Green Tree Popped?

Went by today and multiple cops at the spot. Be cautious. I turned around really quick. lol
green tree ?
Slowschool's Avatar
LE is getting tough, and Ladies are cutting back on the extras. Once they lose their license it's hard to get it back.
golfnwine's Avatar
Where else is best L1?
golfnwine's Avatar
Wendy says no cops visited or contacted her.
Can you elaborate?
Tazion's Avatar
There's a ton of businesses in that complex, to assume it's GT is a little silly.
I remember when I posted about O massage quite a while back. Everyone came to their defense. And all the “I talked to them and nothing happened”. These people wont tell you they were raided. That hurts business. No matter how good of friend you are. Lol. When people see something with their own eyeballs people always assumes its a lie.
MrTex1959's Avatar
Cops could have been chasing a burglar or Drug Dealer or Thief..In that Complex you can hide in a lot of locations.
If the op would have just said if he saw police cars in the parking lot or police entering Wendy’s studio, this would become very clear.
check the Bexar County magistrates website and look for Asian names to see if someone got popped. If she did, it will be there. It just an observation on my part from watching their site; but, they usually pop spas on Thur. or Fri. with only a few instances on Tues..

But just a question, why does it matter?
Guys. All I’m saying is I went into the parking lot, saw 4 cop cars near their business and I turned around. I’m not sticking around to verify. Cop activity around the location is enough for me. I called about an hour after that and I could hear my voice echo as if it were being recorded or on speaker phone. That’s enough for me to be cautious. I could be a jerk and just keep the info to myself.
Slowschool's Avatar
Guys. All I’m saying is I went into the parking lot, saw 4 cop cars near their business and I turned around. I’m not sticking around to verify. Cop activity around the location is enough for me. I called about an hour after that and I could hear my voice echo as if it were being recorded or on speaker phone. That’s enough for me to be cautious. I could be a jerk and just keep the info to myself. Originally Posted by Rustytrusy1983
Thanks for the info. In this hobby, You can never be to cautious.
alusive1's Avatar
False alarm nothing happened. She said they’re open for business is normal. No police were in her store. You guys get excited if you see somebody parked in the parking lot.
golfnwine's Avatar
Had my monthly meeting with Wendy late last week.
Absolutely satisfying.