her out for social hour and reserve all non work related conversation for away from the office.

If she still wants to give you a hand job away from the office then that's no one's biz but if she insist upon only behaving this way in the office you're likely being set up.

Question is will you be able to maintain a cordial work environment if she laughs at your noodle?
Invite her out for a cup of coffee Originally Posted by Lightesttouch
Stellar advice to man who already pulled his dick out for a co-worker on the job. Dear OP you should ask the mods to delete this thread, keep your mouth shut, stay clear of this woman, keep your dick in your trowsers on the job, and have a lawyer on retainer just in case your nutty colleague decides to flip out on you in a year when you get think it had blown over.
Bobave's Avatar
For the OP - I can't believe anyone would actually be so stupid, but in case this is a true story... too late, Bubba. You are dearly and truly fucked, and not in a good way. It's not a question of whether the shoe will drop, but when. And as an earlier commenter observed, it might be a year from now, so no there is no point t which you can breathe easier.
best to just stay away from it all, you have already made the mistake of taking your dick out at work....
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-09-2016, 08:26 AM
Dear OP you should ask the mods to delete this thread Originally Posted by Bourne Whorist
We don't delete threads... you post it, you own it.

I want to applaud and encourage your interest in fiction writing. Creative expression is its own reward, I always say. And if it sells, maybe it helps get you laid. However, I respectfully suggest you work on developing more original plot devices, as this one is familiar and predictable--and has been developed into two or three movies already.

Possibly you are working on the script for a porn short, with the catch of making it appealing to women--your questions was directed "mainly for the ladies". And possibly you have gotten stuck after scene 2, and are turning to the members for suggestions for subsequent scenes. Hey, to borrow from Z: your screenplay--own it . . . and then sell it!

Anyhow, best wishes and stick with it. Tolstoy didn't write War and Piece of Ass his first time out, you know!

(Yeah, I'm back to lurking here a li'l bit . . . as if anyone recalls this handle!)
Miss Valentina's Avatar
This thread makes me feel like someone jizzed in my third eye.