celebrities in the hobby?

With all this tiger woods drama, I was just wondering if any of you providers have seen any A list celebrities or athletes. I know that you cant say any names but its just something ive always wondered about.
Just tell me when Jennifer Aniston starts providing. *drool*
Good luck on this one.
berkleigh's Avatar
a couple of years ago...

I have seen one actor from a daytime soap opera and one football player

I saw a provider a couple of years ago that started naming off the famous guys she had seen.
I never went back.
Yes. And she should treat him like any other client and never tell.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
I had a provider that had a recording contract for 3 years. toured all around in the mid 2000. Went dry, guess how she made cash!!!
Cowboy2Step's Avatar
tough business to sleep your way to the top...
michaeljohnson1970's Avatar
I use to see a provider quite regularly, that is now retired, that had pictures of herself with a couple of athletes and really big musicians scattered around her place. I asked her out of curiosity if she dated any of them or if she had a client/provider relationship with any of them. She was diplomatic in her answer and never said anything about any of them.
berkleigh's Avatar
tiger woods anyone ??? Lol
Guest062512's Avatar
There is a bodyrub girl who lives (and works) in the area who used to be a Rock-n-roll groupie, including travelling with KISS as their "companion". She has lots of cool pictures and stories. She advertises on BP.
I use to see a texas ranger player quite often, and use to see a coach that was for the dallas cowboys, that was great, we would switch out for sessions, but he left them for another team.
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 01-26-2010, 05:20 PM
tiger woods anyone ??? Lol Originally Posted by berkleigh
Would that be #20?
Guest100610-2's Avatar
I agree names of people should remain unlisted for privacy reasons.
That is my personal oppinion. Being Discreet is the most important thing here.