iPhone 4

It looks like my phone, that i love so much...... is going to be my new iPod soon.....

I cannot wait to try out the new phone, with the " perv" camera feature........
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-12-2012, 09:51 PM
You mean iphone five?
You mean iphone five? Originally Posted by trey
Yep...... That's what I was fumbling to say
seeker7's Avatar
I got an I Phone 4S 16 Gig about a month ago and absolutely love it. My entire CD collection is on it. It works just like my SO's I Pad, but does much more. I think Surri is way cool, as well. The Samsung Galaxy appears to be a great one, too, but doesn't interface with your computer as well as the I Phone. I have I Tunes and I Photo on both and they work great and Sync. easily.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I've bee holding out for the 5 for a while now. When are we actually gonna be able to pick it up in stores?
LexusLover's Avatar
Samsung (and I'm not talking "Galaxy") has higher quality imaging .... video has incredible clarity ... interface is instant (1-2 seconds on USB mode and then transfers like any memory stick)... both ways .. will upgrade with a 16 gigs card, which with the existing 13 gigs of internal memory gives almost 30 gigs total memory ... and I have all kinds of apps and software on mine and still have 95% unused/available space.

Don't get gadgets get a working phone ... then use it for gadgets. No ad, just reality. BTW: It's like the first model of a vehicle out on the market ... wait until the 2nd year to buy ... so they can get the bugs out.

Also, you will discover that many of the 4 features still lack resources outside of certain metro areas, although increasing. Save your money until coverage is larger, unless, of course, you remain in the Houston metro area and don't venture out.
Sept 21 available is stores is what I heard on the radio
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-13-2012, 08:04 AM
I got my girl the 4s and surri is a waste of time. Never ever use that feature but she likes the phone well enough. I got an iPad and I do like it a lot, anyone have good app selections I should try let me know.
LexusLover's Avatar
I've bee holding out for the 5 for a while now. When are we actually gonna be able to pick it up in stores? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Now you can hold out for the "6" ... due out next year.

Also, look at the fine print .... they need "adapters" for computer, etc, and recharge ... not interchangeable ... also the 4g coverage for the iphone is still being expanded and some providers are way behind.

I can beef my Samsung up to almost 48 gigs ... but I settled for the 16 gig card .. and just use a usb to connect.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-13-2012, 11:15 AM
Very true on that 4g lte I've been waiting months to get it up but no luck so far with my phone company. I wouldn't get it unless I had verison they seem to have it working.
Isn't T-Mobile wining in the 4G department? I'm pretty sure they got it locked up on an international level, but state side I wonder who's doing it best between them and verizon...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-13-2012, 01:21 PM
Even if it is they don't have the iphone. Now its all about 4gLTE and normal 4g won't come in on phone with the LTE, you wind up with 3g. The new iphone should be LTE.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Tell me when you guys are ready for me to dispel all that you think you know about: "Faux"G, adapters, SIRI (Surri is Tom&Katies kid), & the Sixth Gen iPhone that for some reason is named 5.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-13-2012, 02:14 PM
If you got the info let us know dg. I'm still pissed I bought this lte bullshit that never works. So I for sure don't know enough or I wouldn't of bought it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Tell me when you guys are ready for me to dispel all that you think you know ..... Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
I know all I need to know about the "iPhone" period .... that's why I don't want one.

Someone asked about TMobile ... their deal fell through ... they are behind on coverage. Almost DFL. In anticipation of being merged into coverage they began dumping towers left and right by offering sweet deals on lease cancellations ... and awful deals on lease renewals. The marketing hype is makes the 2012 elections look like child's play. If you are in large metro areas or "popular" small metro areas you can have 4g coverage, but if you move in between or get up in the boonies some where you are SOL.