
Question-I have very few reviews, and it is hard to get screened. I guess I should break down and do P411, but having them check my employment makes me nervous as hell. A provider mentioned to me there was a way she could recommend me on here so it is permanent. Is that possible, and if so, how do I do it? Sorry I posted this a second ago as a reply to another thread. zigged instead of zagged...
billw1032's Avatar
I did P411 recently and found it to be no problem. I told them to call my boss's secretary and say they were calling from ABC organization in reference to XYZ (an organization that I am normally associated with and wouldn't arouse suspicion). They did exactly that, she passed along the message to me and never gave it a second thought.
Gina has been doing a stand up job with p411 for many years. There is no more danger in them verifying your employment, than there would be in the cleaners calling you at your job. They don't announce that they are verifying you for an escort screening service. There is absolutely nothing to be nervous about and it takes about 30 seconds.