Pitbull Concert

copycat's Avatar
Did anybody see him last night I think it was the best concert I have seen at the Rodeo.
Mojojo's Avatar
Moved to right section
Diabolo's Avatar
Yes it was! It was my fifth one this season (ZBB, Mary J Blige, Bruno Mars, Band Perry, Pitbull) and indeed, it was the best one so far.
dearhunter's Avatar
It was pretty good
starflash's Avatar
2nd highest attendance in Houston Rodeo history......Over 75K............
copycat's Avatar
Did anybody see the concert last night ,I think it was the best one at the Rodeo.
macksback's Avatar
I 'd rather listen to balls slapping against ass cheeks than some idiot named Pitbull. To each their own I guess. What do you mean by best concert any way? Best singer or just some type of pyrotechnic display that was particularly amusing? Not directing any of this toward Pitbull ,ZBB (Never heard of these guys), Mary J Blige, Bruno Mars, Band Perry but but none of these people can sing in any classical sense.
Ashley Anders's Avatar
I agree! It was awesome and NOBODY sat down the whole concert!
tyboy1's Avatar
Pitbulls, did someone mention Pitbulls. Oh different pitbull.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I was gonna say don't you know the ave hobbyist is 40-60, & I don't think they care or even know what a Pitbull (Wiki Link) is. Then I saw your profile said you're 55. So I tip my hat to you for embracing a genre that most from your generation would classify as thug music. Now the ladies may have a better grasp of his music.

So did he cover his whole discography or just the current stuff?
Mojojo's Avatar
Moved again
kerwil62's Avatar
Did Pitbull even have a band??? If not then it isn't a concert IMO.

I heard Bruno Mars and Mary J. Blige kicked ass though....