Business or Not?

I can spend as much as I can: my range $350 and under. But why providers don't offer a free service every now and then especially if I am seeing you regularly (2 or more/ month)?
Providers always say that this profession is their business, well businesses sometimes throws their customers a bone every now and then.
Well I have done that. So idk. Can only speak for me. I do have a RW job and am low volume. But I agree. This should happen. At least a discount
Oralist's Avatar
It happens, but not very often. A Gal I was a Regular of joined me for a weekend of fun in Galveston. All it cost me was the Condo rental, some nice restaurant meals and a new bikini. Well worth it, IMHO. She wore that bikini to several subsequent sessions. And yes, it was an itsy, bitsy, teenie weenie, yellow, polka dot bikini!
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Ive only had free pussy from a provider once. She was drunk and told me she just wanted to fuck me so I obliged.