San Antonio Provider Noshows/no contact

Beach81's Avatar
I use to see a provider when I live San Antonio all time she was never a no show or no contact. Since I have move to Austin and we schedule a session to met in Austin. She never shows up nor does even contact me to let know that she is not coming. We have know each other for 7 years and I do not what the problem is .

Need some advice
Beach81 out
Budman's Avatar
Who the fuck are you talking about?
Beach81's Avatar
Shawn Elliot What with your attitude?
Budman's Avatar
No attitude. But how can anybody give you advice based on the original post? I don't know her so I can't help but now maybe someone can shed some light on why she was a NC/NS. My advice is find someone else but I do understand where you're coming from. Good luck.
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Call ButtMan's Dream.
levibob56's Avatar
Give her a day then contact her. Say what's up? If she has a good excuses ask her to make it up to you with a discount. Are more time!
Mature Companion's Avatar
As someone who's known Shawn for many years. She has a RW world job which can & has at time had her over worked & preoccupied to the point that time gets away from her and before you know it. She's missed your date.
Therefore You might want to contact via the means that you & she are use to communicating through and discuss the NS with her. Otherwise how will you know why she didn't drive to Austin to see you?

I use to see a provider when I live San Antonio all time she was never a no show or no contact. Since I have move to Austin and we schedule a session to met in Austin. She never shows up nor does even contact me to let know that she is not coming. We have know each other for 7 years and I do not what the problem is .

Need some advice
Beach81 out Originally Posted by Beach81