I can't believe this hasn't been discussed yet II

Rudyard K's Avatar
"Definitely praying" is not very helpful if there really is a danger that will result from this. Holy cow.

The sweet irony of religious nutjob goading a religious nutjob.
Although they are protected under the 1st Amendment, having loved ones overseas, I am very worried about the outcome. Burning the Quran, to send a message, is only going to result in retaliation... In a time where peace is so close!

The mere fact that a pastor is responsible for this demonstration is appauling, in my personal opinion. To destroy materials that are considered Holy to all Muslims is wrong!

How upset would many of you be IF there was a demostration held to burn the Bible??

I know I would be!
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  • 09-07-2010, 02:56 PM
How upset would many of you be IF there was a demostration held to burn the Bible?? Originally Posted by Eden_Monet
If a bunch of loons in another country got together and burned some Bibles, I wouldn't care in the least.
I know I would be! Originally Posted by Eden_Monet
Why? Those fuckers overseas burn our flags all the time. That church can burn all the Quran it can afford to. Not a very cost effective way to stamp out radicals but its their money.
well i think its not the job of a pastor to be concerned with political statements at all

i think he should return to his first love of bringing people to Christ with a giving spirit, for he can't attract with spit and piss and gall,...and therefore this is so very wrong for that church to contemplate

but at the same time.....it would be so very nice for this world to bring islam to its senses to accept the discussion of its scholarship, critical study of its precepts, history and any related archealogical deficiencies in its book freely and openly ..ALONG WITH CARTOONS ..without killing people.

maybe, step by slow step, putting the islamic world in a pot and slowly turning up the temperature to bring them into the 21st century of reason would be a very good thing.

allowing them to threaten and be murderously aggrieved at every turn or mention or joke at the expense of freedoms we hold to be precious, and having our main stream media cower behind their barrels of ink in silent fear cannot be a good thing.
My greatest concern is for the safety of our troops around the world. I can only hope the actions of a religious nut case does not put our troops in danger! Fortunately, he is not speaking for the religious community only for those idiots of similar ideological persuasion!
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  • 09-07-2010, 03:19 PM

allowing them to threaten and be murderously aggrieved at every turn or mention or joke at the expense of freedoms we hold to be precious, and having our main stream media cower behind their barrels of ink in silent fear cannot be a good thing. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

My greatest concern is for the safety of our troops around the world. I can only hope the actions of a religious nut case does not put our troops in danger! Fortunately, he is not speaking for the religious community only for those idiots of similar ideology! Originally Posted by bigtex
Maybe we should not have troops stationed in every corner of the world. Especially if it means we have to limit free speech...even the free speach of idiots.
If a bunch of loons in another country got together and burned some Bibles, I wouldn't care in the least.

Why? Those fuckers overseas burn our flags all the time. That church can burn all the Quran it can afford to. Not a very cost effective way to stamp out radicals but its their money. Originally Posted by WTF
1. Obviously, with the response to the 9/11 demonstration that's to come, they are offended. What point is being made in stooping to that level. Faith is what keeps people going ... whatever it is that they believe in. And when you mock that very thing that they believe in, there will be consequences. You might not care, but I'd rather get my loved ones back over here before provoking them.

2. Yes, they CAN. I said in my initial response that they have the right under the 1st Amendment, but that doesn't make it right. 2 wrongs don't make a right. Please do not mistake my response with not being patriotic.
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  • 09-07-2010, 04:57 PM
1. Obviously, with the response to the 9/11 demonstration that's to come, they are offended. What point is being made in stooping to that level. Faith is what keeps people going ... whatever it is that they believe in. And when you mock that very thing that they believe in, there will be consequences. You might not care, but I'd rather get my loved ones back over here before provoking them.
Originally Posted by Eden_Monet
They mock us all the time. I care in that I wish our policy was such that your loved ones were not over there in the first place.

To me it goes something like this. My greedy ass rich Uncle is over in the Middle East making some money on oil. My poor ass cousin is over there protecting his intrest. If my crazy ass holy roller Uncle's supporters says anything stupid it could get my cousin killed. I think we should be looking at the Uncle, not his stupid supporters. They are just puppets.

2. Yes, they CAN. I said in my initial response that they have the right under the 1st Amendment, but that doesn't make it right. 2 wrongs don't make a right. Please do not mistake my response with not being patriotic. Originally Posted by Eden_Monet
I am truly sorry if I said anything that might have made you think that I questioned your patriotism. I too do not care for what this church is doing but I think there needs to be a look taken at the bigger picture ( I do realize for you the biggest picture is the safety of your loved ones, understandable)

I think there needs to be a frank discussion on why we are over there and what we are willing to pay for being there. Is oil that important or oil company profits that we quash free speech in this country? First it was stopping a mosque from being built now stopping book burnings. You'd think the Dixie Chicks were back on tour!

John Bull's Avatar
well i think its not the job of a pastor to be concerned with political statements at all

i think he should return to his first love of bringing people to Christ with a giving spirit, for he can't attract with spit and piss and gall,...and therefore this is so very wrong for that church to contemplate... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
His first love is the almighty dollar like most publicity seeking preachers.
His first love is the almighty dollar like most publicity seeking preachers. Originally Posted by John Bull

perhaps, everyone is a sinner
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  • 09-07-2010, 05:16 PM
perhaps, everyone is a sinner Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
What I don't get is why every major US media outlet is ALL over this story? And General Petreaus is saying that this will 'endanger American Troops?' Please.

OK, who besides me is hoping if they go thru with this they soak the Korans in lighter fluid, stick them on poles and then run model airplanes with pilot flames into them? And for added irony have the pilots drawn on the model plane with long beards and head dresses. That'd be sweet!

<--WTF icon added to soften the easily offended...
What I don't get is why every major US media outlet is ALL over this story? Originally Posted by gnadfly
because it isnt an islamic loonie, hence, they are fearless.

reminds me of the great line from the song sung by tex ritter from high noon

"or lie a coward in my grave"

WTF icon added to soften the easily offended Originally Posted by gadfly
WTF's icon usage is reflective of a need to further exasperate by wild insane laughter, him being his own best audience, and not arising from any tenderness on his part.