The Comey Hearings.......any comment??

My biggest take away was the two big culprits in Comeys entire "October Surprise" was Huma Abedin and Loretta Lynch.

First, The FBI found classified e-mails on Abedin's computer, being sent to her pervert husband. That was bad enough.

Then, Lorreta Lynch and Bill Clinton decided to have their "Let's talk about the grandkids" meeting on the tarmac. This flabbergasted Comey.

He had no choice. He had to disclose that the FBI was reopening the investigation into Clinton because she was about to be elected President. How would it have looked if he would have withheld this untill after the election. The FBI's integrity would have been on par with a used car salesman.

I watched a lot of this today. Comey was put in a extremely uncomfortable position with the entire DNC and every major news outlet covering for Clinton and her entire entourag.

So, while Hillary is on TV crying about the Russians and Deplorables, she should look to three top DNC Lackeys. Loretta Lynch, Huma Abedin, and Bill Clinton.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Comey should have recommended charges on Clinton. intent isn't defined in the Laws covering the handling of classified material. Abedin forwarding this material to have that idiot husband print it out for convenience was reason enough for Comey to open an investigation. WeinerBoy doesn't have clearance to see it. they got a free pass that would get anyone else a pair of orange coveralls. and a prisoner number.

i think Lynch told Comey not to recommend charges or that if he did, the DOJ would not act on it. and he'd likely have been fired over it. This comes down from Obama to Lynch to Comey.

Comey should have put his job on the line. Trump would just re-hire him anyway. bahhaa
TheDaliLama's Avatar
She was a terrible candidate.

She lied to the faces of the Benghazi families and she lied about her illegal private server.

,and when the 4th quarter came she thought she had it in the bag and coasted.

She lost and she has no one to blame but herself.

It's over for her. Even the Dems have had enough of it.
She didn't coast, she fell. I wonder how that is progressing.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
She was a terrible candidate.

She lied to the faces of the Benghazi families and she lied about her illegal private server.

,and when the 4th quarter came she thought she had it in the bag and coasted.

She lost and she has no one to blame but herself.

It's over for her. Even the Dems have had enough of it. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
She didn't coast, she fell. I wonder how that is progressing. Originally Posted by gnadfly

she believed her own cooked kool-aide polls. i mean .. didn't they know they were biased from the start?? they did that on purpose and still arrogantly thought they had it in the bag.

Comey should have referred charges to the DOJ .. despite the clear fact Lynch told him privately not to .. on word of Obama. i mean .. it's not like the guy couldn't have gotten a sweet private practice gig if Obama had fired him over it yeah?

some time in the maybe not too distant future Comey will reveal that he was told not to press charges .. by Lynch. which means it came from Obama. that will be his real legacy.

so Assup .. care to comment on those so-called "scientific" polls you kept yapping your trap about??

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-03-2017, 09:58 PM
she believed her own cooked kool-aide polls. i mean .. didn't they know they were biased from the start?? they did that on purpose and still arrogantly thought they had it in the bag.

Comey should have referred charges to the DOJ .. despite the clear fact Lynch told him privately not to .. on word of Obama. i mean .. it's not like the guy couldn't have gotten a sweet private practice gig if Obama had fired him over it yeah?

some time in the maybe not too distant future Comey will reveal that he was told not to press charges .. by Lynch. which means it came from Obama. that will be his real legacy.

so Assup .. care to comment on those so-called "scientific" polls you kept yapping your trap about??

bahhaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You know I used to think this fucking ignorant type of posting was an act but you silly bitches are eat up with the dumbass.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You know I used to think this fucking ignorant type of posting was an act but you silly bitches are eat up with the dumbass. Originally Posted by WTF
which dumbass? you or Obama?

feel free to choose both if it suits you ..
LexusLover's Avatar
which dumbass? you or Obama?
[/I] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It's a "photo finish" for the dumbass-trifecta.
comey is floundering

he tries to portray himself as some grand martyr who did the best he could for the sake of country and the sanctity of governmental institutions

but then he backtracks when trapped by his own words when questioned about not prosecuting hellary or huma
bamscram's Avatar
I was waiting for someone to hand him a box of Kleenex.
I was waiting for someone to hand him a box of Kleenex. Originally Posted by bamscram
Like they did for YOU on election night EKIM ? That, and a " clean " Depends ? ! Was that bottle she threw at the TV on election night one of those from the case of dingleberry wine that YOU sent to her to celebrate her coronation ?
LexusLover's Avatar
comey is floundering
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
He's trying to hang on to his government "job"!

His "performance evaluation" for the last couple of years is an "F"!
bamscram's Avatar
Like they did for YOU on election night EKIM ? That, and a " clean " Depends ? ! Was that bottle she threw at the TV on election night one of those from the case of dingleberry wine that YOU sent to her to celebrate her coronation ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Another bushel of babbling bullshit from the dumbest MF on the forum.
Stick to inhaling cocks it is all you are good for ekim.
Another bushel of babbling bullshit from the dumbest MF on the forum.
Stick to inhaling cocks it is all you are good for ekim. Originally Posted by bamscram
And you didn't deny anything that I posted, so I must be right on the money about YOU EKIM ! Keep crowing " ANYCOCK'LDO " !
MT Pockets's Avatar
I have one question that if answered would say a lot about Comey.
Did he know about any surveillance or investigation into Trump before the election. If so then why did he chose to only disclose Hillary's?