Dr Who fans?

itsjustme54's Avatar
Saw the Christmas special last evening. I couldn't stop the tears. The only other times I've cried is when I've lost pets.

The show was themed in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." Add Dame Katherine Jenkins and her angelic voice and the show was superb.

Even if you aren't a fan of Dr Who, I recommend it.

I feel embarrassed for admitting I cried, but it moved me.

This is my first and last metrosexual post for 2011. Excuse me while I put axle grease under my finger nails and fart a few times.

justme in justmemphis
LOL...I liked the little brunette Doc. Haven't watched it in a looong time. They cancelled BCG, then Caprica (doofus moves) Hell, they aren't even running SG reruns - just that new one I can't get into.

<will remember you have hit your metro allowance for 2011 - lil....uhmmm.......quick on the draw there weren't ya? :wink
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I found myself avoiding Doctor Who for a very long time, mostly because it has such a long, long history (in its first incarnation, it still holds the record for longest running sci-fi series of all time), and I'm one of these guys who, if he gets hooked on something wants to know all about it from the very beginning, which is almost impossible with Doctor Who--catching up on the past history of the show and characters would take up a career in itself.

But BBC America started running the last episodes of The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) in the runup to The Eleventh Doctor's (Matt Smith) series, and I got hooked. I'm enjoying the hell out of Matt Smith's take on the last of the Time Lords.

And it doesn't hurt that Karen "Amy Pond" Gillan is a hot redhead (bcg has a weakness for hot redheads, especially when they look good in miniskirts).*

The latest series (i.e., running in Old Blighty now(?)) will be showing on BBC America sometime soon... starting sometime in the period from March to May, I think. Keep an eye on the BBC America website to make sure you don't miss it.



* And speaking of hot redheads, they can keep bringing River Song (Alex Kingston) into the episodes as often as they want... especially if she's wearing heels.