who have you visited?? results of a "survey"

pmdelites's Avatar

well, a bunch of us guys were shooting the breeze down at the pond one afternoon when one of the guys asked "hey, which of the women here in the DFW area have you visited three or more times?"
  • well, it wasnt an extremely precise and/or clear question [we didnt ask "did you have an enjoyable/pleasurable/insertFavoriteAdjectiveHere visit?" yep, some of us are slow learners if it took us more than three times to decide she wasn't for us :^].
  • and it wasn't a scientific survey [we didn't apply for a national sex institute research grant].
  • and only some of the guys who have visited dfw women answered the question [and we didnt tempt them with beer or a free session :^]
  • and the time span of visits wasn't specified or in most of their answers [was it since january, in the last years, in the last x years...].
  • and who knows how many of the answers were dick swaggering, how many were true, and how many were under reported so the guy didnt cum off as the true slut that he is...
so, with all those disclaimers in hand, err, disclaimed, below are the results.

you can read a whole lot into them [wow, she must be fantastic!!],
you can read too little into them [well, she wasn't on the list, so she mustn't be very good] or
you can read nothing at all into them [who gives a flying fuck who's on some cockamamie list!!].

the only thing one can say about the results w/ some certainty is ....
some guys who answered the question think that some of the women here in the dfw area are alright cos the guys answered that they visited the wome three or more times.

and the one thing that I, pmdelites, can say with absolute certainty and honesty to the women that i have personally visited three or more times or two or more times and even a few one or more times is ....



[btw, i have visited 9 of the women below at least one time in the past 5 yrs.
i have visited 4 of the women below three or more times in the past 3 yrs.]

the list is sorted by a) the percentage of hobbiests who visited the woman 3 or more times out of all the guys who answered the original question and b) alphabetically within a group of similar percentages.

24.1% Reese Foster

20.7% Delanie Smith
20.7% Dragonfly
20.7% Heather Winston
20.7% Lexy Laye

Payton Lyn
17.2% SexyAssDevyn
17.2% Shea Veile
17.2% Sophie
17.2% Yoko

13.8% Caitie Mae

13.8% Cameron0908
13.8% Candace
13.8% Chelsea Simms
13.8% Jenna/Spikebaby
13.8% Micah Lee

10.3% Alana Nicole

10.3% Analisa
10.3% Ashley Apple
10.3% Chase DFW
10.3% Cheyenne Blake
10.3% Infamous BJ
10.3% Isabella Rose
10.3% Kitten
10.3% Lisa TX Sensual Massage
10.3% Max
10.3% Natasha Fame
10.3% Sensuous Serenity
10.3% Vnurse

Wow, that is a serious breakdown in stats going on. Is there a freakonomics angle to this I wonder?
To add to this, several guys reported seeing some of these ladies 20-30 or more times. Clearly, some ladies have learned how to keep guys coming back. I know there are many who are not on the list for what ever reason, but to those who are, Congrats and job well done.
(one of the ladies listed saw me 30 times. Whew!)

Also, with few exceptions, these ladies are not complaining about money/slow business or personal drame all the time either. Could there be a connection?
LazurusLong's Avatar
Don't forget that the replies and questions sort of data gathering is 100% un-scientific with no allowance for non replies but those who just don't care to answer things like that.

I personally look at this as more of a WK parade because most white knights will take every opportunity to mention how good some escort is and by replying to their reviews or by adding their name to surveys like this, it sure screws the pooch and makes it invalid.

Look at it as fun for some. WK BS for others.

If someone has plenty of time, they might want to compile stats on who the most heavily reviewed ladies are on this site. And see just how meaningless that turns out to be as many busy gals don't bother pestering their clients to post reviews.
...Also, with few exceptions, these ladies are not complaining about money/slow business or personal drame all the time either. Could there be a connection? Originally Posted by Bubba3452
hmm, maybe so.

...If someone has plenty of time, they might want to compile stats on who the most heavily reviewed ladies are on this site. And see just how meaningless that turns out to be as many busy gals don't bother pestering their clients to post reviews. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Some ladies also explicitly do not want reviews. Or they may have a WK brigade that have decided they are a lady's personal marketing campaign.
oglfp12's Avatar

I personally look at this as more of a WK parade because most white knights will take every opportunity to mention how good some escort is and by replying to their reviews or by adding their name to surveys like this, it sure screws the pooch and makes it invalid.
Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Since I began hobbying in mid-2009, I am certainly a newbie compaired with LazurusLong. So, I must admit that his comment tells me that I do not know what constitutes a WK. It is my understanding that WK has a negative connotation, and he says WK responses make this survey invalid. But LL seems to be saying that if a provider consistently shows me really good time and I see her repeatedly, then I am being a WK to tell people that. Is that right?
I personally look at this as more of a WK parade because most white knights will take every opportunity to mention how good some escort is and by replying to their reviews or by adding their name to surveys like this, it sure screws the pooch and makes it invalid.


LOL. Well, I am no ones WK and I responded and I have seen 4 of the ones listed. I do believe the point was made up front that this is not a serious survey or poll. However, that does not make it useless. These ladies are reconized by the results as some who have learned how to keep repeat customers. What ever they are doing, they are doing it right. Many are well reviewed in either quality of reviews, quanity of reviews, or both.

Combine many quality reviews with knowledge that they know how to please a gent over an extended time period and I think you have some exceptional ladies. Even if they are not all "my type" I still commend them that their customers think so highly of them. With all the choices we have in DFW, the fact so many have die hard, repeat customers is remarkable.

I know there are many more who could be added to this list. Such is the nature of this kind of informal "survey". I do think its far better than the "Who's the best ???" questions asked all the time :-)

Again, congrats to all the ladies, both on this list and off it, who deliver quality service over and over. Keep up the good work!!!. Wish I had the time to meet all of you
A WK is really someone who stands up for and protects someone who is being unfairly treated. Here, that same term has been bastardized by those lacking a better term to identify someone who carrys it too far. I do not want to hijack the thread so I will save my WK arguments and comments for another time.

But even a WKs responses are not wrong simply because hes a WK. And, everyone who responds is not a WK. I am very fond of several ladies and I extol their virues every chance I get, but that does not make me their WK. Only a fan.

Since I began hobbying in mid-2009, I am certainly a newbie compaired with LazurusLong. So, I must admit that his comment tells me that I do not know what constitutes a WK. It is my understanding that WK has a negative connotation, and he says WK responses make this survey invalid. But LL seems to be saying that if a provider consistently shows me really good time and I see her repeatedly, then I am being a WK to tell people that. Is that right? Originally Posted by oglfp12
oglfp12's Avatar
But even a WKs responses are not wrong simply because hes a WK. And, everyone who responds is not a WK. I am very fond of several ladies and I extol their virues every chance I get, but that does not make me their WK. Only a fan. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Thanks, Bubba. That's more along my understanding. Now, to get back on topic, I have seen several of the ladies on this list, and I loved them. I just wish I had the time and money to see them all!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Bubba, I must disagree.

There are numerous white knights who don't have the cash to see their favorite as often as they prefer and they hope that by the constant promoting, the posting of glowing reviews of sessions that never happened to offset a poor review, and by generally mentioning their "fav" in every thread they can find, they hope to get better service or a discount or maybe for some, free sessions.

Let's not downgrade the aptly applied term WK. They do more harm than good when looked at from a new potential client's hourly help decision making.

oglfp12, an honest review of your session with a provider is really all one needs to do when it comes to letting folks know about a provider.

I mentioned some of the things a WK does that annoy most but that is not all.

Defending a provider against an honest review that may not be how HE sees the girl is crap. An example would be if a new client posts in his ROS portion that the provider has extensive damage to her mid section from it being stretched out for 9 months or if her thunder thighs are photoshopped and cottage cheese comes to mind and he politely describes those issues that were not in other reviews, the WK will jump all over him to make the girl feel better.

Or if a guy finds the cooter smells bad and he notes it for HIS session, WKs will jump in and say that when THEY saw her last, the cooter was fine. Again, they were not there and didn't smell the dang thing so there is no point other than to WK her by posting like that.

White knights may have only seen the gal once 6 months ago but felt a "connection" and go out of their way to help her on review boards by jumping into any thread she starts telling her how hot she is or how glad they are to be "under her".

Without completely derailing this thread, it might be better to create a thread on how to identify a white knight but that may be hard because some handles that appear to be white knights are really pimps/managers or in some cases, the girl herself softening bad reviews. And posting her name in surveys and questions.
Feel gree to start a new thread LL. I always enjoy a brisk discussion. :-)
pmdelites's Avatar
Don't forget that the replies and questions sort of data gathering is 100% un-scientific with no allowance for non replies but those who just don't care to answer things like that.

I personally look at this as more of a WK parade because most white knights will take every opportunity to mention how good some escort is and by replying to their reviews or by adding their name to surveys like this, it sure screws the pooch and makes it invalid.

Look at it as fun for some. WK BS for others.

If someone has plenty of time, they might want to compile stats on who the most heavily reviewed ladies are on this site. And see just how meaningless that turns out to be as many busy gals don't bother pestering their clients to post reviews. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
like i said,

you can read a whole lot into them [wow, she must be fantastic!!],
you can read too little into them [well, she wasn't on the list, so she mustn't be very good] or
you can read nothing at all into them [who gives a flying fuck who's on some cockamamie list!!].

but please dont read so much into it that it colors what it is - just a unscientific collection of answers of a small group of guys [i dont even know how many answered]. and in itself, that has value.

and as bubba as stated, if you want to discuss your view of this thread, pls do so in another thread.

feel free, however, to comment on any of the women here, add your "answer" or anything you want as long as it is related to ...
"so, who have you visited three or more times in the recent past?"

LL....couldnt have agreed with you more on the subject of WKs.
dodger's Avatar
was in chat and caught the end of a rant ... both the provider and the hobby guy were there. He had 10 reviews ... all of her. hmmmmmm ....

I don't hobby that often and this economy has hurt all my budgets ... but I have resisted "repeating" because of the sheer number of wonderful providers in DFW. Having said that ... I'm beginning to modify that behavior.

It becomes difficult to find a rationale for blindly and blatantly seeking out new providers after sessions with a lady which has given me everything I want. Just a flat our wonderful time in every way. So .. I'm prolly going to spend more time focusing on ladies I have already had the pleasure of seeing, before.

Wonderful ladies ... soooooo many wonderful, generous (in spirit) ladies. Thank you.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Dodger... even though I know there are a lot of awesome providers in the DFW area I believe if you find something good you should stick with it...