Obama. In his own words, using his own rhetoric, applying his own measurement....

The total federal debt of the U.S. government has now increased more than $7 trillion during the slightly more than five and a half years Barack Obama has been president.

That is more than the debt increased under all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton combined, and it is more debt than was accumulated in the first 227 years of this nation's existence--from 1776 through 2003. The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency

When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the total federal debt was $10,626,877,048,913.08. As of the close of business on July 30, 2014, it had risen to $17,618,599,653,160.19--up $6,991,722,604,247.11 from Obama’s first inauguration day.

By the close of business on July 31, 2014, it had risen to $17,687,136,723,410.59—up $7,060,259,674,497.51 since Obama first inauguration day.
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  • 08-05-2014, 08:05 AM
Obama. In his own words, using his own rhetoric, applying his own measurement....

The total federal debt of the U.S. government has now increased more than $7 trillion during the slightly more than five and a half years Barack Obama has been president.

That is more than the debt increased under all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton combined, and it is more debt than was accumulated in the first 227 years of this nation's existence--from 1776 through 2003. The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency

When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the total federal debt was $10,626,877,048,913.08. As of the close of business on July 30, 2014, it had risen to $17,618,599,653,160.19--up $6,991,722,604,247.11 from Obama’s first inauguration day.

By the close of business on July 31, 2014, it had risen to $17,687,136,723,410.59—up $7,060,259,674,497.51 since Obama first inauguration day. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This is where lustyladdies time value money might come in handy.

Reagan doubled the national debt....yet you praise him....Clinton slowed it down and then Bush II doubled it again. Looks like you can put Obama in the Reagan, Bush II camp.
Obama wasn't making that argument; in fact he was making the argument that $4 trillion in debt was unpatriotic....a treasonous amount by Obama's own standard...and he isn't done piling up more debt....he still has 2 years to go.

But of course you deflect and don't want to hold Obama accountable for his own actions, using his own rhetoric, or applying his own measurement.
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  • 08-05-2014, 08:43 AM
Obama wasn't making the argument; in fact he was making the argument that $4 trillion in debt was unpatriotic....a treasonous amount by Obama's own standard...and he isn't done piling up more debt....he still has 2 years to go.

But of course you deflect and don't want to hold Obama accountable for his own actions, using his own rhetoric, or applying his own measurement. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
My guess is Obama was making the argument for the rich to pay more in taxes.

Second , when you hold a different standard to say Reagan or Bush II than you do Obama, you lose any credibility.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's got nothing to do with Reagan or Bush. True, they way overspent, but Obama called deficit spending unpatriotic. Not Whirly. Obama said it. Didn't Obama run on the idea that he would be different from Reagan, Bush, and others? He did. He isn't. By his own definition, he is unpatriotic. Not Whirly's definition. Not my definition. By Obama's own definition he is not a patriot.

Deflect and obfuscate all you want. It won't change the fact.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama said that he would have the most "open and transparent" administration in history.
Obama said that he COULD NOT single handedly fix the illegal immigration problem.
Obama said that he would close GITMO his first day in office.
Obama said that he would lower the oceans.
Obama said that he would heal the earth.
Obama said that he would bring the country together.
Obama said that he would stand with the people of Israel.
Obama said that electricity prices would necessarily "skyrocket".

Guess which promise he kept.
Obama said you are full of shit.
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  • 08-05-2014, 12:06 PM
Obama said you are full of shit. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No that was me that said that!
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  • 08-05-2014, 12:11 PM
It's got nothing to do with Reagan or Bush. . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yes it does you old fool....according to Obama, Reagan was unpatriotic, Bush II was unpatriotic and now Obama is unpatriotic.

WTF is so hard about that....blame them all you stupid fucker or blame none of them. I blame Reagan the most , he started this cut taxes and spend more money trajectory.
LexusLover's Avatar
Well, let's just blame tha friggin' Pilgrims!

Thanksgiving Day will NOW be National Debt Creation Day.
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  • WTF
  • 08-05-2014, 12:37 PM
Well, let's just blame tha friggin' Pilgrims!

Thanksgiving Day will NOW be National Debt Creation Day. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Or we could blame the one with the purse strings....Congress.

Or we could blame our selves for being stupid enough to blame one side and not the other....
its both congress(man) and obama

bart stupak the idiot pro-life democrat..what a dumb contradiction

he believed Obama's (one more) lie about obamacare ....just to get it through that idiot congress

bart stupak..the neville chamberlain of our I wonder..who obama is
LexusLover's Avatar
Or we could blame the one with the purse strings....Congress. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm sticking with blaming the Pilgrims. You should be good with that ..

.. they believed in God ...... Don't you hold the religious right responsible?

Besides, they were also here illegally. No permission from the Indians.

That's a twofer for you .... Little Boy ...

........... illegal, religiously fanatical aliens......

Oh, wait! I forgot. You make money off illegal aliens!
Don't forget the white race "discovered" a new world.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where did he say "treasonous," you lying sack of shit?

How much resistance did Shrubya get from Congress?

Oh yeah... That doesn't count.

How much resistance did Reagan get from Congress?

Oh yeah ... That doesn't count.

Where did Obama say raising the debt was treasonous, Whir-LIE-turd? You are LYING again!

The Taliban commander you support would be proud of you, whir-LIE-terrorist!